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for me a protecting God and a house of refuge to save me.

      3. For you are my strength

      and my refuge;

      therefore for your name’s sake you will guide me and sustain me.

      4. You will lead me out of the snare they have hidden for me;

      because you, O Lord, are my protector.

      5. Into your hands I commit my spirit;

      you have redeemed me O Lord,

      God of Truth.

      6. You have hated those who waste their time with vanities;

      but as for me, I have placed my hope in the Lord.

      7. I will exult with joy and be glad in your mercy,

      because you have looked upon my humiliation,

      and have saved my soul from many distresses.

      8. You have not hemmed me in within my enemies’ grasp;

      instead you have established my footsteps in a broad expanse.

      9. Pity me, O Lord, for I am afflicted,

      with indignation my eye was troubled,

      my soul and even my bosom.

      10. For my life has been spent with grief,

      and my years consumed with groaning;

      my strength has been weakened through poverty,

      and all my bones have experienced trouble.

      11. Among all my enemies I have become a reproach;

      and especially so to all my neighbors,

      even an object of terror to my friends.

      They who saw me out and about fled from me.

      12. I have been forgotten as

      someone dead,

      no longer remembered;

      I have become like a shattered vessel.

      13. For I have heard the slander of many who dwelt round me,

      when they assembled together, arrayed against me,

      they plotted how to take my life.

      14. But as for me, I hoped in you,

      O Lord;

      I said, You are my God.

      15. In your hands are my lots;

      deliver me from the hands

      of my enemies,

      and from those who are persecuting me.

      16. Let your face shine on your servant;

      save me in your mercy.

      17. O Lord, let me not be put to shame,

      because I have called upon you.

      Let the ungodly be covered in shame,

      weighed down to the depths of Hades.

      18. Let those deceitful lips become mute

      which speak injustice against the righteous

      with pride and contempt.

      19. How abundant is the multitude of your kindness, O Lord,

      which you have secretly stored up for those who fear you!

      You have drawn them out for those who hope in you,

      in the presence of the children

      of the earth.

      20. In the secret of your presence,

      you will hide them from mortal vexation;

      you will shelter them in the tabernacle,

      from the contradiction of tongues.

      21. Blessed be the Lord,

      for magnificently displaying such mercy

      in a fortified city.

      22. But I said in my ecstasy,

      I am cast out from your presence;

      therefore, you, O Lord, did hearken

      to the sound of my supplication

      when I cried out to you.

      23. O love the Lord, all you saints,

      because the Lord seeks after truth

      and requites those who act with insolence.

      24. Be of good courage,

      let your hearts be strengthened,

      all you who place your trust in the Lord.

      Psalm 31

      1. Blessed are they whose transgressions are forgiven,

      and whose sins are covered over.

      2. Blessed the fellow to whom the Lord will impute no sin,

      and in whose mouth there is no guile to be found.

      3. Because I kept silent,

      my bones grew old,

      from my crying all day long.

      4. Because day and night your hand weighed heavy upon me,

      I was reduced to misery by

      a piercing thorn.

      5. I acknowledged my sin,

      and did not hide my iniquity.

      I said, “Against myself I will confess my iniquity to the Lord.”

      Thus you forgave the wickedness

      of my heart.

      6. Because of this, every pious person shall pray to you in due season,

      even a deluge of many waters would not approach him.

      7. You are my refuge from the affliction which encircles me,

      my joy, to redeem me from those who encompass me.

      8. I will instruct you and guide you in the way you should go;

      I will steadfastly fix my eyes upon you.

      9. Be not like horse and mule,

      which have no understanding,

      whose mouths you must restrain with bridle and bit,

      when they do not respond to you.

      10. Many are the scourges of the sinner,

      but mercy will encompass the one who trusts in the Lord.

      11. Be glad in the Lord and exult you righteous,

      and glory all you who are upright

      of heart.

      Psalm 34

      1. Judge them, O Lord, those who wrong me.

      Fight against those who are at war

      with me.

      2. Grab shield and buckler,

      and rise to my defense.

      3. Wield a sword and fend off

      my pursuers;

      say to my soul, I am your deliverance.

      4. Let those who seek

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