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her, and Nina was crying in the University’s corridor. Then Vlad came to her and made his proposal.

      «Would you marry me?» he asked casually, and the girl could not believe her ears. Vlad hugged her. «I’d like to go out with you. Right now. Would you come?»

      She nodded, and did not even think that it was strange. It was her chance, and Nina rushed into this adventure, like jumping into the water.

      It was also the last day of October, and the first snowflakes parachuted from the gray sky. It was very cold even for Moscow, but the frost could not cool down the true soccer fans gathered at the stadium. The stormy reactions of Vlad amazed the girl because in most situations he was very reserved.

      She did not understand all the details of the game, and only followed her beloved man.

      If he was getting upset, she felt tears in her eyes. When he shouted, cheering on their team, she was screaming too.

      And when the visitors scored a goal and the stadium fell into a deep gloomy silence, the girl sensed such hatred for the player who did it that it surprised her.

      But the host team soon tied the score, and when a player from the host team scored the final goal, the stadium burst into an elated victory ovation.

      «We won!» shouted Vlad, grabbing Nina into his arms. Carrying her like she was a child, he spun around a few times.

      No one had ever done this to her, and the wowed girl panted, wild with euphoria. It was their first day together, and she prayed that it would not be the last.

      When they went downstairs to the metro station, people going from the game were throwing coins making a glittering tapping stream of money running down along the steps.

      «Why are they doing this?» wondered Nina. Vlad shrugged his shoulders.

      «We won. It’s a tradition.»

      She saw him hesitate, but he took out a small coin and threw it too.

      «Oh, you’re a tightwad,» the girl thought, but even this only increased her feelings for Vlad.

      At home, as Alla opened the door, the giddy Nina gleefully addressed her: «Mom, I’m gonna get married!»

      While her daughter was telling her all the details of the day, Alla just stared at her.

      When the girl finished, smiling like a drunk, Alla slowly replied, smoothing her daughter’s hair. «It’s okay. Even if he abandons you with a child, I’ll help you raise our baby, don’t worry.»

      Nina could not reply, and Alla left the room.

      «Abandon me?» This thought made the girl anxious, but another, stronger feeling immediately pushed all her worry aside. «No matter! I was happy today. No matter what happens next. No one can take this day from me. No one.»


      Recalling that day, thinking about her family life, Nina thought, «What did I do that God sent me such happiness?»

      She was tired after the Halloween walk, but Nina also was glad, as she liked this tradition. It was the first Halloween in their life, due to the fact that this holiday does not exist in Russia.

      Asleep, Vlad was next to her, and, feeling his calm breathing tickling her breasts, Nina smiled, losing herself in the thrill of peace and love.

      Chapter 4: To Be With Your Loved One

      At the same time that Nina and Larisa Lapina were getting home, Vera entered the city supermarket to do her shopping. In spite of the fact that today was Halloween, she knew no kids would be at her door, because she lived in an apartment building.

      She was not in a hurry, and at a leisurely pace she walked down aisle after aisle looking for staples.

      «Hello!» she heard. Vera saw a black police officer, and she recognized Jeff Menard.

      In this small town they often met by chance. They had already had a few short talks, and Vera smiled. Nobody was around them now, and they were free to chat for a while.

      «Hi, Jeff,» she whispered, giving him a playful glance. «Ready for trick-or-treat?»

      «I’ve already given out a lot of candy,» murmured Jeff, looking at her with adoration. «Many children came into the police station for Halloween.»

      «I didn’t know…» Vera stopped short, and turned toward a shelf, pretending to choose a product. Jeff did the same as two women entered the aisle at almost the same time.

      Waiting for these outsiders to leave, Jeff, with an impatient sigh, rummaged through boxes of cookies as unnecessary for him now as a package of salt for a person suffering thirst.

      The women stood not far away and started a lively discussion, and Jeff saw Vera give him a quick look. They did not need words. Pushing their carts, they left the aisle from different ends.

      Passing a few aisles, they walked in parallel until they found one without people, and entered, meeting in the middle. They laughed, enjoying mutual understanding.

      «Gosh!» Jeff giggled. «I feel like I’m meeting with a Russian spy.»

      Smiling, Vera wanted to reply, but her face clouded again, for another man came into the aisle. He soon left, but Jeff sighed as his playful mood faded. He noticed Vera glancing at her watch, and asked her, «Are you late for something?»

      «Almost.» Vera looked at him with an apologetic smile. «Tonight there is a Halloween party on campus – a short play, dancing after, snacks, et cetera. I’m curious to see it.»

      «Can I go too?» Jeff asked unexpectedly, even to himself. Vera looked at him with compassion.

      «Sorry,» she murmured. «It’s for students only. Bye.»

      «I understand,» he sighed watching her go.


      In the police station, Jeff sat at his desk and browsed through his papers. His shift was already over, but he just did not want to go yet to his empty home.

      Then he overheard a colleague talking with his student son.

      «Dad, you promised,» the student whined. «The whole party depends on you. Don’t wreck our Halloween.»

      «The students’ party?» Jeff got interested. «What happened?»

      «I foolishly promised my boy to take part in the play,» explained Jeff’s colleague. «But the chief gave me a lot of paperwork for tonight. I can’t, I really can’t.»

      «Is it a difficult part?» asked Jeff, and they stared at him. «I mean, can I replace your father?»

      «Great!» exclaimed the student. «All you need to do is just go on and say one phrase: „Your Majesty! Be ready for anything!“, then stand behind the royal throne. That’s all. It’s almost the last scene of the play. Just a few minutes. But the costume… it’s a knight’s costume, the whole-body armor. Not real, of course. It’s fabric. The helmet is aluminum. Is it okay with you?»

      «No problemo.» Jeff laughed. «Let’s go.»


      He repeated the phrase all the way to the campus. Not worried about the play, Jeff was only concerned if Vera would be there.

      «What if something changed and she could not come?» he thought. «Okay, at least I’ll have some fun.»


      In the changing room, the student gave Jeff the one-size-fits-all costume, and the police officer started pulling it on straight over his clothes. While he was donning his armor, some other students led David VanStein into the room.

      Tired after the Halloween walk, David had forgotten to put on his costume at home, but the students would not allow him to enter the party wearing casual clothes.

      «No-no-no!» objected a female student in the costume of a sea cadet. «You have to change.»


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