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시간이 끝났어요. 영어로 말하지 마세요.7.한국을 떠날 거예요. 박 교수님께 인사를 드리고 싶습니다.8.집 안으로 들어가요. 어머니하고 같이 이야기를 좀 해 주세요.9.옷을 입어요. 세수하고 면도를 빨리 하세요.10.주무세요. 창문 좀 닫아 주세요.11.아버지가 집에 돌아오세요. 저녁 준비를 합시다.12.택시에서 내렸어요. 돈을 냈어요.

      Exercise 6: English to Korean Translation

      Translate the following sentences into Korean.

1.Don’t show Mother those magazines!
2.It’s raining, so let’s wait under that footbridge a while.
3.Have you tried [eating] Korean ginseng chicken soup?
4.Could you give me two 200-wǒn stamps, please?
5.Father had already left before Mr. Kim came.
6.I want to buy six 300-wǒn stamps.
7.Please give me 3 tickets at 10,000 wǒn.
8.Do you collect stamps?
9.Grandfather is lying down upstairs.
10.Would you wake him up [for me] first, please?
11.Could you send this letter to Korea [for me]?
12.Before I travelled in Europe, I hadn’t tried speaking any foreign languages.
13.This book is really difficult. Could you read it [for me], please?
14.Yesterday I bought a $2,000 computer.
15.Have you ever been to China?
16.I bought the tickets for tomorrow’s concert before we saw that movie.
17.I like listening to the radio.
18.We can’t go because there aren’t any tickets.
19.Mr. Lee’s nephew wants to travel in Europe.
20.He began to write that book last year, but hasn’t finished it yet.

      Exercise 7: Korean to English Translation

      Translate the following sentences into English.

1.일본어 시험들은 너무 길고 어려워서, 낙제하기가 쉬워요.
2.동생한테 소식이 없어서 어머니가 궁금해하세요.
3.〔호텔에서〕이 요금에 아침도 포함돼 있습니까?
4.수진: 아직도 빵과 콜라만 먹어요?
토마스: 아니요, 요즘 한국 음식도 자주 먹기 시작했어요.
5.영진: 수진 씨, 시계가 너무 멋이 있어요! 생일 선물이에요?
수진: 네, 아버지가 사 주셨어요.
6.〔리셉션 파티에서〕
진호: 음식이 맛이 있지요?
수진: 네, 그런데 의자가 없어서 먹기가 불편해요.
7.우리 7살짜리 아이는 드디어 학교에 다니기 시작했어요.
8.현철: 중국말 배우기가 어때요?
수미 : 말하기는 쉽지만, 읽고 쓰기는 아주 힘들지요.
9.〔차 안에서〕
철호: 어느 길이 더 빠를까요?
만호: 이쪽 길은 막히기가 쉬우니까, 저쪽 길로 갑시다.
10.내가 영어로 “헬로” 하니까 아이는 울기 시작했어요.
11.철호: 왜 이렇게 늦을까요? 그 사람이 약속을 잘 지킵니까?
수진: 네, 그런데 비 때문에 좀 늦을 거예요.
12.우리 16살짜리 아이는 요즘 운전을 배우기 시작했어요.
13.철호: 10,000원만 빌려 주실래요?
수진: 지난주에도 만원 빌려 줬잖아요?!
14.수진: 머리 스타일이 너무 예뻐요! 어디서 했어요?
미나: 엄마 친구가 잘라 주셨어요. 멋있지요?

      Exercise 8: Vocabulary Drill

      Here are a number of short sentences, each having a blank space. Express them in Korean —filling the blank each time with one of the expressions listed below the sentence.

1. I’m glad that _____. a. my friend is coming b. my brother is getting married c. I’ve got a 약속 tomorrow d. it’s Sunday e. my mother isn’t busy now
2. Manho has on ______. a. a necktie b. glasses c. new shoes d. his hat e. new clothes
3. I walked ______. a. to the store b. in the park c. up to the third floor d. from the post office to the bank e. from home to school
4. Manho wants to ______. a. brush his teeth b. get a haircut c. wash his face d. wash his hair e. shave
5. Eric is trying on ______. a. some shoes b. his shirt c. gloves d. new clothes e. new glasses
6. 숙희_____ for me. a. looked after my children b. bought a hat c. waited two hours d. bought some tissues and towels e. posted the letter
7. Sangho _____ for my parents. a. bought a watch b. went to the bank and got some money c. called a cab d. filled in the lodging form
8. I’d like to _____. a. buy lots of hats b. sell my car c. go home now e. travel in Europe by train
imageLesson 18image

      자동차는 어디서 빌릴 수 있습니까?

      In this lesson we observe Eric discussing his health problems with his Korean teacher, and we watch Chris Murphy go through the procedure of renting a car at the hotel on Cheju Island. This lesson introduces some more new patterns built on the infinitive in -어 ~ -아, including the pattern for have to~ought to in -어 ~ -아야 돼요 and that for even though in -어 ~ -아도. These patterns are useful for expressing obligation and for asking and giving permission. The lesson also introduces another infinitive-based pattern, that in -어 + 지- for get/become . . . Finally, the lesson introduces can do and cannot do in -(으)ᄅ 수 있어요/없어요, the somewhat bookish conjunction (and) in -(으)며 and NOUN (을) 통해(서) through (the agency of) NOUN.

      Korean Dialogues


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