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the Romans, esteeming it as the most sacred place, have there erected funeral monuments to the most illustrious persons of either sex. The most remarkable of these is that designated as the Mausoleum,1850 which consists of a mound of earth raised upon a high foundation of white marble, situated near the river, and covered to the top with ever-green shrubs. Upon the summit is a bronze statue of Augustus Cæsar, and beneath the mound are the ashes1851 of himself, his relatives, and friends. Behind is a large grove containing charming promenades. In the centre of the plain,1852 is the spot where this prince was reduced to ashes; it is surrounded with a double enclosure, one of marble, the other of iron, and planted within with poplars. If from hence you proceed to visit the ancient forum, which is equally filled with basilicas, porticos, and temples, you will there behold the Capitol, the Palatium, with the noble works which adorn them, and the piazza of Livia, each successive place causing you speedily to forget what you have before seen. Such is Rome.

      9. Of the other cities of Latium, some are distinguished by a variety of remarkable objects, others by the celebrated roads which intersect Latium, being situated either upon, or near to, or between these roads, the most celebrated of which are the Via Appia, the Via Latina, and the Via Valeria. The former of these bounds the maritime portion of Latium, as far as Sinuessa, the latter extends along Sabina as far as the Marsi, whilst between these is the Via Latina, which falls in with the Via Appia near to Casilinum,1853 a city distant from Capua1854 19 stadia. The Via Latina commences from the Via Appia, branching from it towards the left, near to Rome. It passes over the Tusculan mountain, between the city of Tusculum1855 and Mount Albanus; it then descends to the little city of Algidum,1856 and the Pictæ tavern; afterwards the Via [Pg 352] [CAS. 237] Lavicana joins it, which commences, like the Via Prænestina, from the Esquiline gate. This road, as well as the Esquiline plain, the Via Lavicana leaves on the left; it then proceeds a distance of 120 stadia, or more, when it approaches Lavicum, an ancient city now in ruins, situated on an eminence; this and Tusculum it leaves on the right, and terminates near to Pictæ in the Via Latina. This place is 210 stadia distant from Rome. Proceeding thence along the Via Latina there are noble residences, and the cities Ferentinum,1857 Frusino,1858 by which the river Cosa flows, Fabrateria,1859 by which flows the river Sacco,1860 Aquinum,1861 a large city, by which flows the great river Melfa,1862 Interamnium, situated at the confluence of two rivers, the Garigliano and another, Casinum, also an important city, and the last of those belonging to Latium. For Teanum, called Sidicinum,1863 which lies next in order, shows by its name that it belongs to the nation of the Sidicini. These people are Osci, a surviving nation of the Campani, so that this city, which is the largest of those situated upon the Via Latina, may be said to be Campanian; as well as that of Cales,1864 another considerable city which lies beyond, and is contiguous to Casilinum.1865

      10. As to the places situated on either side of the Via Latina, those on the right are between it and the Via Appia; of their number are Setia1866 and Signia,1867 which produce wine, that of Setia being one of the dearest wines, and that called Signium the best for strengthening the stomach. Before this1868 are Privernum,1869 Cora,1870 Suessa,1871 ‘Trapontium,’1872 Velitræ,1873 Aletrium,1874 and also Fregellæ,1875 by which the Garigliano flows, which discharges itself [into the sea] near Minturnæ. Fregellæ, though now a village, was formerly a considerable city, and the chief of the surrounding places we have just named. Even now their inhabitants throng to it on market days, and for the performance of certain religious solemnities. Its defection from the Romans was the cause of its ruin.1876 Both these, and also the cities lying on the Via Latina and beyond, situated in the territories of the Hernici, Æqui, and Volsci, were for the most part founded by the Romans. To the left of the Via Latina, the cities between it and the Via Valeria, are, Gabii,1877 standing in the Via Prænestina, it possesses a stone-quarry, in greater demand at Rome than any other, and is at an equal distance of about 100 stadia between Rome and Præneste.1878 Then Præneste, of which we shall have occasion presently to speak. Then, in the mountains above Præneste, Capitulum, a small city of the Hernici, and Anagnia,1879 a considerable city; Cereate,1880 and Sora, by which the river Garigliano1881 flows as it passes on to Fregellæ, and Minturnæ. After these there are other places, and finally, Venafrum,1882 from whence comes the finest oil. This city is situated on a high hill by the foot of which flows the Volturno,1883 which passing by Casilinum,1884 discharges itself [into the sea] at a city1885 bearing the same name as itself. Æsernia1886 and Alliphæ,1887 cities of the Samnites, the former was destroyed in the Marsian war,1888 the other still remains.

      11. The Via Valeria, commencing from Tibura,1889 leads to the country of the Marsi, and to Corfinium,1890 the metropolis of the Peligni. Upon it are situated the Latin cities of Valeria,1891 Carseoli,1892 Alba,1893 and near to it the city of Cuculum.1894 Within sight of Rome are Tibura, Præneste, and Tusculum.1895 At Tibura is a temple of Hercules, and a cataract formed by the fall of the Teverone,1896 (which is here navigable,) from a great height into a deep and wooded ravine close to the city. From thence the river flows through a highly fertile plain along by [Pg 354] [CAS. 238] the Tiburtine stone-quarries, those of the Gabii, and those denominated the red-stone quarries. As both the carriage from the quarries and the conveyance by river are easy, most of the Roman edifices are built of materials from hence. In this plain flow the cold waters called Albula, they spring from numerous fountains, and are taken both as a beverage and as baths,1897 for the cure of various diseases. Of the same kind are the Labanæ,1898 not far from these, on the Via Nomentana, and near to Eretum.1899 At Præneste is the celebrated temple and oracle of Fortune. Both this and the preceding city are situated on the same chain of mountains, and are distant from each other 100 stadia. Præneste is 200 stadia from Rome, Tibura less than that distance. They are said to be both of Grecian foundation, Præneste

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