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      “In August, I was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Most days are filled with headaches, dizziness, nausea, and some visual/balance problems. I’ve never had regular bowel movements and have always had bloating, gas, and several problems because of that. Since starting the cleanse, all those symptoms have disappeared and I’ve lost twelve pounds. I’m completely thrilled!! I go back to the neurologist Monday and can’t wait to tell him all this.

      “I plan to eat much healthier (after breaking the fast appropriately). I have more energy and clarity and feel more like myself.

      “I just wanted to give my ‘testimony.’ This has been a godsend.”

      —Angi Hardin

      “Peter, thanks again for the inspiration and information. I’ve lost about twelve to fourteen pounds. My waist is down two and one-half to three inches. I have to get another belt because the ones I have are all on the last notch. I’ve walked forty-six miles since starting, ridden my bike fourteen miles, and have worked each day (some better than others). I have a great feeling of peace, even though I hit some pretty stressful events head on. I am also giving serious thought to other work/life things. I guess the clarity and focus come from not eating. It is also a time to look at priorities.”—Tony Bruno

      “I am a diabetic. I weighed 150 pounds six years ago before surgery on my right knee. Then an infection developed and I had intravenous antibiotics for several months. When I left the hospital, I weighed 230 pounds and had diabetes. None of the doctors or specialists could restore circulation in that leg. They referred me to a doctor for an amputation, but I refused to give up the leg. I sought treatment with a chiropractor who did Contact Reflex Analysis and restored circulation that same day. He put me on a protein-only diet. I put away the crutches and went back to work.

      “Now, years later, I was dreading going to work as I hurt so badly. It was a struggle to keep ahead of the assembly line. I am 64 years old and was 188 pounds. My co-workers are half my age. We work as a team, but I was not doing my part. My shoulders just couldn’t lift a hammer. My elbows hurt. My wrists wouldn’t bend and my fingers were swollen. By the end of the workday, my feet were burning like they were on fire and had become so swollen it was difficult to get them out of my work boots. My right knee had to be lubricated with olive oil twice during the work day or else my skin stuck to my knee cap and I fell down. This is because I had no lubricated membrane in my knee joint.

      “I had a physical at work and they said my PSA [a chemical in blood that shows the risk for prostate cancer in men] had jumped from .6 to 6.4 and that I needed to check it out further. I went to my family doctor to repeat the blood test and set an appointment. The doctor′s office called me two days after the second test and said my appointment was changed to a specialist as the PSA came back at 14.6!

      “After a biopsy showed all was OK, I asked the doctor if I could do a colon cleanse and a fast before the next appointment. He said ‘That’s sounds like something my mother would do, but it would be fine.’

      “I had bought Prostate Health in 90 Days by Larry Clapp and it prescribed Stanley Burroughs’ cleanse, except that Larry used twice as much lemonade daily (16 glasses) and also bentonite & psyllium to help flush the system. It was an eight-day detox. My first day on the cleanse there was no shoulder pain, my elbows no longer hurt, I could work without the wrist supports and the finger swelling went away! Something was going on. When I got home from work and got out of the truck my legs and feet worked and I no longer had to shuffle into the house like a ninety-year-old man.

      “During these eight days I was looking for more information and I found your website. I discovered that it was Stanley Burroughs’ plan and that there was more information. You were there to educate me and even had a support group.

      “I had decided to do forty days as that was the maximum time recommended. You even advised me to cut my cleanse short as it was my first, but I felt good—really good—so I continued. At work, I started accepting overtime and never got tired, light-headed, hyper, or hungry. I craved nothing, but wanted everything!

      “The first week I lost no weight, but many inches everywhere. I had been wearing size 36 jeans, but my stomach hung over a little. My physical said I had a 42-inch waist. After my second week, my stomach disappeared, but the skin sagged down to my groin. During the third week, my foot pain went away as well as the swelling that made it hard to remove my work boots. I was no longer rubbing castor oil on my feet day and night.

      “About the same time, my big toe, that won’t bend because of gout, was now bending and is without pain. It’s still swollen, as the bones seem to have calcium deposits, but it works fine. In the fourth week, my right knee began working fine with no need for external lubrication. Oh, I still favor it, but it’s fine even going up or down steps.

      “In my fifth week, I can’t help but notice that my toenails need cutting. Previously, I cut my toenails twice a year, but they never seemed to grow. Now, they are growing as fast as my finger nails.

      “While on the cleanse, I checked my blood sugar. During the second week of the cleanse, it started to elevate to 140, so I cut back two ounces of maple syrup and my blood sugar dropped to 70. [He was making up six drinks at a time.] That was too low, so I increased it by one ounce to five ounces and it leveled off at 100. In Week 4 it increased again to 140, so I cut back to four ounces and kept it there till I finished the forty days.

      “Today is my second day on solid food and it is my intent to minimize animal products, but this is another lifestyle change and will take some getting used to. My tongue is still white. I now weigh 160 lbs and do not hang over my 32-inch jeans. There are wrinkles leading out in every direction from my belly button and I am cold all the time. One-third of my forty days were good days. The rest were sad, depressed or neutral, but each day was different and I had the strength to face them.

      “All in all, it has been an enjoyable fast. I am so thankful for your encouragement and the help of your book. I thought I was alone.”

      —Dick Maslowski

       A Huge Debt

      The original book on the Master Cleanse is The Master Cleanser by Stanley Burroughs. Without Burroughs’ work and that book, mankind would be significantly poorer. His book describes the Master Cleanse along with his views on disease and healing, some natural remedies, and some recipes for healthy food. It can be purchased from the Web Store of my website, www.TheRawFoodSite.com.

      Stanley Burroughs first published The Master Cleanser in 1976 and has sold hundreds of thousands of copies without advertising because of results. This new wave of attention will succeed provided it stays true to the original, time-tested Burroughs method. In coaching thousands of people, I have seen many variations, but the method that works best for most people is the original method. So, even if you have good results with a variation a time or two, please remember that the method with the greatest success for the most people is the original and pass along only that one. I owe a debt of gratitude to Stanley Burroughs and I hope when you are done you will too.

      I am also in debt to all the wonderful people who participated on our bulletin board. Their encouragement, willingness to share, and insights have been and are wonderful, as you will see.

       NOTE: Throughout this book, an exclamation point to the left indicates the section is important.



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