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XLVIII. The Softness of Sir Raffle Buffle

       Chapter XLIX. Near the Close

       Chapter L. Lady Lufton’s Proposition

       Chapter LI. Mrs. Dobbs Broughton Piles Her Fagots

       Chapter LII. Why Don’t You Have an “It” for Yourself?

       Chapter LIII. Rotten Row

       Chapter LIV. The Clerical Commission

       Chapter LV. Framley Parsonage

       Chapter LVI. The Archdeacon Goes to Framley

       Chapter LVII. A Double Pledge

       Chapter LVIII. The Crossgrainedness of Men

       Chapter LIX. A Lady Presents Her Compliments to Miss L. D.

       Chapter LX. The End of Jael and Sisera

       Chapter LXI. “It’s Dogged as Does It”

       Chapter LXII. Mr. Crawley’s Letter to the Dean

       Chapter LXIII. Two Visitors to Hogglestock

       Chapter LXIV. The Tragedy in Hook Court

       Chapter LXV. Miss Van Siever Makes Her Choice

       Chapter LXVI. Requiescat in Pace

       Chapter LXVII. in Memoriam

       Chapter LXVIII. The Obstinacy of Mr. Crawley

       Chapter LXIX. Mr. Crawley’s Last Appearance In His Own Pulpit

       Chapter LXX. Mrs. Arabin Is Caught

       Chapter LXXI. Mr. Toogood at Silverbridge

       Chapter LXXII. Mr. Toogood at “the Dragon of Wantly”

       Chapter LXXIII. There Is Comfort at Plumstead

       Chapter LXXIV. The Crawleys Are Informed

       Chapter LXXV. Madalina’s Heart Is Bleeding

       Chapter LXXVI. I Think He Is Light of Heart

       Chapter LXXVII. The Shattered Tree

       Chapter LXXVIII. The Arabins Return to Barchester

       Chapter LXXIX. Mr. Crawley Speaks of His Coat

       Chapter LXXX. Miss Demolines Desires to Become a Finger-post

       Chapter LXXXI. Barchester Cloisters

       Chapter LXXXII. The Last Scene at Hogglestock

       Chapter LXXXIII. Mr. Crawley Is Conquered

       Chapter LXXXIV. Conclusion

      Chapter I.

       How Did He Get It?

       Table of Contents

      I can never bring myself to believe it, John,” said Mary Walker, the pretty daughter of Mr. George Walker, attorney of Silverbridge. Walker and Winthrop was the name of the firm, and they were respectable people, who did all the solicitors’ business that had to be done in that part of Barsetshire on behalf of the Crown, were employed on the local business of the Duke of Omnium who is great in those parts, and altogether held their heads up high, as provincial lawyers often do. They,—the Walkers,—lived in a great brick house in the middle of the town, gave dinners, to which the county gentlemen not unfrequently condescended to come, and in a mild way led the fashion in Silverbridge. “I can never bring myself to believe it, John,” said Miss Walker.

      “You’ll have to bring yourself to believe it,” said John, without taking his eyes from his book.

      “A clergyman,—and such a clergyman too!”

      “I don’t see that that has anything to do with it.” And as he now spoke, John did take his eyes off his book. “Why should not a clergyman turn thief as well as anybody else? You girls always seem to forget that clergymen are only men after all.”

      “Their conduct is likely to be better than that of other men, I think.”

      “I deny it utterly,” said John Walker. “I’ll undertake to say that at this moment there are more clergymen in debt in Barsetshire than there are either lawyers or doctors. This man has always been in debt. Since he has been in the county I don’t think he has ever been able to show his face in the High Street of Silverbridge.”

      “John, that is saying more than you have a right to say,” said Mrs. Walker.

      “Why, mother, this very cheque was given to a butcher who had threatened a few days before to post bills all about the county, giving an account of the debt that was due to him, if the money was not paid at once.”

      “More shame for Mr. Fletcher,” said Mary. “He has made a fortune as butcher in Silverbridge.”

      “What has that to do with it? Of course a man likes to have his money. He had written three times to the bishop, and

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