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alt="images"/>Angular velocity of images or images with respect to an implied frameimagesAngular velocity of images or images with respect to imagesimagesAngular velocity of images with respect to the base frame: images



      CCylindrical JointCTMComponent Transformation MatrixCPMCross Product MatrixDCMDirection Cosine MatrixDoFDegree of FreedomD‐HDenavit‐HartenbergHTMHomogeneous Transformation MatrixIFBInitial Frame BasedIKLIndependent Kinematic LoopMSFKMotion Singularity of Forward KinematicsMSIKMotion Singularity of Inverse KinematicsPPrismatic JointPMPosture ModePMLPosture Mode of a LegPMCPPosture Mode Changing PosePMCPLPosture Mode Changing Pose of a LegPMFKPosture Multiplicity of Forward KinematicsPMIKPosture Multiplicity of Inverse KinematicsPSFKPosition Singularity of Forward KinematicsPSIKPosition Singularity of Inverse KinematicsRRevolute JointRFBRotated Frame BasedSSpherical JointSSMSkew Symmetric MatrixTMTransformation MatrixUUniversal Joint

      This book is accompanied by a companion website:

      www.wiley.com/go/ozgoren/spatialmechanicalsystems c01f001

      The website includes:

      1 ‐ A communication medium with the readers

      2 ‐ Solved problems as additional examples

      3 ‐ Unsolved problems as typical exercises

      Scan this QR code to visit the companion website.



      This chapter also explains why and shows how the vectors are treated in this book as mathematical objects that are distinct from the column matrices that represent them in selected reference frames. As the main distinction, the vectors are independent of any reference frame, whereas their matrix representations are necessarily dependent on the selected reference frames. Similarly, a vector equation can be written without indicating any reference frame, whereas the selected reference frame must be indicated for the corresponding matrix equation.

      This section gives general information about the special notation that is used throughout the book. This notation is convenient because it can be used not only in printed texts but also in handwritten work. It also has the desirable feature that it can distinguish column matrices from vectors, which are actually different mathematical objects. The main features of the notation are explained below.

       A scalar is denoted by a plain letter such as s.

       A vector is denoted by a letter with an overhead arrow such as .

       A column matrix is denoted by a letter with an overhead bar such as .

       A square or a rectangular matrix is denoted by a capital letter with an overhead circumflex (a.k.a. hat) such as .

       A skew symmetric matrix is denoted by a letter with an overhead tilde such as .

       The transpose of a matrix is denoted by a superscript t such as and .

      1.2.1 Definition and Description of a Vector

      The magnitude of a vector images is denoted as shown below.


      A unit vector such as Скачать книгу