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to a loftier strain,

       Still prouder, more ecstatic rose the chant,

       As if the heirs, the deities of the West,

       Joining with master-tongue bore part.

      Not wan from Asia’s fetiches,

       Nor red from Europe’s old dynastic slaughter-house,

       (Area of murder-plots of thrones, with scent left yet of wars and

       scaffolds everywhere,

       But come from Nature’s long and harmless throes, peacefully builded thence,

       These virgin lands, lands of the Western shore,

       To the new culminating man, to you, the empire new,

       You promis’d long, we pledge, we dedicate.

      You occult deep volitions,

       You average spiritual manhood, purpose of all, pois’d on yourself,

       giving not taking law,

       You womanhood divine, mistress and source of all, whence life and

       love and aught that comes from life and love,

       You unseen moral essence of all the vast materials of America, age

       upon age working in death the same as life,)

       You that, sometimes known, oftener unknown, really shape and mould

       the New World, adjusting it to Time and Space,

       You hidden national will lying in your abysms, conceal’d but ever alert,

       You past and present purposes tenaciously pursued, may-be

       unconscious of yourselves,

       Unswerv’d by all the passing errors, perturbations of the surface;

       You vital, universal, deathless germs, beneath all creeds, arts,

       statutes, literatures,

       Here build your homes for good, establish here, these areas entire,

       lands of the Western shore,

       We pledge, we dedicate to you.

      For man of you, your characteristic race,

       Here may he hardy, sweet, gigantic grow, here tower proportionate to Nature,

       Here climb the vast pure spaces unconfined, uncheck’d by wall or roof,

       Here laugh with storm or sun, here joy, here patiently inure,

       Here heed himself, unfold himself, (not others’ formulas heed,)

       here fill his time,

       To duly fall, to aid, unreck’d at last,

       To disappear, to serve.

      Thus on the northern coast,

       In the echo of teamsters’ calls and the clinking chains, and the

       music of choppers’ axes,

       The falling trunk and limbs, the crash, the muffled shriek, the groan,

       Such words combined from the redwood-tree, as of voices ecstatic,

       ancient and rustling,

       The century-lasting, unseen dryads, singing, withdrawing,

       All their recesses of forests and mountains leaving,

       From the Cascade range to the Wahsatch, or Idaho far, or Utah,

       To the deities of the modern henceforth yielding,

       The chorus and indications, the vistas of coming humanity, the

       settlements, features all,

       In the Mendocino woods I caught.


       The flashing and golden pageant of California,

       The sudden and gorgeous drama, the sunny and ample lands,

       The long and varied stretch from Puget sound to Colorado south,

       Lands bathed in sweeter, rarer, healthier air, valleys and mountain cliffs,

       The fields of Nature long prepared and fallow, the silent, cyclic chemistry,

       The slow and steady ages plodding, the unoccupied surface ripening,

       the rich ores forming beneath;

       At last the New arriving, assuming, taking possession,

       A swarming and busy race settling and organizing everywhere,

       Ships coming in from the whole round world, and going out to the

       whole world,

       To India and China and Australia and the thousand island paradises

       of the Pacific,

       Populous cities, the latest inventions, the steamers on the rivers,

       the railroads, with many a thrifty farm, with machinery,

       And wool and wheat and the grape, and diggings of yellow gold.


       But more in you than these, lands of the Western shore,

       (These but the means, the implements, the standing-ground,)

       I see in you, certain to come, the promise of thousands of years,

       till now deferr’d,

       Promis’d to be fulfill’d, our common kind, the race.

      The new society at last, proportionate to Nature,

       In man of you, more than your mountain peaks or stalwart trees imperial,

       In woman more, far more, than all your gold or vines, or even vital air.

      Fresh come, to a new world indeed, yet long prepared,

       I see the genius of the modern, child of the real and ideal,

       Clearing the ground for broad humanity, the true America, heir of

       the past so grand,

       To build a grander future.

      BOOK XV

       Table of Contents


       A song for occupations!

       In the labor of engines and trades and the labor of fields I find

       the developments,

       And find the eternal meanings.

      Workmen and Workwomen!

       Were all educations practical and ornamental well display’d out of

       me, what would it amount to?

       Were I as the head teacher, charitable proprietor, wise statesman,

       what would it amount to?

       Were I to you as the boss employing and paying you, would that satisfy you?

      The learn’d, virtuous, benevolent, and the usual terms,

       A man like me and never the usual terms.

      Neither a servant nor a master I,

       I take no sooner a large price than a small price, I will have my

       own whoever enjoys me,

       I will be even with you and you shall be even with me.

      If you stand at work in a shop I stand as nigh as the nighest in the

       same shop,

       If you bestow gifts on your brother or dearest friend I demand as

       good as your brother or dearest friend,

       If your lover, husband, wife, is welcome

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