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      a Spirit of Wisdom

      and of Understanding,

      a Spirit of Counsel and of Power,

      a Spirit of Knowledge and of the Fear

      of Yahweh,

      so that he will delight

      in revering Yahweh,

      and not judge by what he sees

      with his eyes,

      nor decide by what he hears

      with his ears.

      Isaiah 30:18 TNK versicle

      Yet Yahweh longs to be gracious to you,

      the Exalted One to show maternal compassion to you.

      Isaiah 31:4–5 TNK

      Indeed, this is what Yahweh says to me,

      “Just as the full grown or young lion

      growls over his prey,

      when a band of shepherds is summoned against him,

      and is not frightened by their shouting

      or daunted by their clamor,

      so too Yahweh Sabaoth descends

      to do battle

      on Mount Zion and on her ridges.

      Like mother birds hovering

      over their young

      Yahweh Sabaoth will shield Jerusalem;

      to protect and save,

      to spare and deliver.”

      Isaiah 42:10–16 TNK

      Sing to Yahweh a new song!

      Let his praises resound from the ends

      of the earth,

      by those who sail the seas,

      and all creatures within them,

      by the coastlands and their inhabitants.

      Let the desert and its towns

      raise their voices,

      the settlements where Kedar lives.

      Let the people of Sela sing for joy,

      let them shout from

      the mountain peaks.

      Let them give glory to Yahweh

      and let them proclaim his praises

      in the islands.

      Yahweh marches forth like a hero,

      like a warrior rouses passion.

      He shouts, sounding the war cry,

      he displays his might against his foes.

      “For a long time I have kept silent,

      have been quiet, holding myself

      in check.

      But now like a woman in childbirth,

      I groan, I gasp, I pant all at once.

      I will lay waste to mountains and hills,

      will wither all their vegetation;

      I will transform torrents

      into dry territory,

      and bring drought to pools of water.

      But I will lead those who are blind by

      a way they knew not,

      along unfamiliar paths

      I will guide them.

      I will transform the darkness

      into light before them,

      and turn rough places into level ground.

      These are the things I shall do,

      I shall not abandon them.”

      Isaiah 45:9–12 TNK

      Woe to anyone who contends

      with his Maker;

      a potsherd among potsherds

      of the earth!

      Does the clay say to its potter,

      “What are you making?”

      or “Your work lacks handles.”

      Woe to anyone who asks a father,

      “What are you begetting?”

      or a mother, “What are you

      giving birth to?”

      Thus says Yahweh,

      the Holy One of Israel and his Maker:

      Will you question me

      about my children,

      or give me orders about the works

      of my hands?

      It was I who made the earth

      and created humanity upon it.

      My own hands stretched out

      the heavens

      and I marshaled all of their starry array.

      Isaiah 46:1–5 TNK

      Bel bows down, Nebo stoops,

      their idols are borne by beasts

      and cattle;

      the loads you are carrying are a burden to a weary beast.

      They stoop and bow down together,

      powerless to save those who bear them;

      they themselves go into captivity.

      Listen to me, O House of Jacob,

      and all the remnant of the House

      of Israel,

      whom I have borne since your conception,

      whom I have carried

      since you were born.

      Even to your old age I am the same,

      even when your hairs are gray I will bear you.

      It is I who made you and I will bear you;

      I will carry you and I will save you.

      To whom will you compare me,

      or count as my equal?

      To whom will you liken me,

      that we may be equated?

      Isaiah 49:13–16 TNK

      Thus says Yahweh:

      Shout for joy, O heavens;

      and rejoice, O earth!

      Burst forth in song, O mountains!

      For Yahweh comforts his people

      and displays maternal compassion on his afflicted ones.

      Zion was saying, “Yahweh has abandoned me;

      the Lord has forgotten me.”

      Can a mother forget the baby

      at her breast,

      feel no maternal compassion for the child of her womb?

      Even should she forget,

      I will never forget you.

      See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands.

      Isaiah 51:1–3 TNK

      Listen to me, you who pursue righteousness,


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