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drunkards or a demons due to drinking...

      Intoxication is generated by wine, beer and cider to the same extent as by stronger drinks. The enjoyment of these beverages gives taste for stronger ones, thus resulting in drunkenness. Moderate drinking is the school where men are educated for the career of a drunkard. But the influence of these mild stimulants is so insidious that the path to drunkenness is entered before the victim even suspects any danger ...

      In the Old Testament Christ gave the warning to the people of Israel: “Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.” (Proverbs 20:1) ... Tea, coffee and similar beverages, tend in the same direction as alcohol, spirits and tobacco and in some cases, it is equally hard to break the habit, as it is for the drinkers to give up consuming intoxicating beverages. Those who try to give up these irritants will miss them for some time and suffer without them. But they will overcome the desire by their power of endurance no longer feeling a lack thereof. Nature may require some time to recover from the suffered injury, but you should give her a chance, and it will rise again and do its work well and willingly.

      from “The Ministry of Healing,” by EG White, 1907, p. 334-339, 342

      Why does the German translation say “God” and the English translation, the Bethel Edition, is “Elohim” instead of “God”?

      This is a problematic case. It’s about the name “Elohim.” In most Bibles the word “Elohim” is translated as “God” directly. Unfortunately this is not an accurate and correct translation. The difficulty lies in the translation from the Hebrew, Aramaic text into German, English and other languages where we deal with word-for-word translations, also as far as the word “Elohim” is concerned. However, this word has many meanings, whereby due to these options and consequential difficulties in the meaning and thus in the translation, the reader should be aware that one should leave the word “Elohim" as it is written.

      The word “Elohim” has been put in its original position. In the present work the name for God is also “El”, “Eloah” and “Yah,” which are all short descriptions of his title or his name. An interpretation that Jesus/ Yahshua is called by the name of YAHWEH is to reject as fundamentally wrong and to declare as misleading and God vilifying. This interpretation has the sole purpose to present the Master Jesus/ Yahshua as God and herewith destroying the personal relationship of the Father and the Son. This is a contradiction which will come up again and again on reading the Scriptures. (Hebrews 10:7; Psalm 40:6-8)

      As we can see from the scripts “Yahweh’s Assembly in Yahshua” (see attachment), the letter “J” was for the first time introduced in the Middle Age. To allow better reading and pronouncing of the names to the reader, the letter “J” has been kept in the German part: "JAHWEH" and "Jahschua". In the English part, the old spelling “Y” of the names "YAHWEH" and "Yahshua" was reinstated.

      2 Kings 4:42 And there came a man from Baal-Shalisha (translated from Hebrew = Lord/ Master of the Trinity, a Truine God!), And brought the man of Elohim bread of the first-fruits, twenty loaves of barley, and full ears of grain in his sack. And he said, Give it to the people that they may eat.

      Explanation by an editor: “There came a man who worships the God Baal-Shalisha or written differently: Baal-Salisa, i.e. a pagan God, and brought the man of the living God bread of the first-fruits. The reader can hereby recognize that these are two different Gods. Translated from Hebrew the word ‘Baal’ means ‘the Lord’ or else written ‘the LORD’. The Hebrew word ‘Shalisha’ or in other Bible translations written as: ‘Salisa’ interestingly means ‘Lord or LORD of the Trinity, a Truine God’:

      This means nothing other than that the doctrine of the Trinity - a Gods’ system also called ‘The Triads’. It’s all one and the same.”

      Experiment: Should the written word ‘LORD’ or spelled differently as: ‘LOrd’ or ‘Lord’ (standing for the Father in the most Bibles) be removed from most existing Bibles and replaced by the Hebrew word ‘Baal’, the reader can see that in reality, the existing Bibles serve to worship God of the sun “Baal,” “Sun worship system of Baal,” who could not be anything else but ‘Lucifer’, say ‘Satan’.

      To analyze all this, the result, the synthesis is:

      “Not the living God YAHWEH, YAHWEH Elohim, our true Father in heaven, gets the true worship in the existing Bibles by the name LORD (standing for Father), but his opponent - called’ Satan ‘.

      Every person should think about this result using his clear mind and take a decision whom he is going to worship in future.

      The German word „Herr“ is predominantly translated in English as ‘Lord’. In its verbal explanations The Bethel Bible Edition comments as follows:

      a) ‘lord’:

      - A common term for ‘master, ruler.’ Its use is equated with that of the Hebrew word ‘baal’ – a pagan, unacceptable word to True Worship and abhorred by YAHWEH.

      b) ‘LORD’:

      - in the KJV (King James Version), supposed translation of the Tetragrammaton, the four-letter Hebrew proper noun which is the revealed personal Name of the Heavenly Father, Yahweh, arrived at by transliteration of the Name from the Hebrew. Properly substitute Yahweh when reading.

      On revision of the translation by Dr. Martin Luther, the words “wicked, wickedness” could be found in many verses. However, in retrospect it has to be noted that the term “lawless and lawlessness” would be more appropriate, see also Elberfeld Bible of 1871.

      Reason: Everyone in this world has a god, whether a football god or other gods, a human puts himself, cars and other values at the top position hereby downgrading the priority of the living God, even being convinced: “There is no God.” Since the law, WRITTEN WITH THE FINGER OF ELOHIM, existed already on the day of creation and was revealed to Israel in writing first on Mount Sinai, and the King Solomon explained very clearly in Ecclesiastes chapter 12, verses 13 and 14 that the commandments of YAHWEH Elohim, His law, have to be kept by everyone, all those people who do not observe the commandments are to be called lawless.

      So I wish all of those who do not believe in the Son of God that one day they would realize the existence of the living God and not receive the plagues for their disobedience and their lawlessness, and thus may be granted eternal life, if this should correspond to the will of YAHWEH, the Elohim of hosts/ YAHWEH Sabaoth. For he knows our hearts, our deepest thoughts, “for God is pure light!” So, repent for, confess your sins and love the Master Yahshua. - Do not love the world [and do not find yourself in secret organizations]! For friendship with the world, means hostility with God!

      (1 John 1:5; 5:13; Galatians 3:10; Deuteronomy 27:26, 1 John 2:15; James 4:4)

      “For You are blessed, O YAHWEH {1 Corinthians 1:31}, for all your goodness and mercy and for Your blessing upon this work in the last time of grace before the plagues of the seven bowls will descend upon the world- ‘the final expression of your anger’. (Revelation 18:3-4) We are at the end of the world’s history just before the second coming of your Son Yahshua the Messiah.

      ‘Who should pull us out of your hands? All who love you, O YAHWEH, are under your wings, under the arms of the Almighty! Who should separate us from Your love! Be it the celestial powers, the forces, the world leaders of this darkness, the underworld, the army of evil spirits in the heavenly places, you’ll shrink them all! Be it the powers of darkness, which get people depressed, people who do not know you - you will keep safe your people, spiritual people of Israel from this disease created by the hands of Satan. Hallelujah!

      “In the name of Yahshua the Messiah, you are blessed forever and ever. Amen.”

      {Daniel 12:1; Malachi 3:16, Ephesians 6:12, Revelation 20:12+15, 21:27, 22:18-19}

      Mosbach (Baden) in Germany, July 2020

      John Biermanski in the Master Yahshua the Messiah


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