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alt="images"/> and
. In (a), the two events a...Figure A.3 Reliability block diagram of a series structure.Figure A.4 Fault tree representing a series system.Figure A.5 Reliability block diagram of a parallel structure.Figure A.6 Fault tree representing a parallel structure.Figure A.7 Event
or event
occurs.Figure A.8 Probability tree.Figure A.9 Event
and event
occur.Figure A.10 Partition of the sample space.Figure A.11 The state variable and the time to failure of an item.Figure A.12 Distribution function
and probability density function
.Figure A.13 The survivor function
.Figure A.14 Exponential distribution (
).Figure A.15 The probability density function of the Weibull distribution for...Figure A.16 The failure rate function of the Weibull distribution for select...Figure A.17 Prior density for the failure rate.


      1  Cover

      2 Table of Contents

      3  Begin Reading


      1  ii

      2  iii

      3  iv

      4  v

      5  xiii

      6  xiv

      7  xv

      8  xvi

      9  xvii

      10  xviii

      11  xix

      12  xx

      13  1

      14  2

      15  3

      16  4

      17  5

      18  6

      19  7

      20  8

      21  9

      22  10

      23 11

      24  12

      25  13

      26  15

      27  16

      28  17

      29  18

      30 19

      31 20

      32 21

      33  22

      34  23

      35  24

      36  25

      37  26

      38  27

      39  28

      40  29

      41  30

      42  31

      43  32

      44 33

      45 34

      46  35

      47  36

      48  37

      49  38

      50  39

      51  40


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