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your own. Remember that.

      In addition, remember too that My love calls you to a fellowship of love. This is a “two-way street”—and you greatly misjudge the reality of it when you think your neglect has no effect on Me. I hope you will not forget this.

       January Fourteenth

      Therefore, my brethren, whom I love and long for, my joy and crown, stand firm thus in the Lord, my beloved.

       Philippians 4:1

      My dear child, do not be dismayed at the various trials you are experiencing. They are being used for purposes you cannot see nor understand at this point in your life. Only trust My unfailing goodness. When the waters overwhelm you, remember then My past faithfulness and flee inwardly to Me. Your pattern is still to withdraw into yourself—isolated and cut off from Me and from others. The fear and feeling of panic have driven you to admit your need and seek others. That is a good result, even though you are humiliated by it.

       January Fifteenth

      Do nothing from selfishness or conceit, but in humility count others better than yourselves.

       Philippians 2:3

      My dear child, I have given you, out of My tender mercies, many of your heart’s desires. You should recollect and give thanks for the manifold display of My great goodness to you. I know your weaknesses and failings. I am acquainted with all your imperfections and sin. But I see you, in My beloved Son, as you will one day be by My grace.

      The sufferings through which you pass are as much expressions of My mercy as the heart’s desires that I have granted you. Bless Me in them all and be blessed.

       January Sixteenth

      And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone; so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.

       Mark 11:25

      This is My word to you today, My child. Be forthright in what you say and take care in the way you walk. Trust Me in every uncertainty, for in trusting your soul is further healed.

      Forgive the wrongs done or said against you, for in forgiving you rob them of their power to hurt.

      You are My care, and I have not forgotten to be gracious. Do not forget to be thankful!

       January Seventeenth

      We know that in everything God works for good with those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose.

       Romans 8:28

      The storms of life are necessary for the clearing of the soul. The debris of sin beclouds your vision and hinders the ongoing progress of My purpose. The present storm is but a small one which I am allowing for this purpose. Let the clearer air clarify your thoughts. Let the power of My purposes override the paucity of yours, and produce the fruit of My purposes. Then you will see how necessary was this storm.

       January Eighteenth

      They loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.

       John 12:43

      My dear child, I have waited these many years for you to come to this place. You, like the Jewish rulers who believed on Me, loved the praises of men more than the praise of God. How often I would have led you in another way. The inklings you felt—the momentary shafts of light and longing that penetrated your soul—were not accidental. They were gentle invitations for you to “Come away, My beloved….”

      I want you to grow in this new dimension—this inward listening to My still, small voice. I have supplied you with healthy balances to keep you from veering off in unsafe paths. Trust Me, My child—and keep on trusting—because without trust, you will flounder and fail.

       January Nineteenth

      And I will give them one heart, and put a new spirit within them; I will take the stony heart out of their flesh and give them a heart of flesh that they may walk in My statutes and keep My ordinances and obey them; and they shall be My people, and I will be their God.

       Ezekiel 11:19–20

      Yes, My son, My Spirit is sent forth to unite you with Me. Through this miracle, I extend My life and My very nature into the lives of My people. So then, you are participating in My life even when you know it not. Christ in you, the hope of glory. This is a mystery which you can believe without understanding and attempting to analyze. Rejoice, My dear child, in what you have been given. Rejoice in what you have been denied. Both are from Me, and are expressions of My love and goodness to you. That love will never run out, and the streams of My mercy will never run dry.

       January Twentieth

      Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you until I have done that of which I have spoken to you.

       Genesis 28:15

      According to My loving kindness and tender mercy I have kept faith with you, My child. I am not one who forgets and neglects, and so I have been mindful of you and your needs even when these meetings have been neglected on your part. I do not want you to regard them as a burden but as a privilege without peer. You do not yet comprehend the mercy which I have showered on you, and are only dimly aware of how vital it is if you are to fulfill My call and My will for you. Be faithful in the little things. In them are the seed of the great ones.

       January Twenty-first

      Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

       Hebrews 4:16

      My dear son, you are troubled about many things—and about one thing: your fear of what lies ahead for you and your ability to cope with it. You do not have to cope alone—as you have seen in weeks past. I bid you be of good cheer. Let the promises work for you. Do not negate them by refusing to believe. Remember Israel in the wilderness. They did not enter in because of their unbelief. You do not need to make the same bad choice!

       January Twenty-second

      For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

       Jeremiah 29:11

      In the year that lies ahead there will be many wonders. You will see My hand unmistakably at work in your midst. Flinch not before My judgments, and do not let the enemy’s accusations lodge in your heart. Be patient under My rod, for it is for your eternal good. My goodness will not fail you and grace will always abound. Some will fall away, for they are not grounded in Me. Their going may bring pain, but it will bring no loss. There must be a deeper, firmer reliance on Me rather than on secondary causes. Pride must be dealt with or it will destroy what I have given. This is My word and I will fulfill it.

       January Twenty-third

      I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued My faithfulness to you.

       Jeremiah 31:3

      My children, My children, I love you. My joy in you is not complete until you know and comprehend that love. It is a love that passes knowledge, and I invite you all to journey past mere knowledge into that fullness of love. Do not be afraid of love, My children. Be afraid rather of your closed, protective shells that shut out My sun. Do not be afraid of being kind to one another, of making allowances for weaknesses and wounds not yet fully healed. Beware of self-righteousness, for it bears bitter fruit. Sing and rejoice in the Love that sought and found you. It will not lead you astray.

       January Twenty-fourth

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