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all so wide.

       Duke Magnus, &c.

      "O, to you will I give a courser gray,

       The best that a knight would ride;

       He goeth as well on water as on firm land,

       And through the groves all so wide."

       Duke Magnus, &c.

      "O, how should I plight me to you?

       I never any quiet get;

       I serve the king and my native land,

       But with woman I match me not yet."

       Duke Magnus, &c.

      "To you will I give as much of gold

       As for more than your life will endure;

       And of pearls and precious stones handfùls;

       And all shall be so pure."

       Duke Magnus, &c.

      "O gladly would I plight me to thee,

       If thou wert of Christian kind;

       But now thou art a vile sea-troll,

       My love thou canst never win."

       Duke Magnus, &c.

      "Duke Magnus, Duke Magnus, bethink thee well,

       And answer not so haughtily;

       For if thou wilt not plight thee to me,

       Thou shalt ever crazy be."

       Duke Magnus, &c.

      "I am a king's son so good,

       How can I let you gain me?

       You dwell not on land, but in the flood,

       Which would not with me agree."

       Duke Magnus, Duke Magnus, plight thee to me,

       I offer you still so freely;

       Say me not nay, but yes, yes!217


       Table of Contents

      Här Necken sin Harpa i Glasborgen slår,

       Och Hafsfruar kamma sitt grönskande hår,

       Och bleka den skinande drägten.


      The Neck here his harp in the glass-castle plays,

       And Mermaidens comb out their green hair always,

       And bleach here their shining white clothes.

      Under the title of Northern Islands we include all those lying in the ocean to the north of Scotland, to wit Iceland, the Feroes, Shetland, and the Orkneys.

      These islands were all peopled from Norway and Denmark during the ninth century. Till that time many of them, particularly Iceland and the Feroes, though, perhaps, occasionally visited by stray Vikings, or by ships driven out of their course by tempests, had lain waste and desert from the creation, the abode alone of wild beasts and birds.

      But at that period the proud nobles of Norway and Denmark, who scorned to be the vassals of Harold Fairhair and Gorm the Old, the founders of the Norwegian and Danish monarchies, set forth in quest of new settlements, where, at a distance from these haughty potentates, they might live in the full enjoyment of their beloved independence. Followed by numerous vassals, they embarked on the wide Atlantic. A portion fixed themselves on the distant shores of Iceland; others took possession of the vacant Feroes; and more dispossessed the Peti and Papæ, the ancient inhabitants of Shetland and the Orkneys, and seized on their country.

      As the Scandinavians were at that time still worshipers of Thor and Odin, the belief in Alfs and Dwarfs accompanied them to their new abodes, and there, as elsewhere, survived the introduction of Christianity. We now proceed to examine the vestiges of the old religion still to be traced.

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