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ay-e mestayokh lay,

      Hayluk taswas skwilawal.

      Kla al stlay-kwus lam kwatsit toklalim

      Lay ta ay-e tumokh.


      Owita ay-e e-tila tumokh,

      Owe-awts telth-le-melth kham;

      Owa-tcha staas lay ta ay-e tumokh,

      Laysit ta sawlth See-am.



      O land of rest, for thee I sigh,

      When will the moment come,

      When I shall lay my armor by,

      And dwell in peace at home.

      ||: We’ll work till Jesus comes, :||

      And we’ll be gathered home.


       G.H. 1–6 No. 18.

       Table of Contents


      Hayluk tal skwilawal tal mal lay ta tchee-tchilth,

      Shkha-khayl taswas skwell tokla may awkwus-thawmikh,

      Kukh ta ay-e stem shkha-khayl lay taswas skwell

      Kla ewal ay-e tokla Jesus stlay-il-thawmikh.

      ||:Hayluk tal skwilawal ta Jesus stlayil-thawmikh:||

      Jesus stlay-il-thawmikh ta-alsa.



      1 I am so glad that our Father in Heaven

      Tells of His love in the Book He has given,

      Wonderful things in the Bible I see,

      This is the dearest, that Jesus loves me.

      ||: I am so glad that Jesus loves me, :||

      Jesus loves even me.

      2 Though I forget Him and wander away,

      Still He doth love me wherever I stray;

      Back to His dear loving arms would I flee,

      When I remember that Jesus loves me.

      3 Jesus loves me, and I know I love Him,

      Love brought Him down my poor soul to redeem.

      Yes! it was love made Him die on the tree,

      Oh! I am certain that Jesus loves me.


       Can. Hym’l, No. 218.

       Table of Contents



      Maytla Jesus ska telth-le-melth,

      Ewis-tawlokh ta sawlth staylim;

      Sta-a kwo stawlo taswas ay-e skwilawal,

      Owe-awts ma-tatsel whimay ta-alsa.

      Al stlay ta Jesus, hallelujah,

      Al stlay ta Jesus osthayte tal skwell;

      Al stlay ta Jesus, a-yelokh-sthawmikh,

      Tokla Jesus stlays ta-alsa.


      Talowa Jesus Christ tal stlay,

      Ooli talowa Ay-e See-am;

      Tsukh-wemit-tchuh tomuk salawa,

      A-yelokh-tchuh towuk `kaw-`kie.



      1 Come, thou Fount of every blessing,

      Tune my heart to sing thy grace,

      Streams of mercy never ceasing,

      Call for songs of loudest praise.

      I love Jesus, hallelujah, &c.

      2 Teach me some celestial measure,

      Sung by ransomed hosts above;

      Oh, the vast, the boundless treasure,

      Of my Lord’s unchanging love.


       Can. Hym’l, No. 255.

       Table of Contents



      Lay kwa tchee-tchilth ta ay-e tumokh,

      Awkwus-tawlokwus ta Tcheetchilth-Seeam,

      Theeilth-sitawlokwus kwa ay-e shwaw-met,

      Almit-stawlokwus tokla sawlth Mal.

      ||: Tchalal may hayluk tasawlth skwilawal,

      Olamit `kup lay ta tchee-tchilth tumokh.:||


      Lay kwa tchee-tchilth ta ay-e staylim,

      Tchalal kwus staylim skaka ta ay-e mes-tayokh,

      Lamtcha hi owe-awts may kulth skwilawal,

      Skwi kwuls kham lam al-tus ay-e lalam.



      1 There’s a land that is fairer than day,

      And by faith we can see it afar,

      For the Father waits over the way,

      To prepare us a dwelling place there.

      ||: In the sweet by-and-bye,

      We shall meet on that beautiful shore. :||

      2 We shall meet, we shall sing, we shall reign

      In the land where the saved never die;

      We shall rest free from sorrow and pain,

      Safe at home in the sweet by-and-bye.


       G.H. 1–6 No. 229.

       Table of Contents



      Tchee-tchilth-See-am talswal lay Mal,

      Tlay talswal ke-a’tl e-tila tumokh,

      Ay-e-kwus may e-wis-thawmikh kwulls skwell

      “Taswas skwi-la-wal.”


      Yawswa tawtayls-thawmikh ta lee-awm,


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