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blood sugar and reducing insulin. When 2 tablespoons of molasses have been achieved, check to see if it’s possible to eliminate the insulin. Then use 2 tablespoons of maple syrup per drink.

      You may drink as much herbal mint tea and/or water as you wish, providing that you drink at least six lemonades per day.

      If you are on medication for high blood pressure, be aware that the Master Cleanse lowers most people’s blood pressure. It is well documented in scientific literature that fasting lowers blood pressure.48 This means if you are on medication for high blood pressure you will need to coordinate with a licensed health care practitioner as it is extremely likely that your blood pressure will come down. Likewise, when standing up from a sitting or lying position, do so slowly as you may feel dizzy.

      If you are on anti-depression medication, consult with your prescribing health care practitioner. Some medications require food, others may require a lower dose while fasting. If you are interested in coming off these medications, visit www.TheRoadBack.org. But do not combine their program with the Master Cleanse. Do their program, then the Master Cleanse.

      Detox symptoms are what you feel when toxins are mobilized, but not yet eliminated. Although detoxification symptoms are unpleasant, they ought to be desired. No one wants the feelings associated with detoxifying, but that is the purpose of the cleanse. If you are not detoxifying, you are not making progress and will not feel better afterward!

      I place detox symptoms into five classes. Knowing these symptoms will be gone in a day or two, it is much easier to persevere and complete the cleanse.

      1. Cravings. I have noticed I crave things for a few hours or a day. Usually after the next morning’s elimination, the craving is gone and I feel better. As your body detoxifies (eliminates the toxic waste from) cooked meat, dairy products, etc., it craves the hamburger, pizza, ice cream, etc. that is being “peeled off” in layers. Paavo Airola discusses this concept on page 153 of his book How to Get Well. If you think about it, smokers who quit are immediately subject to intense cravings for the same toxins their bodies are eliminating now that they have been given the chance. The same thing is true of drug addicts.

      This is why Burroughs says addicts can more easily quit their habits while on the Master Cleanse. It helps reduce the cravings that are the largest barrier to quitting.

      2. Tiredness. It should not be strange that deleted toxins which age you and drain your energy should make you tired. When your body fights toxins, whether from detoxifying or from an infection, it diverts energy into healing and away from the energy you use to work and play. Toxins only make you tired until they are eliminated. That is why both the herbal laxative tea and salt water flush are so important. They are the “Agitator” and “Rinse Cycle” of the Master Cleanse. Most people have a day or two when they feel tired. Give yourself permission to rest on those days.

      3. Irritability, boredom, etc. The irritability of dieters is common knowledge. Among the reasons for this is that reduced eating allows the body to detoxify and one of the symptoms of detoxification is irritability. In this class of symptoms, I also include boredom, anxiety, wanting to “just chew something,” and wanting to quit the Master Cleanse. It is quite remarkable how the next day’s eliminations can change your attitude toward the Master Cleanse.

      When you get to Day 8 or so, you may discover for yourself that your natural mood is positive and cheerful. I have a friend in Georgia who told me how surprised he was that he was able to stay so upbeat during the Master Cleanse in the face of some serious problems.

      4. Physical aches, pains, nausea, vomiting, etc. A few people on the Master Cleanse get headaches or other aches, in my experience perhaps 5 percent or less.

      Those who get headaches usually had a caffeine habit (coffee or soft drinks) before starting on the Master Cleanse. Detoxifying from caffeine with the Master Cleanse with the salt water flush and laxative tea is probably much easier than going off it “cold turkey.” Caffeine headaches are usually one or two days. The longest I have heard was four days. Persist. Nausea and vomiting are much rarer, but not unheard of. Again these are detox symptoms and will go away.

      Other people may have aches and pains from previous illnesses for a few days before these aches and pains disappear a few days later. A friend had very severe hemorrhoids prior to the Master Cleanse. They appeared a few days after he started and went away a few days later. It was his impression that they would not be back.

      5. Hot or burning bowel movements. Toxins and other waste are acidic. I have found that when I eliminate old waste and other toxins, my bowel movements are actually hot. During my first Master Cleanse, my eliminations actually burned. I have also noticed that when I have serious detox symptoms as listed above, my eliminations the next morning are typically hot. This may be so bad in the first few days that you need to put some Vitamin E oil on your butt to soothe it. It acts within minutes.

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