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lines o'erthrown and kinsmen slain,

       How should not we, who see, shun such a crime--

       We who perceive the guilt and feel the shame--

       O thou Delight of Men, Janardana?

       By overthrow of houses perisheth

       Their sweet continuous household piety,

       And-rites neglected, piety extinct--

       Enters impiety upon that home;

       Its women grow unwomaned, whence there spring

       Mad passions, and the mingling-up of castes,

       Sending a Hell-ward road that family,

       And whoso wrought its doom by wicked wrath.

       Nay, and the souls of honoured ancestors

       Fall from their place of peace, being bereft

      So speaking, in the face of those two hosts,

       Arjuna sank upon his chariot-seat,

       And let fall bow and arrows, sick at heart.


       Entitled "Arjun-Vishad,"

       Or "The Book of the Distress of Arjuna."


       The Book of Doctrines

       Table of Contents


       Him, filled with such compassion and such grief,

       With eyes tear-dimmed, despondent, in stern words

       The Driver, Madhusudan, thus addressed:


       How hath this weakness taken thee? Whence springs

       The inglorious trouble, shameful to the brave,

       Barring the path of virtue? Nay, Arjun!

       Forbid thyself to feebleness! it mars

       Thy warrior-name! cast off the coward-fit!

       Wake! Be thyself! Arise, Scourge of thy Foes!


       How can I, in the battle, shoot with shafts

       On Bhishma, or on Drona-O thou Chief!--

       Both worshipful, both honourable men?

      Better to live on beggar's bread

       With those we love alive,

       Than taste their blood in rich feasts spread,

       And guiltily survive!

       Ah! were it worse-who knows?--to be

       Victor or vanquished here,

       When those confront us angrily

       Whose death leaves living drear?

       In pity lost, by doubtings tossed,

       My thoughts-distracted-turn

       To Thee, the Guide I reverence most,

       That I may counsel learn:

       I know not what would heal the grief

       Burned into soul and sense,

       If I were earth's unchallenged chief--

       A god--and these gone thence!


       So spake Arjuna to the Lord of Hearts,

       And sighing,"I will not fight!" held silence then.

       To whom, with tender smile, (O Bharata! )

       While the Prince wept despairing 'twixt those hosts,

       Krishna made answer in divinest verse:


       Thou grievest where no grief should be! thou speak'st

       Words lacking wisdom! for the wise in heart

       Mourn not for those that live, nor those that die.

       Nor I, nor thou, nor any one of these,

       Ever was not, nor ever will not be,

       For ever and for ever afterwards.

       All, that doth live, lives always! To man's frame

       As there come infancy and youth and age,

       So come there raisings-up and layings-down

       Of other and of other life-abodes,

       Which the wise know, and fear not. This that irks--

       Thy sense-life, thrilling to the elements--

       Bringing thee heat and cold, sorrows and joys,

       'Tis brief and mutable! Bear with it, Prince!

       As the wise bear. The soul which is not moved,

       The soul that with a strong and constant calm

       Takes sorrow and takes joy indifferently,

       Lives in the life undying! That which is

       Can never cease to be; that which is not

       Will not exist. To see this truth of both

       Is theirs who part essence from accident,

       Substance from shadow. Indestructible,

       Learn thou! the Life is, spreading life through all;

       It cannot anywhere, by any means,

       Be anywise diminished, stayed, or changed.

       But for these fleeting frames which it informs

       With spirit deathless, endless, infinite,

       They perish. Let them perish, Prince! and fight!

       He who shall say, "Lo! I have slain a man!"

       He who shall think, "Lo! I am slain!" those both

       Know naught! Life cannot slay. Life is not slain!

       Never the spirit was born; the spirit shall cease to be never;

       Never was time it was not; End and Beginning are dreams!

       Birthless and deathless and changeless remaineth the spirit for ever;

       Death hath not touched it at all, dead though the house of it seems!

      Who knoweth it exhaustless, self-sustained,

       Immortal, indestructible,--shall such

       Say, "I have killed a man, or caused to kill?"

      Nay, but as when one layeth

       His worn-out robes away,

       And taking new ones, sayeth,

       "These will I wear to-day!"

       So putteth by the spirit

       Lightly its garb of flesh,

       And passeth to inherit

       A residence afresh.

      I say to thee weapons reach not the Life;

       Flame burns it not, waters cannot o'erwhelm,

       Nor dry winds wither it. Impenetrable,

       Unentered, unassailed, unharmed, untouched,

       Immortal, all-arriving, stable, sure,


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