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me your decrees.

      125. I am your servant, instruct me;

      then I shall know your testimonies.

      126. It is time for the Lord to act;

      they have totally broken your law.

      127. Therefore I have loved your commandments,

      more than finest gold

      or sparkling topaz.

      128. Thus I direct myself according to all your statutes,

      I detested every wicked way.

      129. Your testimonies are wonderful,

      therefore my soul diligently

      sought them.

      130. The manifestation of your words,

      will enlighten and instruct children.

      131. I opened my mouth

      and drew breath,

      because I earnestly longed

      for your commandments.

      132. Look down upon me and have mercy on me,

      the same way you do to those who love your name.

      133. Order my steps according

      to your promise,

      and let no iniquity have dominion

      over me.

      134. Deliver me from people’s false accusations,

      and I will keep your commandments.

      135. Let your face shine

      upon your servant,

      and teach me your decrees.

      136. My eyes flowed

      with streams of water,

      because I did not keep your law.

      137. You, O Lord, are righteous,

      and your judgments are upright.

      138. You have charged as your testimonies,

      righteousness and perfect truth.

      139. Zeal for your house has totally consumed me,

      because my enemies have forgotten

      your words.

      140. Your promise has been thoroughly tested in fire,

      thus your servant has loved it.

      141. Although I am young and accounted for nothing,

      I have not forgotten your decrees.

      142. Your righteousness is an everlasting righteousness,

      and your law is truth itself.

      143. Afflictions and distress found me,

      but your commandments were my meditation.

      144. Your testimonies are an everlasting righteousness;

      grant me understanding and I shall live.

      145. I cried out with all my heart,

      “Hear me, O Lord”;

      I will diligently search your decrees.

      146. I cried out to you, “Save me”;

      and I will keep your testimonies.

      147. I arose before the crack of dawn and cried out,

      on your words I have placed my hope.

      148. My eyes were wide awake before the dawn,

      that I might meditate on your oracles.

      149. Hear my voice, O Lord, according to your mercy,

      according to your judgment

      grant me life.

      150. Those who persecuted me unjustly have drawn near,

      since they were far removed

      from your law.

      151. You are near, O Lord,

      and all your ways are truth.

      152. From of old I have known

      your testimonies,

      because you have established

      them forever.

      153. Behold my affliction

      and rescue me,

      for I have not forgotten your law.

      154. Plead my cause and deliver me,

      on account of your word grant me life.

      155. Salvation is far from sinners,

      for they haven’t diligently

      sought your decrees.

      156. Many are your tender mercies,

      O Lord,

      according to your judgment

      grant me life.

      157. Many are they who persecute me and oppress me,

      but I have not wavered

      from your testimonies.

      158. I saw people acting foolishly

      and was grieved,

      because they have not kept our oracles.

      159. Behold, I have loved your commandments, O Lord,

      in your mercy grant me life.

      160. The beginning of your words

      is truth,

      and all of your righteous judgments

      last forever.

      161. Rulers persecuted me

      for no reason at all,

      but my heart was awestruck

      by your words.

      162. I will truly exult because

      of your promises,

      as one who finds much spoil.

      163. I hate and abhor injustice;

      I have loved your law.

      164. Seven times a day

      I have praised you,

      because of your righteous judgments.

      165. Much peace have those who love your law,

      and for them there is no

      stumbling block.

      166. I have waited for your saving help, O Lord,

      and have loved your commandments.

      167. My soul has kept your testimonies,

      and has exceedingly loved them.

      168. I have kept your commandments and your testimonies,

      because all your ways are before me,

      O Lord.

      169. Let my supplication come before you, O Lord,

      according to your promise, grant me understanding.

      170. Let my petition enter before you,

      O Lord,

      according to your promise, deliver me.

      171. Let my lips utter a hymn,


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