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who have ears to hear, there is the music of the spheres. Much of the chaos of this present world is rooted in the lust for bigger things. Blessed are those who find contentment in little things. Learn this lesson, My child, and be blessed.

       February Fourth

       O man of little faith, why did you doubt?

       Matthew 14:31b

      Never doubt My goodness. That is one of the chief ploys of your adversary—to insert questions in your mind about Me. He knows where to attack at the weak places in your spiritual armor—which are the “strong” places in yourself. What folly to allow his little game to triumph over you, when you have a Strong Deliverer! O My child, would that you would settle it once for all—that My goodness faileth never. I am who I am and I change not. Never, never doubt My goodness!

       February Fifth

      … those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.

       Hebrews 6:12b

      I have given you My word. My promises are sure. There is no turning or wavering in My heart. Turn your thoughts to this sure foundation so that your heart may also learn steadiness and steadfastness. Let us go on together, My child, in a relationship of loving trust. Let us go on with the sure knowledge I have given you, and let Me prove again and again that those who put their trust in Me shall not be confounded.

       February Sixth

      And you shall rejoice in the Lord; in the Holy One of Israel you shall glory.

       Isaiah 41:16b

      This is a day of blessing and mercy. Open your faith-eyes to behold both. It is My joy to shower goodness upon those who love Me and seek My face. My heart is ever toward them, to bring them new light and hope. My fatherly care is ever extended to them and they are kept by My sovereign power.

      When you are attuned to My Spirit, you are under the overflow of My blessing and mercy. When you join with others who likewise seek My face, joy abounds. Have a joyful day!

       February Seventh

      Go; be it done for you as you have believed.

       Matthew 8:13

      Believing and receiving go hand in hand, My child. Just as the radio must be tuned to a certain frequency to pick up a particular broadcast, so, in a manner of speaking, must your heart be attuned to Me. Believing opens up your receiving capacity. Without it, you are shut off and have only your own thoughts and reasonings.

      Because you have set such a high store on reasoning and being reasonable, belief does not come easily for you. You must “go against the grain” of years to achieve the blessed state of being “as a little child.” But that, My child, is where believing and receiving can meet—to your good and My glory.

       February Eighth

      For the gate is narrow and the way is hard, that leads to life, and those who find it are few.

       Matthew 7:14

      The King’s highway is a narrow way. It is no smooth and painless path—it is the way the King Himself traveled when He tented among you for a season. Yes, the King’s highway is the way of the cross.

      The cross means death to that which would destroy life. Counterfeit paths lure many into places of peril and destruction. Like sheep they nibble their way out of the safety zone I have provided—and suffer loss and grief.

      Remember this word, My child: The cross destroys that which would destroy life. The deaths that you experience on this highway are not worth comparing with the life I am constantly offering and providing in their stead.

       February Ninth

      Trust in the Lord for ever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock.

       Isaiah 26:4

      As you move through the day, be mindful of Me. Listen in your heart for that “still, small voice.” Let Me check your impulsive and cruel reactions to others. Become aware that you are hurtful and hateful when your pride is hurt. Let Me be your inner Companion and Guard against this side of you. I have only plans for good, so do not expect evil from Me—you do not need to defend yourself or your ideas.

       February Tenth

      My shield is with God, who saves the upright in heart.

       Psalm 7:10

      Go calmly into this day. Light arises in the darkness for the upright. My light is upon you, child, and I am near. Fear not what lies ahead. Calm your troubled mind with My peace. You are Mine, and My face is toward you for good. Let that assurance be your shield and buckler and your great reward.

       February Eleventh

      This is the day which the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

       Psalm 118:24

      Truly I tell you, you are Mine. I bought you with a great price: My own blood. You find it embarrassing to hear such tender words. This is what I meant when I told you that love means letting in. It is not your worthiness that is the issue. It is not to set you up in the wrong way. It is to heal the inner wounds and fill the inner emptiness that I speak to you in this way. Open your heart to Me, My son, and let us become acquainted with one another.

       February Twelfth

      The effect of righteousness will be peace.

       Isaiah 32:17a

      Your desire to avoid conflict is a part of the unreality you cling to. Your idea of a peaceful life is not My idea of it. You are not called to this false peace you mistakenly yearn for. You are called to the peace that passes understanding—peace amid the necessary clashes between light and darkness, truth and falsehood. When these clashes come, your duty is to seek to find the truth, hold the truth, uphold the truth and expose the falsehood. Many times you will lose the battle from the human point of view. But if you are being faithful to let the truth reign within, you will find the peace of which I am speaking.

       February Thirteenth

      The fear of man lays a snare, but he who trust in the Lord is safe.

       Proverbs 29:25

      I am never far from you, My child. My blessing is always at hand. When you feel separated from Me, no matter how dark and lonely it may seem, there is always a door into My presence.

      I have claimed you for Myself, for purposes higher than you can dream. These are not to build up your natural pride, but to bring to fruition My creative purpose. Let go ambitions. Let go competitiveness. Let go jealousy that guards little hoards of supposed treasures of place and power. All this is rubble compared with the life I desire to impart to you and to others through you. I am never far from you, My child.

       February Fourteenth

      But I have trusted in Thy steadfast love; my heart shall rejoice in Thy salvation.

       Psalm 13:5

      Your thoughts are not My thoughts, says the Lord. My thoughts are thoughts of peace; your thoughts are full of turmoil and unease. It is not easy for you to abandon your thoughts in order to hear Mine. The patterns are deep and well worn. But they are rainless clouds that produce no harvest.

      I invite you to learn of Me, My son. The way is still narrow and the gate is still strait that leads to life, and few there are who walk in it. Life is My gift to you. Life—life beyond mere existence—is My overflowing gift to you. Live it; do not despise nor deny it.


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