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was courted as a ‘relief.’

      It has been generally said, I know not with what truth, that Johnson offered his London to several booksellers, none of whom would purchase it. To this circumstance Mr. Derrick alludes in the following lines of his Fortune, a Rhapsody:

      ‘Will no kind patron JOHNSON own?

       Shall JOHNSON friendless range the town?

       And every publisher refuse

       The offspring of his happy Muse[356]?’

      But we have seen that the worthy, modest, and ingenious Mr. Robert Dodsley[357] had taste enough to perceive its uncommon merit, and thought it creditable to have a share in it. The fact is, that, at a future conference, he bargained for the whole property of it, for which he gave Johnson ten guineas[358]; who told me, ‘I might, perhaps, have accepted of less; but that Paul Whitehead had a little before got ten guineas for a poem and I would not take less than Paul Whitehead.’

      [Page 125: Paul Whitehead. Ætat 29.]

      I may here observe, that Johnson appeared to me to undervalue Paul Whitehead upon every occasion when he was mentioned, and, in my opinion, did not do him justice; but when it is considered that Paul Whitehead was a member of a riotous and profane club[359], we may account for Johnson’s having a prejudice against him. Paul Whitehead was, indeed, unfortunate in being not only slighted by Johnson, but violently attacked by Churchill, who utters the following imprecation:

      ‘May I (can worse disgrace on manhood fall?)

       Be born a Whitehead, and baptiz’d a Paul[360]!’

      yet I shall never be persuaded to think meanly of the authour of so brilliant and pointed a satire as Manners[361].

      [Page 126: Was Richard Savage Thales? A.D. 1738.]

      Johnson’s London was published in May, 1738[362]; and it is remarkable, that it came out on the same morning with Pope’s satire, entitled ‘1738[363];’ so that England had at once its Juvenal and Horace[364] as poetical monitors. The Reverend Dr. Douglas, now Bishop of Salisbury, to whom I am indebted for some obliging communications, was then a student at Oxford, and remembers well the effect which London produced. Every body was delighted with it; and there being no name to it, the first buz of the literary circles was ‘here is an unknown poet, greater even than Pope.’ And it is recorded in the Gentleman s Magazine of that year[365], that it ‘got to the second edition in the course of a week.’

      [Page 127: General Oglethorpe. Ætat 29.]

      One of the warmest patrons of this poem on its first appearance was General Oglethorpe, whose ‘strong benevolence of soul[366],’ was unabated during the course of a very long life[367]; though it is painful to think, that he had but too much reason to become cold and callous, and discontented with the world, from the neglect which he experienced of his publick and private worth, by those in whose power it was to gratify so gallant a veteran with marks of distinction. This extraordinary person was as remarkable for his learning and taste, as for his other eminent qualities; and no man was more prompt, active, and generous, in encouraging merit. I have heard Johnson gratefully acknowledge, in his presence, the kind and effectual support which he gave to his London, though unacquainted with its authour.

      [Page 128: Pope admires London. A.D. 1738.]

      Pope, who then filled the poetical throne without a rival, it may reasonably be presumed, must have been particularly struck by the sudden appearance of such a poet; and, to his credit, let it be remembered, that his feelings and conduct on the occasion were candid and liberal. He requested Mr. Richardson, son of the painter[368], to endeavour to find out who this new authour was. Mr. Richardson, after some inquiry, having informed him that he had discovered only that his name was Johnson, and that he was some obscure man, Pope said, ‘he will soon be déterré[369].’ We shall presently see, from a note written by Pope, that he was himself afterwards more successful in his inquiries than his friend.

      [Page 129: Johnson a ‘true-born Englishman.’ Ætat 29.]

      That in this justly-celebrated poem may be found a few rhymes[370] which the critical precision of English prosody at this day would disallow, cannot be denied; but with this small imperfection, which in the general blaze of its excellence is not perceived, till the mind has subsided into cool attention, it is, undoubtedly, one of the noblest productions in our language, both for sentiment and expression. The nation was then in that ferment against the court and the ministry, which some years after ended in the downfall of Sir Robert Walpole; and as it has been said, that Tories are Whigs when out of place, and Whigs, Tories when in place; so, as a Whig administration ruled with what force it could, a Tory opposition had all the animation and all the eloquence of resistance to power, aided by the common topicks of patriotism, liberty, and independence! Accordingly, we find in Johnson’s London the most spirited invectives against tyranny and oppression, the warmest predilection for his own country, and the purest love of virtue; interspersed with traits of his own particular character and situation, not omitting his prejudices as a ‘true-born Englishman[371],’ not only against foreign countries, but against Ireland and Scotland[372]. On some of these topicks I shall quote a few passages:

      [Page 130: Passages from LONDON. A.D. 1738.]

      ‘The cheated nation’s happy fav’rites see;

       Mark whom the great caress, who frown on me.’

       ‘Has heaven reserv’d in pity to the poor,

       No pathless waste, or undiscover’d shore?

       No secret island in the boundless main?

       No peaceful desert yet unclaim’d by Spain?

       Quick let us rise, the happy seats explore,

       And bear Oppression’s insolence no more[373].’

      ‘How, when competitors like these contend,

       Can surly Virtue hope to fix a friend?’

      ‘This mournful truth is every where confess’d,


      We may easily conceive with what feeling a great mind like his, cramped and galled by narrow circumstances, uttered this last line, which he marked by capitals. The whole of the poem is eminently excellent, and there are in it such proofs of a knowledge of the world, and of a mature acquaintance with life, as cannot be contemplated without wonder, when we consider that he was then only in his twenty-ninth year, and had yet been so little in the ‘busy haunts of men[375].’

      [Page 131: Sir Robert Walpole. Ætat 29.]

      Yet, while we admire the poetical excellence of this poem, candour obliges us to allow, that the flame of patriotism and zeal for popular resistance with which it is fraught, had no just cause. There was, in truth, no ‘oppression;’ the ‘nation’ was not ‘cheated.’ Sir Robert Walpole was a wise and a benevolent minister, who thought that the happiness and prosperity of a commercial country like ours, would be best promoted by peace, which he accordingly maintained, with credit, during a very long period. Johnson himself afterwards honestly acknowledged the merit of Walpole, whom he called ‘a fixed star;’ while he characterised his opponent, Pitt, as ‘a meteor[376].’ But Johnson’s juvenile poem was naturally impregnated with the fire of opposition, and upon every account was universally admired.

      [Page 132: Appleby School. A.D. 1738.]

      Though thus elevated into fame, and conscious of uncommon powers, he had not that bustling confidence, or, I may rather say, that animated ambition, which one might have supposed would have urged him to endeavour at rising in life. But such was his inflexible dignity of character, that he could not stoop to court the great; without which, hardly any man has made his way to a high station[377]. He could not expect to produce many such works as his London, and he felt the hardships of writing for bread; he was, therefore, willing to resume the office of a schoolmaster, so as to have a sure, though moderate income for his life; and an offer being made to him of

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