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In the general denunciation it was declared that "thus was the gospel [good tidings] by him laid more open to the laity, and to women who could read, than it had formerly been to the most learned of the clergy; and in this way the gospel [the good tidings] pearl is cast abroad, and trodden underfoot of swine." In the preface to his translation, Wyclif exhorted all the people to read the Scriptures.

      A sense of awe and a thrill of joy filled the heart of the great German Reformer, when, at the age of twenty, while examining the volumes in the library of the university of Erfurt, he held in his hands, for the first time in his life, a complete copy of the Bible. "O God," he murmured, "could I but have one of these books, I would ask no other treasure." A little later he found in a convent a chained Bible. To this he had constant recourse.

      But all these Bibles here, as elsewhere, save in England were in an ancient tongue, and could be read only by the educated. Why, thought Luther, should the living Word be confined to dead languages? Like Wyclif, therefore, he resolved to give his countrymen the Bible in their own tongue. This he did, the New Testament in 1522, and the Bible complete, the crowning work of his life, in 1534.

      Impressed with the idea that the people should read the Scriptures in their mother tongue, William Tyndale, likewise, in 1525, gave to the English his translation of the New Testament, and later, of portions of the Old Testament Scriptures. His ardent desire that they should know the Bible was well expressed in the statement that if God spared his life he would cause the boy that drives the plow to know more of the Scriptures than was commonly known by the divines of his day [and also more to our time: the 21st century!].

      The first complete printed English Bible was that of Miles Coverdale, printed at Zurich, Switzerland, in 1535. Matthew's Bible, Taverner's Bible, and The Great Bible prepared at the suggestion of Thomas Cromwell, Earl of Essex, appeared soon after. Thus the light of truth began to shine forth once more; but not without opposition.

      Burning of Bibles.

      As Jehoiakim, king of Judah, and the princes under King Zedekiah showed their contempt for God by burning the writings of Jeremiah, and confining the prophet in a dungeon (Jer. 36:20-23; 38:1-6), so now men sought to stem the rising tide of reform by burning the Bible and its translators.

      Bible burning was inaugurated in England by the destruction of copies of the Antwerp edition of Tyndale's New Testament, at St. Paul's Cross, London, in 1527, followed by the burning of a second edition in 1530. A little later there were wholesale burnings of the writings and translations of Wyclif, Tyndale, Basil, Barnes, Coverdale, and others.

      Forty-three years after the death of Wyclif, or in A. D. 1428, by order of the Council of Constance his bones were dug up and burned. Oct. 6, 1536, by order of Charles V of Germany, Tyndale was strangled and burned at the stake at Vilvorde, near Brussels. "If Luther will not retract," wrote Henry VIII of England, "let himself and his writings be committed to the flames."

      Such, under the spiritual tyranny that ruled in those times, was the fate of many who stood for [the true] God and His [Holy] Word.

      The Word Not Bound.

      But the Word of God could not be forever bound. In attempting to prevent its circulation men soon discovered that they were undertaking a work beyond their strength.

      The Bible had taken deep root in the hearts of the people. What kings and prelates had sought to suppress and destroy, kings and prelates now began to foster and supply.

      In his "Stories From English History," pages 196, 197, Henry P- Warren says: "Henry, by Cromwell's advice, ordered a translation of the Bible to be made in English, and a copy to be placed in every church. There had been English translations before, but they had not been in the hands of the people generally, and had only been read secretly and in fear. ... Cromwell then appointed Cranmer and the bishops to revise the Bible, and publish it without note or comment; and in the year 1539 a copy of the English Bible was chained to the reading-desk of every parish church. From that time the Bible has never ceased to be printed and sold freely."

      Says Charles C. Coffin, in his "Story of Liberty," page 44: "The people listen to the reading with wonder and delight. They begin to think; and when men begin to think, they take a step toward freedom. They see that the Bible gives them rights which hitherto have been denied them, - the right to read, to acquire knowledge. Schools are started. Men and women who till now have not known a letter of the alphabet, learn to read; children teach their parents. It is the beginning of a new life, a new order of things in the community - the beginning of liberty."

      The Value of Bible Study.

      THE Bible is God's great text-book for man. It is His lamp to our feet and light to our feet and light to our path in this world of sin. The value of Bible study cannot therefore be overestimated.

      Considered from a literary standpoint alone, the Bible stands preeminent. Its terse, chaste style; its beautiful and impressive imagery; its interesting stories and well-told narratives; its deep wisdom and its sound logic; its dignified language and its elevated themes, all make it worthy of universal reading and careful study.

      As an educating power, the Bible has no equal. Nothing so broadens the vision, strengthens the mind, elevates the thoughts, and ennobles the affections as does the study of the sublime and stupendous truths of revelation. A knowledge of its principles is an essential preparation to every calling. To the extent that it is studied and its teachings are received, it gives strength of character, noble ambition, keenness of perception, and sound judgment. Of all the books ever written, none contains lessons so instructive, precepts so pure, or promises so great as the Bible.

      There is nothing that so convinces the mind of the inspiration of the Bible as does the reading of the Bible itself, and especially those portions known as the prophecies. After the resurrection of the Messiah, when everything else seemed to have failed to convince the disciples that He had risen from the dead, He appealed to the inspired Word, and "expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself" (Luke 24:25-27), and they believed. On another occasion He said, "If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead." (Luke 16:31).

      As a guide, the Bible is without a rival. It gives a calm peace in believing, and a firm hope of the future. It solves the great problem of life and destiny, and inspires to a life of purity, patience, and well-doing. It fills the heart with love for God [YAHWEH] and a desire to do good to others, and thus prepares for usefulness here and for a home in heaven. It teaches the value of the soul, by revealing the price that has been paid to redeem it. It makes known the only antidote for sin, and presents the only perfect code of morals ever given. It tells of the future and the preparation necessary to meet it. It makes us bold for the right, and sustains the soul in adversity and affliction. It lights up the dark valley of death, and points to a life unending. It leads to God [YAHWEH], and to the Messiah, whom to know is life eternal. In short, it is the one book to live by and die by.

      As the king of Israel was instructed to write him a copy of the law, and to read therein "all the days of his life," that he might "fear YAHWEH," keep His word, and thus prolong his days and the days of his children (Deut. 17:18-20), so ought men now to study the Bible, and from it learn that fear which is the beginning of wisdom, and that knowledge which is unto salvation. As an aid and incentive to this, "Bible Readings for the Home Circle" has been prepared and published.

      from: "Bible Readings for the Home Circle", pp. 374-378, 1914

      Editor: ... has insert the name of our only one holy God, the Father, YAHWEH and the name of his Son, our Master Yahshua the Messiah, in the text; [...]

      » You are praised, O YAHWEH Sabaoth,

      for your unchangeable love, kindness and mercy, for all who love you and keep your commandments, which are absolutely binding and unchangeable for all people!

      They will remain from eternity to eternity!

      Because your will be done, just as it is in heaven! «

      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

      Martin Luther stated.

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