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of Shaddai.

      Job 31:2 TNK versicle

      What is my lot from Eloah above,

      my heritage from Shaddai on high?

      Job 37:22–23 TNK versicle

      Eloah is clothed in awesome majesty;

      Shaddai is far beyond our reach—

      pre-eminent in power and justice,

      abounding in righteousness.

      Psalm 22:9–11 TNK

      It was you who drew me out from the womb like a midwife,

      and confided me to my mother’s breasts.

      On you I was cast from my birth,

      from my mother’s pregnancy you have been my God.

      Do not be far from me,

      for trouble is close at hand,

      and there is no one to aid me.

      Psalm 27:10 TNK versicle

      Though my father and my mother abandon me,

      yet Yahweh will take me in.

      Psalm 40:9–13 TNK

      I proclaim your righteousness

      in the great assembly;

      See, I do not seal my lips,

      as you well know, Yahweh.

      Your righteousness I did not hide

      within my heart;

      your faithfulness and salvation

      I announce.

      I don’t conceal your steadfast love

      and truth

      from the great assembly.

      You, O Yahweh, do not withhold

      your maternal compassion from me;

      may your steadfast love and truth

      always protect me.

      For troubles surround me,

      they are beyond number;

      my sins have overtaken me,

      and I cannot see.

      They are more numerous

      than the hairs of my head,

      and my heart fails me.

      May it please you, O Yahweh,

      to rescue me!

      Yahweh come quickly to help me!

      Psalm 51:1–5 TNK

      Have mercy on me O God,

      according to your steadfast love;

      according to the greatness of your maternal compassion,

      blot out my transgressions.

      Wash me thoroughly of my iniquity,

      and from my sin, totally cleanse me.

      For I know my transgressions,

      and my sin is constantly before me.

      Against you, you alone, have I sinned,

      and what is evil in your sight

      I have done,

      that you may display your saving justice when you sentence,

      and your vindication may be made known when you judge.

      Indeed, in guilt I was born,

      and in sin my mother conceived me.

      Surely you desire truth in the bowels,

      thus you teach me wisdom in my inmost being.

      Psalm 68:8–15 TNK

      O God, when you went forth at the head of your people,

      when you marched through

      the barren desert,

      the earth trembled, the heavens hurled down rain

      at the presence of God, the One of Sinai,

      at the presence of God,

      the God of Israel.

      An abundance of rain you showered down, O God;

      you refreshed the land, your weary inheritance.

      Your people settled in it;

      you provided from your bounty for the needy, O God.

      The Lord announced the word;

      women bear glad tidings

      of a great army:

      “Chiefs and their armies are fleeing; they flee,

      while the women are at home dividing the booty.

      While you rested among the keep

      of sheep,

      the wings of the Dove with silver

      were sheathed,

      and her feathers were covered

      with a golden sheen;

      thus while Shaddai scattered

      the chieftains,

      she caused it to snow on

      the Dark Mountain.”

      Psalm 69:16 TNK versicle

      Answer me, O Yahweh, for your steadfast love is bounteous,

      in your abundant maternal compassion, turn to me.

      Psalm 79:8–12 TNK

      Do not hold against us the guilt of previous generations,

      may your maternal compassion quickly come to greet us,

      for we are utterly languishing.

      Help us, O God our Savior,

      because of the glory of your name.

      Deliver us and wipe away our sins,

      for the sake of your name.

      Why should the nations say,

      “Where is their God?”

      Let it be seen among the nations,

      even before our very eyes,

      vengeance for the shedding of your servants’ blood.

      May the groans of the captive come before you,

      by the might of your arm, preserve those condemned to death.

      Pay back our neighbors sevenfold into their bosom,

      the reproach that they have leveled against you, O Lord.

      Psalm 91:1 TNK versicle

      Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High,

      shall rest in the shadow of Shaddai.

      Psalm 103:8 TNK

      Maternally compassionate and gracious is Yahweh,

      slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.

      Psalm 131:1–3 TNK

      Yahweh, my heart is not haughty,

      I do not fix my eyes on things too high.

      I am not concerned with great affairs,

      or wonders beyond my grasp.

      I have calmed and quieted my soul,

      like a child being weaned from its mother’s breast,

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