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has not always been the same. An existing drainage can be modified over time due to changes in tectonic, geomorphic, and hydrologic systems. Rivers larger than those of the present time probably existed during the supercontinents of the Wilson cycle (Pangea and Rhodinia). In contrast, very early rivers on Earth probably did not become large due to limited hydrologic support and restricted basin area on land (Potter 1978). Tectonic movements and the following geomorphic processes determine the required development of the basin topography marked by elevated boundaries and a regional slope. Continental plate tectonics determine the basin framework and trough of the river, and regional disruptions vary its character, locally.

      On fewer occasions, a new topography and a confined river is created by rifting, as shown by the Rio Grande, which is a pull-apart system that began in the early Miocene and developed from separate shallow basins to an integrated system. The failed arm at a plate tectonics triple junction also may give rise to rifting which may carry a big river that occupies the long, narrow, deeply filled depression extending into a craton. At the other end of the linear depression, the river builds a delta at the plate boundary marking the edge of the continent. The Niger is an example. Another example is the Blue Nile which rises within the rift system of Ethiopia to flow through a deep gorge for about half of its length.

      A new topography and a modified river may also be formed off a mantle plume (Cox 1989) when it rises to create an extensive domal surface with high elevation, as happened in several parts of the Earth during the Late Cretaceous. Certain areas were uplifted by doming and magmatic underplating, giving rise to topographic highs and new drainage systems. The Orange and part of the Zambezi River are examples.

      Not all large rivers fall into such clearly generalised classes. Some do not rise from currently active orogenic belts but drain parts of old mountains that have some elevation or are only slightly active tectonically. Tandon and Sinha (2007) described such rivers as located in cratonic settings as these drain major cratons. Examples of this type are the Mississippi, Yukon, Yenisei, Lena, and Ob. Potter (1978) stated that four major morphological patterns may cover the majority of large rivers. These can be described as:

      1 (1) Most sediment derived from mountains marginal to a large craton (the Amazon).

      2 (2) The river flowing marginal and parallel to a fold belt (the Ganga).

      3 (3) A big river flowing along the strike of a mountain range (the Mekong).

      4 (4) A river superimposed across multiple mountain chains (the Danube).

      Potter proposed a fifth possibility which may have occurred in the past: a river on a large craton without bordering mountains (Potter 1978).

      Large-scale fractures also regionally affect the tributary network in the Amazon Basin. Deep-seated basement fracturing appears to have disturbed the overlying sedimentary rocks that affect the drainage net, oriented in northeast and northwest directions (Potter 1978, Figure 8 and references therein; Mertes and Dunne 2007). The alignment of the Lower Negro, one of the major north bank tributaries of the Amazon, has been interpreted as controlled by a NW-SE tectonic lineament (Franzinelli and Igreja 2002). Here sunken crustal blocks and depressions occur along a half-graben, submerged to approximately 20 m with a width of up to 20 km. This controls the pattern of river islands, bars, and the location of sediment storage in the river.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

      Source: Mertes and Dunne 2007 and references therein.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

      Source: Woodward et al. 2007, from Said 1994.

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