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      6. I will wash my hands in innocence,

      and will walk round your altar, O Lord,

      7. that I may hear the sound of praise,

      and declare all your wonderful deeds.

      8. O Lord, I have loved the beauty of your house,

      and the abode of the tabernacle

      of your glory.

      9. Destroy not my life with the ungodly,

      nor my life with blood-thirsty fellows

      10. in whose hands are iniquities,

      and whose right hand is filled with bribes.

      11. Whereas I have conducted myself

      in innocence;

      redeem me and be merciful to me.

      12. My footsteps have been in rectitude;

      in the assemblies I will bless you,

      O Lord.

      Psalm 26

      1. The Lord is my Light and my Savior;

      whom shall I fear?

      The Lord is the Defender of my life;

      of whom shall I be afraid?

      2. When evil-doers drew near

      to devour my flesh;

      my persecutors and my enemies,

      they fainted and fell.

      3. Though an army be arrayed

      against me,

      my heart will not succumb to fear.

      Though a war should be waged

      against me,

      in this I place my hope:

      4. One thing I asked of the Lord,

      this will I eagerly seek:

      that I may dwell in the house

      of the Lord

      all the days of my life;

      that I may behold the beauty of the Lord

      and survey God’s temple. . . .

      7. Hear, O Lord, my wail which

      I uttered;

      have mercy on me and hearken to me.

      8. To you my heart said, “I have sought your face.”

      Your face, O Lord, will I continue

      to seek.

      9. Turn not your face away from me,

      withdraw not in anger from your servant.

      Be my helper, forsake me not.

      O God, my Savior, overlook me not.

      10. For my father and mother have forsaken me,

      but the Lord has taken me in.

      11. Instruct me, O Lord, in your way,

      and guide me in the right path, mindful of my enemies.

      12. Deliver me not to the will of those who afflict me;

      for unjust witnesses have risen up against me,

      and injustice has lied to her very self.

      13. I believe I shall see

      the goodness of the Lord

      in the land of the living.

      14. Wait on the Lord and be of

      good courage!

      Let your heart be strengthened and wait on the Lord!

      Psalm 27

      1. To you, O Lord, I have cried:

      My God, do not pass me by in silence.

      If you should pass me by in silence,

      I shall be like those who go down

      to the Pit.

      2. Hearken to the sound of my supplication,

      when I pray to you,

      when I lift up my hands to your holy temple.

      3. Do not draw my life away

      with sinners,

      nor destroy me with the workers

      of iniquity,

      with those who speak of peace with their neighbors,

      yet conceive mischief in their hearts.

      4. Requite them according

      to their deeds,

      according to the wickedness

      of their designs.

      Give to them according to the works

      of their hands;

      render their full recompense to them.

      5. Because they ignored the works

      of the Lord

      and the operations of his hand,

      you will pull them down,

      and never rebuild them. . . .

      9. Save your people,

      and bless your inheritance.

      Shepherd them,

      and lift them up forever.

      Psalm 29

      1. I will extol you, O Lord, for you upheld me,

      and did not allow my enemies to rejoice over me.

      2. O Lord my God, to you I cried,

      and you healed me.

      3. O Lord, you have raised my soul

      from Hades,

      and delivered me from among those who descend to the Pit. . . .

      8. To you, O Lord, I will I cry;

      and to my God will I make supplication.

      9. What profit is there in my blood,

      by my going down to destruction?

      Can dust give you praise,

      or shall it declare your truth?

      10. The Lord heard and had compassion upon me;

      the Lord has become my helper.

      11. You transformed my mourning

      into joy;

      you ripped my sackcloth from off of me

      and girded me with gladness,

      12. that my glory may sing praise to you

      and I may no longer be pierced

      with sorrow.

      O Lord my God,

      I will give thanks to you forever.

      Psalm 30

      1. In you, O Lord, I have trusted; let me never be put to shame.

      because of your righteousness rescue me and deliver me.

      2. Incline your ear to me; hasten to deliver me!


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