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step so firm, its eye so bright,

       Because on its hot brow there blows

       A wind of promise and repose

       From the far grave, to which it goes;

       Because it has the hope to come,

       One day, to harbor in the tomb?

       Ah, no! the bliss youth dreams is one

       For daylight, for the cheerful sun,

       For feeling nerves and living breath;

       Youth dreams a bliss on this side death.

       It dreams a rest, if not more deep,

       More grateful than this marble sleep;

       It hears a voice within it tell—

       Calm’s not life’s crown, though calm is well. ’Tis all, perhaps, which man acquires, But ’tis not what our youth desires.

       Table of Contents

      Laugh, my friends, and without blame

       Lightly quit what lightly came;

       Rich to-morrow as to-day,

       Spend as madly as you may!

       I, with little land to stir,

       Am the exacter laborer.

       Ere the parting hour go by,

       Quick, thy tablets, Memory!

      Once I said, “A face is gone

       If too hotly mused upon;

       And our best impressions are

       Those that do themselves repair.”

       Many a face I so let flee—

       Ah!-is faded utterly.

       Ere the parting hour go by,

       Quick, thy tablets, Memory!

      Marguerite says, “As last year went,

       So the coming year’ll be spent;

       Some day next year, I shall be,

       Entering heedless, kissed by thee.”

       Ah, I hope! yet, once away,

       What may chain us, who can say?

       Ere the parting hour go by,

       Quick, thy tablets, Memory!

      Paint that lilac kerchief, bound

       Her soft face, her hair around;

       Tied under the archest chin

       Mockery ever ambushed in.

       Let the fluttering fringes streak

       All her pale, sweet-rounded cheek.

       Ere the parting hour go by,

       Quick, thy tablets, Memory!

      Paint that figure’s pliant grace

       As she toward me leaned her face,

       Half refused and half resigned,

       Murmuring, “Art thou still unkind?”

       Many a broken promise then

       Was new made—to break again.

       Ere the parting hour go by,

       Quick, thy tablets, Memory!

      Paint those eyes, so blue, so kind,

       Eager tell-tales of her mind;

       Paint, with their impetuous stress

       Of inquiring tenderness,

       Those frank eyes, where deep doth be

       An angelic gravity.

       Ere the parting hour go by,

       Quick, thy tablets, Memory!

      What! my friends, these feeble lines

       Show, you say, my love declines?

       To paint ill as I have done,

       Proves forgetfulness begun?

       Time’s gay minions, pleased you see,

       Time, your master, governs me;

       Pleased, you mock the fruitless cry—

       “Quick, thy tablets, Memory!”

      Ah, too true! Time’s current strong

       Leaves us true to nothing long.

       Yet, if little stays with man,

       Ah, retain we all we can!

       If the clear impression dies,

       Ah, the dim remembrance prize!

       Ere the parting hour go by,

       Quick, thy tablets, Memory!

       Table of Contents

      In the cedar-shadow sleeping,

       Where cool grass and fragrant glooms

       Late at eve had lured me, creeping

       From your darkened palace rooms—

       I, who in your train at morning

       Strolled and sang with joyful mind,

       Heard, in slumber, sounds of warning;

       Saw the hoarse boughs labor in the wind.

      Who are they, O pensive Graces,

       (For I dreamed they wore your forms)

       Who on shores and sea-washed places

       Scoop the shelves and fret the storms?

       Who, when ships are that way tending,

       Troop across the flushing sands,

       To all reefs and narrows wending,

       With blown tresses, and with beckoning hands?

      Yet I see, the howling levels

       Of the deep are not your lair;

       And your tragic-vaunted revels

       Are less lonely than they were.

       Like those kings with treasure steering

       From the jewelled lands of dawn,

       Troops, with gold and gifts, appearing,

       Stream all day through your enchanted lawn.

      And we too, from upland valleys,

       Where some Muse with half-curved frown

       Leans her ear to your mad sallies

       Which the charmed winds never drown;

       By faint music guided, ranging

       The scared glens, we wandered on,

       Left our awful laurels hanging,

       And came heaped with myrtles to your throne.

      From the dragon-wardered fountains

       Where the springs of knowledge are,

       From the watchers on the mountains,

       And the bright and morning star;

       We are exiles, we are falling,

       We have lost them at your call—

       O ye false ones, at your calling

       Seeking ceiled chambers and a palace-hall!

      Are the accents of your luring

       More melodious than of yore?


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