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rel="nofollow" href="#fb3_img_img_d6e402e9-08cd-516b-b336-50f7c9025cb9.png" alt="images"/>primary current through winding/phase Cimagessecondary current through winding/phase aimagessecondary current through winding/phase bimagessecondary current through winding/phase cimagesprimary phasor currentimagesmagnitude of phasor current in primary windingimagescore‐loss phasor currentimagesexcitation phasor currentimagesmagnetizing phasor currentimagessecondary phasor current referred to primary side of transformer imagesphasor load current of single‐phase transformer referred to secondary sideimagesphasor load current of single‐phase transformer referred to primary sideis(t)secondary current as a function of timeIinverter, integral, inductance, current, DC currentimagesphasor current of secondary winding 2imagesphasor conjugate (*) current of secondary circuitimagesphasor source current of primary circuitimagessecondary phasor current of transformer referred to primary sideimagesmagnitude of secondary phasor current of transformer referred to primary sideimagesphasor capacitor current of transformer referred to primary sideimagesphasor current through core‐loss resistance Rc of transformerimagesphasor input current of primary circuitimagesphasor output current of secondary circuiti(t)current as a function of timei1(t)primary current as a function of time functioni2(t)secondary current as a function of time functioni2current in secondary winding 2i1current in primary winding 1imagesphasor current in primary winding 1IDCDC currentIinDC current inside of round wire up to radius rinIocurrent i(t) at t = 0imagescomponent current of imagesimagescomponent current of images∞symbol for infinityICEinternal combustion engineininputIMinduction or asynchronous machineImindicates imaginary part of a complex numberimagesabsolute value or magnitude of phasor imagesIMamplitude of time function i(t)IMinduction motor/machineIGBTinsulated‐gate bipolar transistorincandescentEdison‐type light bulbimagescomplex conjugate of images

      jcomplex number operator indicating imaginary part of phasor, unit component of (i, j, k) rectangular systemjωLreactive impedance of inductance LjωL1reactive impedance of self‐inductance L1jωL2reactive impedance of self‐inductance L2jωMreactive impedance of mutual inductance MJAZJahresarbeitszahl (German for seasonal performance factor of heat pump)Junit of energy joulesimagescurrent density

      kunit component of (i, j, k) rectangular system, coupling coefficient of two windings/coils, kilo, Boltzmann constantkrad/skilo radians per second(keΦ)field flux of DC machineK1constantK2constantKCLKirchhoff’s current lawKVLKirchhoff’s voltage lawkVAkilovolt‐amperekgkilogram is unit of masskg‐forcekilogram‐force is unit of weightKkelvin

      mmilli, mechanical, magnet, unit of meter, magnetizing, motor, slope of a linear functionMmutual inductance if L12 = L21 = M, stands for main power system, megammfmagnetomotive forceM(ω)magnitude of phasor transfer function G(jω) as a function of angular velocity or angular frequency ωMATLABsoftware of the US American company MathWorks for the solution of mathematic problemsmaxmaximummicro10−6milli10−3msmillisecondsmHmillihenriesmVmillivoltsmAmilliampereMHDmagneto‐hydro dynamicMKSAmeter‐kilogram‐second‐ampere system of unitsMKSAKmeter‐kilogram‐second‐ampere‐kelvin system of unitsmmfmagnetomotive forceMOSmetal‐oxide semiconductorMOSFETmetal–oxide–semiconductor field‐effect transistorMPPmaximum power pointMWmegawattMVAmegavolt‐ampereμpermeability of (magnetic) material, 10−6μ = 4π10−7 H/mpermeability of free spaceμrrelative permeability of (magnetic) material

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