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generation “in vitro” model. For a color v...Figure 6.3. The area to be operated on, in this case a tumor, is identified on a...Figure 6.4. Assisted robotic surgery (source: Jean-Marc Baste, CHU de Rouen)Figure 6.5. Cardiac ultrasound (source: www.shutterstock.com)Figure 6.6. Cardiac MRI (source: www.123.rf.com/Weerapong Tanawong-udom)Figure 6.7. Identification of the main fiber bundles of the brain based on diffu...Figure 6.8. Electrodes placed on a skull to perform an EEG (source: www.123rf.co...Figure 6.9. Implementation of the MEG at the CEA NeuroSpin Centre (source: © P. ...Figure 6.10. Sequencing techniques allow scientists to decode the human genome f...Figure 6.11. Finite element model of a leg’s soft tissue (source: image owned by...Figure 6.12. Pressure calculated in a foot under pressure on the ground (source:...Figure 6.13. Excerpt from William Harvey’s book, Exercitatio anatomica de motu c...Figure 6.14. Flow of a microcapsule (100 large microns) into a channel of the sa...Figure 6.15. Numerical simulation of ellipsoidal microcapsules in a single shear...Figure 6.16. Principle of angioplasty (source: www.123rf.com/Roberto Biasini)Figure 6.17. Experiments on a silicone model allow to validate the simulations [...Figure 6.18. Numerical simulation of blood flow in an arteriovenous fistula [DEC...Figure 6.19. Calculation model and simulation of an MRI [FOR 18]Figure 6.20. Simulation of stent placement in angioplasty: personalized arterial...Figure 6.21. Coupled fluid/structure simulations in the heart: blood flow rate i...Figure 6.22. Simulations of blood flow in a right (left) and curved (right) arte...Figure 6.23. Simulation of the electrical activity of a portion of a virtual bra...Figure 6.24. Galway neuro-morphic processor (source: Timothée Lévi, Université d...Figure 6.25. Interfering brains and machines: a dream or a nightmare within the ...

      7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1. Bières de la Meuse, Alphonse Mucha, advertising poster, 1897, Biblio...Figure 7.2. John Nash (1928–2015)Figure 7.3. First measure of music of In My Life (represented as a tablature for...Figure 7.4. The Next Rembrandt, a table designed with digital techniques (source...Figure 7.5. An automatic analysis of personality traits. For a color version of ...Figure 7.6. Hierarchy of keywords #Sex (blue), #Weather (red), #Love (yellow), #...Figure 7.7. Which word is statistically more likely to complete a Google search ...Figure 7.8. Subjective map of the city of Nantes (source: http://www.geographies...Figure 7.9. Mobility simulation in the defense district. For a color version of ...Figure 7.10. Road noise map of the city of Nantes (source: IFSTTAR/CEREMA). For ...Figure 7.11. Acoustic propagation simulations with “detailed modeling”. For a co...Figure 7.12. The electrostatic force is attractive or repellent depending on the...Figure 7.13. The best places to open a bakery in Lyon (source: Pablo Jensen, Éco...Figure 7.14. A swarm of bees (source: www.shutterstock)Figure 7.15. A historical example of the rapid spread of unverified information ...Figure 7.16. Analysis of information relayed on Twitter during the French presid...Figure 7.17. Example of automatically generated text [RAD 19]Figure 7.18. The different forms of fear (source: www.atlasofemotions.org)Figure 7.19. Examples of Action Units (AU) from the Facial Action Coding System ...Figure 7.20. Observing and reproducing facial expressionsFigure 7.21. Vaugnet Rollins, Jeanloup Sieff, 1977 (source: © Jeanloup Sieff)

      8 ConclusionFigure C.1. François Rabelais (1494–1553), anonymous, 16th Century, oil on canva...

      9 Glossary of TermsFigure G.1. For its member countries, ESA is a gateway to spaceFigure G.2. Several decades of in situ experiments at INRAFigure G.3. The technical and scientific contributions of Mary Jackson, Katherin...Figure G.4. NASA’s robot on the ground on MarsFigure G.5. An algorithm in our daily lives: choosing your metro route (source: ...Figure G.6. AI nowadays corresponds to a set of concepts and techniques rather t...Figure G.7. Relationships between data of different kinds represented in the gra...Figure G.8. Blockchain operating principle (source: www.123rd.com)Figure G.9. Visualization of strange attractors (source: http://www.chaoscope.or...Figure G.10. Stress calculation in a mechanical part with the finite element met...Figure G.11. Global R&D investment in 2018 (source: How Much?, https://howmuch.n...


      1  Cover

      2 Table of Contents

      3  Begin Reading


      1  v

      2  ii

      3  iii

      4  iv

      5  ix

      6  x

      7  xi

      8  xii

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      26  18

      27  19

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      32  24

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