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Not only is Quint training our leadership team in these exact attributes, he and his team are also working with our City Council in guiding them on the right strategic path, along with getting more civic engagement for our city.

      “Employees are the heartbeat of any organization. It is imperative that leaders nurture that relationship and develop employees as future leaders while making sure all employees and customers know the ‘why' and the ‘what.'

      “This is a must-read for any leader, future leader, employee, boss, etc., as the ideas addressed in this book apply to everyone in an organization.”

      —Michael D. Beedie, P.E.

      City Manager

      City of Fort Walton Beach





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      Copyright © 2020 by Quint Studer. All rights reserved.

      Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.

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      ISBN 9781119576648 (Hardcover)

      ISBN 9781119577317 (ePDF)

      ISBN 9781119576679 (ePub)

       To all those people who each and every day strive to help others become the very best they can be. Never underestimate the difference you make.


      1  Cover

      2  How to Approach This Book

      3  “Wait . . . Didn’t I Read This in Another Chapter?”

      4  Section I The Leader in You: 1 Strive to Be Self-Aware and Coachable 2 Invite Feedback from Others and Don’t Take It Personally; Instead, Take Ownership Taking Ownership: Eliminating Excuses 3 To Be a Good Leader, First Learn to Be a Good Follower The Best Leaders Actually See Themselves as Followers Note 4 Quiet the Ego and Lead with Humility First, Diagnose: Do You Have a Humility Problem? 5 Let Values Be Your Guide 6 Be a Good Communicator 7 Know How to Get Things Done: Note 8 Get Intentional About Time Management Some Thoughts on Delegation 9 Grace Under Fire: 10 Change the Way You Think About Change Don’t Let Change-Resistant People Block Progress Note 11 Embracing Discomfort: 12 Clarity Counts: 13 Face Conflict Head-on: 14 Reaching Resolution: 15 Drill Down on Generalizations

      5  Section II Optimizing Employee Performance 16 Creating

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