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for herself. One man, when he found out he couldn’t afford to pay for their dinner, went outside and shot himself. He preferred to die than to live with such a disgracing act.»

      «Wow. No, in the United States women often pay for themselves and for their men.»

      Oleg demonstratively sighed and shook his head with disapproval, then gallantly gave her his hand.

      As they left the library, Lana saw Ruslan Grafinsky. She remembered him next to Oleg, and now she smiled, not noticing Oleg frown and the spite that glinted in his eyes.

      «Miss Limpson,» Ruslan started resolutely. «I have to talk with you.»

      Unexpectedly, Oleg leapt at Ruslan, pushed him aside, and said something in Russian. The men started wrangling, and Lana watched them with terror. «What was going on?» She wondered about the reason for such emotion.

      Suddenly, Oleg punched Ruslan in the face so hard that he sat straight down on the sidewalk. Oleg took the hand of a shocked Lana, and quickly brought her to his car.

      «Your friend,» mumbled Lana.

      «He will be okay,» Oleg said through clenched teeth. «It’s Russian business, don’t worry.»

      «Miss Limpson!» she heard Ruslan scream, but Oleg drove away.

      They kept silent for a while. Oleg parked his car in the first parking lot.

      «I want make things straight,» he started slowly. «I want to show you that I’m honest with you. I am and I will be. And this is my proof: I’m married.»

      Lana gaped at him.

      «I told you this, first of all, because I don’t want to lie to you, I didn’t and I won’t. Second, for to know, if I’m married, it means I honestly just want to be your friend, and I’m not looking for your money.» He said it with pain and bitterness in his voice, and Lana was touched.

      «Money.» She shook her head. «I couldn’t forget one event from my childhood. My dad took me to a carnival. He was already rich enough, not as rich as he is now, but he was making good money. I wanted him to buy me a toy bird. It was so funny. Purple, with a huge beak. I wanted it so much. I begged dad, but he said it would be a pointless waste of money. And he didn’t buy it. The carnival moved away, and I never saw such a toy again. When I grew up and we started discussing where should I study, I refused his offers. I said, „It would be a pointless waste of money. I want to study here, in my own town.“ He agreed. He probably forgot this, his expression, but I never could.»

      She sniffed. Oleg hugged her, and the girl cried on his shoulder.

      «Sweetheart.» Oleg carefully kissed her hair. «I know a much more horrible story of how the greediness of parents made the life of their child a misery. She was our neighbor and this is why I know this story is true. Her name was Olga, and her parents were not poor, but they called themselves ’practical’. Olga told me her first memory was of a birthday present given to her by her mother. A plastic teddy bear. It was ugly, scary, hard and had a disgusting smell, but her mother smiled and told her father, „Look, what a practical toy. She can chew it or drop it in a puddle. No matter. It will still be good.“ All the following toys were the same. Very, very practical. And, imagine! Olga started to steal toys from other kids.»

      «Really?» Lana Limpson looked at Oleg with surprise. «I very much wanted to have this toy bird, but to steal it? That’s going too far.»

      «Well.» Oleg breathed out a sigh. «You’re a powerful girl, and have a strong personality, but the poor Olga couldn’t resist her wish to have nice toys. Her parents caught her, and her father gave her such a belting that the girl couldn’t sit for almost a week.»

      «She should’ve reported it to the police!»

      «Honey,» said Oleg ruefully. «It was Russia. Police would do nothing about it. How many times my own father beat me.»

      Full of compassion, the heart of the girl was beating like a bird in the net of a hunter. Lana looked at his sorrowful face, and lovingly stroked his cheek. She felt his bristle, and this barely sensed pricking stirred her abysmal instinct up, excited her as never had happened to her, and the following kiss only increased her desire.

      «Drive to my house,» she whispered intimately, and a surprised Oleg obeyed.


      They were lying side by side in the bed in her room. Happily smiling, Lana searched him, and could not admire enough his beautiful face and his strong athletic body.

      Oleg wanted to smoke, but he did not know yet how she would react to this.

      «Do you always have unprotected sex?» Oleg asked, as thoughts about the chance of getting AIDS from such an emotional girl made him really worried.

      «Honestly,» she murmured, quietly kissing him. «This was the first time. You made me crazy. But I trust you.»

      «I don’t trust you, girl,» Oleg thought, praying for himself. «God, take mercy on me! Well, nothing ventured, nothing gained

      He saw her take a pack of cigarettes, and, sighing with relief, Oleg smoked his own.

      «So, what about that girl?» asked Lana.

      Oleg bewilderedly gazed at her. «Which girl?»

      «The Russian girl, who had penny pincher parents.»

      «Oh dear,» uttered Oleg sensually. «You made me forget about everything. Where did I stop?»

      «Her parents punished her.»

      «Ah, correct. You have a wonderful bright head, my love,» he drawled, massaging Lana’s arm. He saw she liked it. «So, Olga had been punished, but it didn’t change her mind. She only became more careful, and never brought stolen toys home anymore. Olga hid them and played when she had time. Her hobby became her job when she met Sergey. They had been dating about two years. Olga was just fifteen, but her boyfriend got a fake ID for her, and the girl left her home. She was ready to do anything for Sergey.»

      «Mmmmmm,» Lana moaned, losing herself in this fantastically pleasant feeling. «I can understand her.»

      «Sergey didn’t limit their ’work’ to burglaries,» Oleg continued, still rubbing her skin. His erotic massage became real caressing, and Lana stretched, enjoying it.

      «Olga loved him very much,» said Oleg, attentively watching how Lana responded to his touch. «She never refused when he asked her to deliver ’stuff’ for his clients, and usually she did that without any problems. Minute, like a mouse, Olga was not ugly, yet so plain that even for the police it was a difficult task to remember her face. But one day their luck ran out. While the police chased her, Olga dumped the bags with the powder. Then the policemen arrested her and searched her carefully. They found nothing and had to let her go.

      «Olga went back to her boyfriend, mad,» continued Oleg. «She didn’t notice she’d been shadowed. Olga was humiliated. She was trembling after such stress, and she needed support, but that fool Sergey started shouting at her. He got angry that she’d failed, and they lost a lot of money. He talked to her the same way as her parents had and that made Olga insane. When she took his gun Sergey didn’t turn a hair. He knew how that girl loved him.»

      Oleg paused for effect, then finished. «It was an automatic pistol, honey, and Olga kept firing until the police burst into the apartment and shot her down.»

      Oleg did not tell Lana that this guy, Sergey, was one of his closest friends, that they even «worked» together, and this was a real reason he knew all the details of this story.

      «Awful.» Lana embraced her lover. «Poor girl. Damn all the money in the world. Long live Love.»

      «You bet, my miracle!» exclaimed Oleg, trying to show off all the enthusiasm that he could demonstrate, and they fell onto the bed again.


      Oleg impressed Lana

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