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was hired, and a noted soprano was coming up from Charlottetown to sing between the acts. The dress rehearsal was a success. Jen was really excellent and the whole cast played up to her. Friday morning Jen was not in school; and in the afternoon her mother sent word that Jen was ill with a very sore throat … they were afraid it was tonsillitis. Everybody concerned was very sorry, but it was out of the question that she should take part in the play that night.

      Katherine and Anne stared at each other, drawn together for once in their common dismay.

      “We’ll have to put it off,” said Katherine slowly. “And that means failure. Once we’re into December there’s so much going on. Well, I always thought it was foolish to try to get up a play this time of the year.”

      “We are not going to postpone it,” said Anne, her eyes as green as Jen’s own. She was not going to say it to Katherine Brooke, but she knew as well as she had ever known anything in her life that Jen Pringle was in no more danger of tonsillitis than she was. It was a deliberate device, whether any of the other Pringles were a party to it or not, to ruin the play because she, Anne Shirley, had sponsored it.

      “Oh, if you feel that way about it!” said Katherine with a nasty shrug. “But what do you intend to do? Get some one to read the part? That would ruin it … Mary is the whole play.”

      “Sophy Sinclair can play the part as well as Jen. The costume will fit her and, thanks be, you made it and have it, not Jen.”

      The play was put on that night before a packed audience. A delighted Sophy played Mary … was Mary, as Jen Pringle could never have been … looked Mary in her velvet robes and ruff and jewels. Students of Summerside High, who had never seen Sophy in anything but her plain, dowdy, dark serge dresses, shapeless coat and shabby hats, stared at her in amazement. It was insisted on the spot that she become a permanent member of the Dramatic Club — Anne herself paid the membership fee — and from then on she was one of the pupils who “counted” in Summerside High. But nobody knew or dreamed, Sophy herself least of all, that she had taken the first step that night on a pathway that was to lead to the stars. Twenty years later Sophy Sinclair was to be one of the leading actresses in America. But probably no plaudits ever sounded so sweet in her ears as the wild applause amid which the curtain fell that night in Summerside town hall.

      Mrs. James Pringle took a tale home to her daughter Jen which would have turned that damsel’s eyes green if they had not been already so. For once, as Rebecca Dew said feelingly, Jen had got her comeuppance. And the eventual result was the insult in the composition on Important Happenings.

      Anne went down to the old graveyard along a deep-rutted lane between high, mossy stone dykes, tasseled with frosted ferns. Slim, pointed lombardies, from which November winds had not yet stripped all the leaves, grew along it at intervals, coming out darkly against the amethyst of the far hills; but the old graveyard, with half its tombstones leaning at a drunken slant, was surrounded by a four-square row of tall, somber fir trees. Anne had not expected to find any one there and was a little taken aback when she met Miss Valentine Courtaloe, with her long delicate nose, her thin delicate mouth, her sloping delicate shoulders and her general air of invincible ladylikeness, just inside the gate. She knew Miss Valentine, of course, as did everyone in Summerside. She was “the” local dressmaker and what she didn’t know about people, living or dead, was not worth taking into account. Anne had wanted to wander about by herself, read the odd old epitaphs and puzzle out the names of forgotten lovers under the lichens that were growing over them. But she could not escape when Miss Valentine slipped an arm through hers and proceeded to do the honors of the graveyard, where there were evidently as many Courtaloes buried as Pringles. Miss Valentine had not a drop of Pringle blood in her and one of Anne’s favorite pupils was her nephew. So it was no great mental strain to be nice to her, except that one must be very careful never to hint that she “sewed for a living.” Miss Valentine was said to be very sensitive on that point.

      “I’m glad I happened to be here this evening,” said Miss Valentine. “I can tell you all about everybody buried here. I always say you have to know the ins and outs of the corpses to find a graveyard real enjoyable. I like a walk here better than in the new. It’s only the old families that are buried here but every Tom, Dick and Harry is being buried in the new. The Courtaloes are buried in this corner. My, we’ve had a terrible lot of funerals in our family.”

      “I suppose every old family has,” said Anne, because Miss Valentine evidently expected her to say something.

      “Don’t tell me any family has ever had as many as ours,” said Miss Valentine jealously. “We’re very consumptive. Most of us died of a cough. This is my Aunt Bessie’s grave. She was a saint if ever there was one. But there’s no doubt her sister, Aunt Cecilia, was the more interesting to talk to. The last time I ever saw her she said to me, ‘Sit down, my dear, sit down. I’m going to die tonight at ten minutes past eleven but that’s no reason why we shouldn’t have a real good gossip for the last.’ The strange thing, Miss Shirley, is that she did die that night at ten minutes past eleven. Can you tell me how she knew it?”

      Anne couldn’t.

      “My Great-great-grandfather Courtaloe is buried here. He came out in 1760 and he made spinning-wheels for a living. I’ve heard he made fourteen hundred in the course of his life. When he died the minister preached from the text, ‘Their works do follow them,’ and old Myrom Pringle said in that case the road to heaven behind my great-great-grandfather would be choked with spinning-wheels. Do you think such a remark was in good taste, Miss Shirley?”

      Had any one but a Pringle said it, Anne might not have remarked so decidedly, “I certainly do not,” looking at a gravestone adorned with a skull and cross-bones as if she questioned the good taste of that also.

      “My cousin Dora is buried here. She had three husbands but they all died very rapidly. Poor Dora didn’t seem to have any luck picking a healthy man. Her last one was Benjamin Banning … not buried here … buried in Lowvale beside his first wife … and he wasn’t reconciled to dying. Dora told him he was going to a better world. ‘Mebbe, mebbe,’ says poor Ben, ‘but I’m sorter used to the imperfections of this one.’ He took sixty-one different kinds of medicine but in spite of that he lingered for a good while. All Uncle David Courtaloe’s family are here. There’s a cabbage rose planted at the foot of every grave and, my, don’t they bloom! I come here every summer and gather them for my rose-jar. It would be a pity to let them go to waste, don’t you think?”

      “I … I suppose so.”

      “My poor young sister Harriet lies here,” sighed Miss Valentine. “She had magnificent hair … about the color of yours … not so red perhaps. It reached to her knees. She was engaged when she died. They tell me you’re engaged. I never much wanted to be married but I think it would have been nice to be engaged. Oh, I’ve had some chances of course … perhaps I was too fastidious … but a Courtaloe couldn’t marry everybody, could she?”

      It did not seem likely she could.

      “Frank Digby … over in that corner under the sumacs … wanted me. I did feel a little regretful over refusing him … but a Digby, my dear! He married Georgina Troop. She always went to church a little late to show off her clothes. My, she was fond of clothes. She was buried in such a pretty blue dress … I made it for her to wear to a wedding but in the end she wore it to her own funeral. She had three darling little children. They used to sit in front of me at church and I always gave them candy. Do you think it wrong to give children candy in church, Miss Shirley? Not peppermints … that would be all right … there’s something religious about peppermints, don’t you think? But the poor things don’t like them.”

      When the Courtaloe’s plots were exhausted Miss Valentine’s reminiscences became a bit spicier. It did not make so much difference if you weren’t a Courtaloe.

      “Old Mrs. Russell Pringle is here. I often wonder if she’s in heaven or not.”

      “But why?” gasped a rather shocked Anne.


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