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my inner parts,

      have supported me

      from my mother’s womb.

      14. I will give thanks to you,

      for you are dreadfully wondrous;

      wondrous are your works,

      as my soul well knows.

      Psalm 140

      1. O Lord, I cried out to you,

      hearken to me;

      attend to the sound of my supplication,

      whenever I call out to you.

      2. Let my prayer come before you

      as incense,

      the raising of my hands

      like an evening sacrifice.

      3. Set a watch, O Lord, over my mouth,

      and a bolted door over my lips.

      4. Do not let my heart turn aside

      to evil deeds,

      to form excuses for sins with those who work iniquity,

      nor let me keep company with their chosen bands.

      5. Let the righteous correct me with mercy and reprove me,

      but do not let the oil of the sinner anoint my head,

      for this is still my prayer in the midst of their pleasures.

      Psalm 141

      1. With my voice I cried out to the Lord;

      with my voice raised, I pleaded

      to the Lord.

      2. I will pour out before him

      my supplication;

      I will openly declare my affliction.

      3. When my spirit was fainting

      within me,

      and you knew my footsteps,

      in the very path upon which I traveled,

      they hid a trap for me.

      4. I looked to the right and took stock,

      there was no one there who knew me.

      A means of escape was cut off from me,

      and there was no one who sought my well-being.

      5. I cried out to you, O Lord, and said:

      “You are my hope, my lot in the land of the living.”

      6. Attend to my supplication,

      for I am brought very low.

      Deliver me from my persecutors,

      for they are stronger than I.

      7. Bring my life out of this prison,

      that I might give thanks to your name, O Lord.

      The righteous shall wait for me,

      until I receive recompense.

      Psalm 142

      1. O Lord, hearken to my petition;

      give ear to my supplication

      in your truth;

      answer me in your righteousness.

      2. Enter not into judgment

      with your servant,

      for in your sight no living person

      can be justified.

      3. For the enemy has eagerly

      pursued my soul,

      has driven my life to the ground,

      has caused me to be holed up

      in dark holes,

      like those who have been long dead.

      4. Therefore my spirit was grieved within me;

      my heart was deeply troubled

      within me.

      5. I remembered the days of old,

      and meditated on all your works;

      I mused on the works of your hands.

      6. I stretched out my hands to you;

      my soul thirsts for you

      like parched land.

      7. Speedily hear me, O Lord;

      my spirit has fainted.

      Do not turn your face away from me,

      or I shall become like those who sink in the pit.

      8. Cause me to hear your mercy

      in the morning,

      because I have placed my hope in you.

      Make known to me, O Lord,

      the path on which I should walk,

      for I have lifted up my soul to you.

      9. Deliver me from my enemies, O Lord,

      because I have fled to you for refuge.

      10. Teach me to put your will into practice,

      because you are my God.

      Let your good Spirit guide me into the upright land.

      11. For the sake of your name, O Lord, grant me life;

      in your righteousness,

      you shall bring my life out of tribulation.

      12. And in your mercy,

      you will utterly destroy my enemies,

      and wipe out all who afflict my soul,

      because I indeed am your servant.

      Psalm 144

      1. I shall exalt you, my God, my King,

      and I shall bless your name forever,

      even to the ages of ages.

      2. Every day I shall bless you

      and praise your name forever,

      even to the ages of ages.

      3. Great is the Lord and exceedingly praiseworthy,

      his greatness knows no bounds.

      4. Generation upon generation shall praise your deeds,

      and they shall declare your power.

      5. They shall speak of the glorious magnificence of your holiness,

      and they shall describe at length your marvelous deeds.

      6. They shall discourse about the power of your awesome works,

      and they shall describe at length your great majesty.

      7. They shall overflow with memories

      of your abundant goodness,

      and shall greatly rejoice

      in your righteousness.

      8. The Lord is compassionate

      and merciful,

      longsuffering and abounding in mercy.

      9. The Lord is good to those

      who wait patiently,


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