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My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, says the Lord.

       Isaiah 55:8

      Yes, My son, My mercies are beyond numbering and they are new every morning. It is My pleasure to do good things to My children and for My children. Just as you desire good for yours, I seek the good for Mine.

      My ways are not your ways—and thereby you often become confused. You think of Me as one like yourself—but My love is a pure love—not contaminated with self and sin and guilt as is yours. So, as My love and My ever-new mercies operate in your life and the life of your loved ones, learn to entrust them and yourself to My tender care. Only then can you know the peace “that passes understanding”—for your peace will not depend on your understanding.

       February Sixteenth

      God exalted Him at His right hand as Leader and Savior, to give repentance and forgiveness of sins.

       Acts 5:31

      My son, the pain through which you are passing is a necessary part of the healing it is My purpose to effect. Turn your thoughts more to Me and away from the painful situation which grieves you. My mercies are sure and My promises are true. Remember what you have been told over and over—it is on ruins that I build. Therefore anything of the old state that is not yet ruined must be allowed to crumble.

      I want you to let go two things: a demand to be justified in relation to the past, and a willingness to go into condemnation when confronted with accusation. Take responsibility for bad judgment, for self-righteousness, for idolatry that sought to “carve” the idol to your liking. But having repented of these sins, accept My forgiveness and do not accept the accuser’s wiles to destroy your faith and hope in Me. I am still God—and I still love everyone in this situation. You can count on that and you will find strength in it. Don’t fight bitterness with bitterness.

       February Seventeenth

      Be still and know that I am God.

       Psalm 46:10a

      Yes, My son, I have heard your prayer, and I am speaking to you by My Spirit. Take heed and listen to what the Spirit says. You are reaching a dangerous part of the road you travel. There will be many distractions and temptations. But I will be with you to steady you on your course. Only beware of the subtle snares the enemy will set in your path. They will cause much pain if you allow yourself to be caught in them.

       February Eighteenth

      For the Lord loves justice; He will not forsake His saints.

       Psalm 37:28

      Yes, My son, I am your hope—your only hope—for this life and that which lies ahead. This is good news, for your hope in Me is secure. I do not abandon My people. As the Psalmist recorded, “Neither will He forsake His inheritance.”

       February Nineteenth

      But if it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works; otherwise grace would no longer be grace.

       Romans 11:6

      My word is ever new, and it carries in it the power of renewal for your spirit. It is not given only for the moment it comes to you, but is a gift of My mercy to sustain and refresh you on your journey. At the right time, you may share these words with others, but do not be hasty about it. You will be given ample guidance as to when and how. Be careful not to allow this experience to puff you up in your own eyes and mind, but be humbled in your heart and know more deeply that it is all grace.

       February Twentieth

      Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.

       Luke 15:7

      You wonder many things and you wander over many areas of your past. It is like walking through a burned-over battleground. Here you are reminded of your sins and the inner pain of your former years—and you wander amid the ruins—a stranger still.

      Yet through all the confusion and uncertainties of your growing years, I never left you nor abandoned you. The spark of fire, the touch of My love and yes, a Godly fear—did not depart. So here, before you leave these environs, bow your heart and give thanks for My sovereign grace. Give thanks that I have redeemed you and called you by name.

      Give yourself freely now, My child, to the work I have set before you and to the people I have given you. Vain regret is not repentance. Repentance is a living, dynamic embrace of My ongoing will and purpose. That is the sacrifice which gladdens My heart, for it is the path of life for you.

       February Twenty-first

      But concerning love of the brethren you have no need to have any one write to you, for you yourselves have been taught by God to love one another.

       I Thessalonians 4:9

      My son, out of your depths you called upon Me, and I answered you. I have brought you through the dark valley and into this place and time of light. Know of a surety that it is I and not another who has done this. I want you to be so grounded in My faithfulness that you can share it with others. The inner knowledge you have gained through your recent trials gives added strength to your words to others who are facing dark times in their lives.

       February Twenty-second

      He who speaks on his own authority seeks his own glory; but he who seeks the glory of him who sent him is true.

       John 7:18

      My son, I do love you. Your fears and worries are needless luggage you carry on your trip through life. I would that you let Me take them from you, that your freedom might be a testimony to others. Bring them to Me, My child, and let Me deal with them. They are too much for you.

       February Twenty-third

      I have loved you with an everlasting love.

       Jeremiah 31:3b

      It is a good thing, My son, to give thanks for the multitude of blessings you have been given. Thankfulness is a healthy emotion—quite the opposite of the judgmental thoughts and feelings you entertain. Learn to give thanks for all things, not just the ones that bring pleasure. You will learn that I bring only good. Any cursing that comes is the result of your bad choices. So let thanksgiving “lead the way.” It is the path to life, health, and wholeness.

       February Twenty-fourth

      But he who hears [My words] and does not do them is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation; against which the stream broke, and immediately it fell, and the ruin of that house was great.

       Luke 6:49

      I the Lord, am holy. I the Lord call you, My son, to greater holiness—holiness of thought, holiness of purpose. I am fashioning a people who bear the marks of My nature, who will be My witness in the present age, and will be with Me in the ages to come. I call you to be one of these—but your part is to struggle against the unholiness in your nature and to put on the nature I am offering you by My Spirit. Think on this today.

       February Twenty-fifth

      But he who is united to the Lord becomes one spirit with Him.

       I Corinthians 6:17

      Now, My son, hear My word to you today. Your battle is not done. There are still trials you must face. Keep yourself close to Me so that when the need is great, you will not be afraid. Remember that I love you and am with you in it all. And it is working together for your good. No success or failure compares with the gift of My sovereign love. Treasure

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