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وزِبْلَهْ وَزْنُها عِجْلَهْ وفِجْلَهْ ونَمْلَةُ ثُمَّ رَمْلَهْ ثُمَّ قَمْلَهْ

      Sometimes they give names to commemorate an auspicious event. For example, it happened that a boy was born to a man who heard another say to someone, “You there, bleary eyes!” and the father said, “We’ll call him Little Bleary Eyes,” and so he was named. Similarly, it happened that a man’s wife gave birth to a female and the father heard one man saying to another, “Fetch the droppings (zibl)!” and he said to the mother, “We’ll call her Little Dropping (Zubaylah),” and so she was named. Zubaylah is the diminutive of ziblah24 and ziblah has two meanings, being both the unit noun25 of zibl (“dung”) and derived from zubālah (“garbage”).26 Ziblah is of the measure27 of ʿijlah (“calf”), fijlah (“radish”), namlah (“ant”), or qamlah (“louse”). As the poet has it:

      The measure of ziblah, they say, is ʿijlah and fijlah,

      And namlah, plus ramlah (“patch of sand”) and qamlah.



      (وقد ذكرتُ بتسمية هذا الفال ما يقرب من هذا المعنى) وهو ما حكى بعضهم أنّ زوجته ولدت غلامًا فسمع رجلًا يقول لآخر دم الحس قفاك فسمّاه بذلك ثمّ ولد له ثاني فسمع رجلًا يقول لآخر شاربك في الخرا فسمّاه بذلك ثمّ إنّ دم الحس قفاك كبر وانتشأ وكذلك شاربك في الخرا بلغ من العمر عشر سنين فأرسلهما للكُتّاب فقرأ دم الحس قفاك القرآن وبرع فيه وكذلك شاربك في الخرا إلى يوم من بعض الأيّام قال دم الحس قفاك لأخيه شاربك في الخرا قصدنا يا أخي الذهاب لبحر النيل نسبح فيه فقال شاربك في الخرا السمع والطاعه فتوجّه دم الحس قفاك هو وأخوه شاربك في الخرا إلى أن أشرفا على بحر النيل ونزلا فيه وكان دم الحس قفاك ماهرًا في العوم وشاربك في الخرا عومه قليل فسبق دم الحس قفاك أخوه شاربك في الخرا فتضايق شاربك في الخرا واشتدّ به الأمر وأشرف على الغرق فالتفت إليه دم الحس قفاك فرأى شاربك في الخرا في شدّة عظيمة فأقبل عليه ووضع يده تحت إبطه وأسنده على ظهره ولم يزل يتلطّف به حتّى أوصله إلى البرّ فلولا أن دم الحس قفاك لبق وإلّا كان شاربك في الخرا غرق

      Such naming techniques remind me of a somewhat similar story, which is that a man once said that his wife gave birth to a boy and he heard one man say to another, “Blood slap the back of your neck!”28 so he made that the boy’s name. Then another son was born to him and he heard another man say to someone, “Your moustache in the shit!” so he called him the same. Now, Blood-Slap-the-Back-of-Your-Neck grew up and became a big boy and Your-Moustache-in-the-Shit likewise reached the age of ten, so their father sent them to school, where Blood-Slap-the-Back-of-Your-Neck learned the Qurʾan and Your-Moustache-in-the-Shit did likewise. One day, Blood-Slap-the-Back-of-Your-Neck said to his brother Your-Moustache-in-the-Shit, “Verily, we have determined, O my brother, to hie us unto the river Nile, therein to bathe!” To which Your-Moustache-in-the-Shit replied, “We hear and obey!” So Blood-Slap-the-Back-of-Your-Neck and his brother Your-Moustache-in-the-Shit proceeded to the edge of the river Nile and went in. Now Blood-Slap-the-Back-of-Your-Neck was a skilled swimmer, while his brother Your-Moustache-in-the-Shit hardly knew how to swim, so Blood-Slap-the-Back-of-Your-Neck overtook Your-Moustache-in-the-Shit. At this Your-Moustache-in-the-Shit grew angry, got into difficulties, and would have drowned had not Blood-Slap-the-Back-of-Your-Neck turned and seen that Your-Moustache-in-the-Shit was in a desperate plight. Going to him, he put his hands under his brother’s arms, turned him on his back, and drew him gently along until he brought him to shore. Thus, had Blood-Slap-the-Back-of-Your-Neck not got there first, Your-Moustache-in-the-Shit would have drowned!29



      (ومرّ رجل بغلام يضرب أباه) ويَسْخَرُ به ويَسُبُّه فقال له يا غلام إن لأبيك عليك حق أن لا تَنْهَرَه ولا تُؤْذِيَه وأن تُحْسِنَ الأدب معه ولو كان كافرا فقال له يا سيدي وأنا الآخر لي عليه حق فقال وما حقّك عليه فقال أن يحسن اسمي ويعلّمني القرآن وأن يرشدني إلى أحسن الصنائع وهذا سمّاني دَبّوس * وعلّمني لسان المَجُوس * وصيّرني بين الناس خَلْبوص * أفلا أضربه فقال بل صُكَّه بالنعال * فإنّه مستحقّ لأقبح الفعال *

      Similarly, a man once came upon a boy beating his father and mocking and abusing him the while. The man said to him, “Young man, it is your duty not to speak harshly to your father or do him harm! Be he an infidel, you must treat him politely!” to which the boy replied, “Sir, I too have the right to demand certain things of him,” “And what might those be?” said the man. “To give me a decent name, teach me the Qurʾan, and direct me towards a worthy profession. But this man named me Skewer, taught me the language of the Magians,30 and sent me out in public as a buffoon!31 Why then should I not beat him?” The first replied, “On the contrary, you should thrash him with a shoe, for he deserves the very worst that you can do!”


      (ومرّ رجل على سيّدنا عمر بن الخطّاب رضي الله عنه) فقال له ما اسمك قال تَنُّور قال وأمّك قال شَرارة قال وأبوك قال لَهَب قال وفي أيّ واد أنت قال في وادي النار فقال له عمر رضي الله عنه اذهب إلى واديك فإنّ أهلك قد احترقوا قال فمضى الرجل فرأى الأمر كما ذكره سيّدنا عمر رضي الله عنه والأسماء تدلّ على لطافة المسمّى أو على كثافته وفي كلام أهل العلم والتدريب * كلّ أحد له من اسمه نصيب *

      And once a man passed Our Master ʿUmar ibn al-Khaṭṭāb, may the Almighty be

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