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       Nathaniel Hawthorne

      The Complete Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne (With Illustrations)

      Novels, Short Stories, Poetry, Essays, Letters and Memoirs (Including The Scarlet Letter and More)

       Published by



      Advanced Digital Solutions & High-Quality eBook Formatting

       [email protected] 2017 OK Publishing ISBN 978-80-272-3228-4

      Table of Contents


       Fanshawe (published anonymously, 1828)

       The Scarlet Letter: A Romance (1850)

       The House of the Seven Gables: A Romance (1851)

       The Blithedale Romance (1852)

       The Marble Faun: Or, The Romance of Monte Beni (1860)

       The Dolliver Romance (1863) (unfinished)

       Septimius Felton; or, the Elixir of Life, (1872)

       Doctor Grimshawe's Secret: A romance (unfinished) (1882)

       Collections of Short Stories:

       Twice-Told Tales (1837)

       The Whole History of Grandfather’s Chair (1840)

       Biographical Stories

       Mosses from an Old Manse (1846)

       Wonder Book For Girls and Boys (1851)

       The Snow Image and Other Twice Told Tales (1852)

       Tanglewood Tales For Girls and Boys (1853)

       The Dolliver Romance and Other Pieces, Tales and Sketches (1864)

       The Story Teller

       Sketches in Magazines: (1830-1844)

       Sir William Phips (1830)

       Mrs. Hutchinson (1830)

       The Haunted Quack (1831)

       Sir William Pepperell (1833)

       A Visit to the Clerk of the Weather (1836)

       Thomas Green Fessenden (1838)

       Jonathan Cilley (1838)

       A Good Man's Miracle (1844)


       Address to the Moon

       The Darken'd Veil

       Earthly Pomp

       Forms of Heroes

       Go to the Grave

       My Low and Humble Home

       The Ocean


       The British Matron: A Satire

       The Ancestral Footstep: Outlines of an English Romance

       Life Of Franklin Pierce

       Chiefly About War Matters

       Our Old Home

       Autobiographical Writings:


       Browne’s Folly (a letter for the Essex Institute)

       Love Letters (To Miss Sophia Peabody): Volume I

       Love Letters (To Miss Sophia Peabody): Volume II

       Letter to the Editor of the Literary Review

       Memoirs and Diaries:

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