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me for your mercy’s sake.

      5. For in death no one mentions you;

      in Hades who will give you thanks?

      6. I am weary with my groaning.

      Every night I bedew my bed

      and drench my couch with my tears.

      7. My sight is troubled because of

       my wrath;

      I am worn down in the midst of my enemies.

      8. Depart from me, all you workers of iniquity,

      for the Lord has heard the sound of my weeping.

      9. The Lord has heard my supplication;

      the Lord has accepted my prayer.

      10. Let all my enemies be put to shame and greatly troubled.

      Let them be turned back and quickly put to shame.

      Psalm 7

      1. O Lord, my God, in you have I placed my trust.

      Save me from all my persecutors and deliver me,

      2. lest at any moment my enemy seize me like a lion,

      while there is no one to ransom me, none to save me.

      3. O Lord, my God, if I have done this—

      if there be iniquity on my hands;

      4. if I have requited with evil those who did me wrong;

      then let me fall empty-handed at my enemies’ hands.

      5. Let the enemy pursue my soul and take it;

      let him trample my life to the ground,

      and cause my honor to lay in the dust.

      6. Arise, O Lord, in your indignation.

      Be exalted to the boundaries of

       my enemies.

      Awake, O Lord my God, according to the judgment you decreed.

      7. And when the assembly of the peoples encompasses you,

      ascend on high above them.

      8. The Lord will judge the peoples.

      Judge me O Lord according to my righteousness;

      and according to my innocence

       be for me.

      9. Let the wickedness of sinners be brought to an end.

      You will indeed direct the righteous,

      O God who searches the hearts and innermost being. . . .

      14. Behold my enemy has travailed with injustice;

      has conceived trouble and given birth to iniquity.

      15. He has dug a pit and covered it;

      into the trench which he dug,

       he will fall.

      16. His mischief will return upon his own head;

      on his forehead his injustice will fall.

      17. Because of the Lord’s righteousness

       I will give thanks;

      I will sing praises to the name of the Lord Most High.

      Psalm 8

      1. O Lord, our Lord, how wonderful is your name in all the earth;

      for your magnificence is exalted above the heavens!

      2. Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings you have perfected praise,

      on account of your enemies, so as to destroy the enemy and avenger.

      3. When I survey the heavens, the work of your fingers,

      the moon and the stars which you have established,

      4. what is a human being that you should be mindful of him?

      or a mere mortal that you should

       visit him?

      5. You made him a little lower than the angels,

      with glory and honor you crowned him,

      6. and set him over the work of your hands.

      You have put all things under his feet:

      7. all flocks and herds,

      even beasts of the field,

      8. birds of the air and fishes of the sea,

      all creatures traversing the salty paths.

      9. O Lord, our Lord, how wonderful is your name in all the earth!

      Psalm 9

      1. I will praise you, O Lord, with my whole heart,

      I will recount all your marvelous deeds.

      2. I will be glad and rejoice in you;

      to your name I will sing, O Most High.

      3. When my enemies are turned back,

      they shall grow faint and perish in your presence,

      4. for you have upheld my cause

       and my right.

      You sat upon the throne,

       O Righteous Judge.

      5. You have rebuked the nations,

      and the ungodly have perished.

      You have blotted out their name forever,

      even for ages and ages. . . .

      7. But the Lord endures forever,

      and prepares his throne for judgment;

      8. This one will judge the world in righteousness,

      and will pass judgment with rectitude.

      9. The Lord has been a refuge for the distressed,

      a propitious helper in time of affliction.

      10. Let those who know your name place their hope in you,

      for you, O Lord, have not failed those who fervently seek you.

      Psalm 11

      1. Save me, O Lord, for the godly one has failed,

      for truths are scarce among the children of the earth.

      2. They spoke empty words, one to another, neighbor to neighbor,

      their lips are deceitful; they have spoken with a duplicitous heart.

      3. May the Lord destroy all lying lips,

      and the tongue which wags with wonderful words!

      4. those who boast: “We will magnify our own tongue,

      our lips are our own, who is the Lord

       to us?”

      5. “Because of the oppression of

       the poor,

      because of the groans of the needy,

      now will I arise,” declares the Lord.

      “I will set them in safety and speak about it boldly.”

      6. The utterances of the Lord are pure—

      as silver refined in the fire,

      tested in the fiery furnace,


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