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King Theodoric to the Senate of the City of Rome .

       17. King Theodoric to Ida , Vir Sublimis and Dux .

       18. King Theodoric to Annas, Senator and Comes .

       19. King Theodoric to Gemellus, Senator .

       20. King Theodoric to Geberich, Senator .

       21. King Theodoric to Gemellus, Senator .

       22. King Theodoric to Argolicus, Vir Illustris and Praefect of the City;


       23. King Theodoric to Arigern, Vir Illustris and Comes .

       24. King Theodoric to Elpidius, Deacon [of Spoleto].

       25. King Theodoric to Argolicus, Vir Illustris, Praefectus Urbis .

       26. King Theodoric to all the Citizens of Marseilles [345] .

       27. King Theodoric to the Sajo Tezutzat ,


       28. King Theodoric to Duda, Senator and Comes .

       29. King Theodoric to Argolicus, Vir Illustris, Praefect of the City .

       30. King Theodoric to Albinus, Vir Illustris and Patrician .

       31. King Theodoric to Aemilianus, Vir Venerabilis, Bishop .

       32. King Theodoric to Duda the Sajo .

       33. King Theodoric to all the Jews of Genoa .

       34. King Theodoric to Duda the Sajo .

       35. King Theodoric to the Representatives (Actores) of Albinus .

       36. King Theodoric to Faustus, Praetorian Praefect. a.d. 509-510.

       37. King Theodoric to the Illustrious Woman Theodagunda .

       38. King Theodoric to Faustus, Praetorian Praefect .

       39. King Theodoric to Theodahad, Vir Illustris [and Nephew of the King] .

       40. King Theodoric to the Representatives (Actores) of Probinus .

       41. King Theodoric to Joannes, Arch-physician .

       42. King Theodoric to Argolicus, Praefect of the City .

       43. King Theodoric to the Senate of the City of Rome .

       44. King Theodoric to the Venerable Antonius, Bishop of Pola .

       45. King Theodoric to the Comites, Defensores, and Curiales of Ticinum (Pavia) .

       46. King Theodoric to Marabad, Vir Illustris .

       47. King Theodoric to Gudisal the Sajo .

       48. King Theodoric to Eusebius, Vir Illustris .

       49. King Theodoric to all the Provincials and the Long-haired Men [364] , the Defensores and the Curiales residing in Suavia [365] .

       50. King Theodoric to Faustus, Praetorian Praefect .

       51. King Theodoric to Symmachus, Patrician [368] .

       BOOK V.


       1. King Theodoric to the King of the Vandals [370] .

       2. King Theodoric to the Haesti .

       3. King Theodoric to Honoratus, Vir Illustris, Quaestor .

       4. King Theodoric to the Senate of the City of Rome .

       5. King Theodoric to the Sajo Mannila .

       6. King Theodoric to Stabularius, Comitiacus [381] .

       7. King Theodoric to Joannes, Vir Clarissimus, Arcarius [Treasurer] .

       8. King Theodoric to Anastasius the Consular .

       9. King Theodoric to the Possessores of Feltria .

       10. King Theodoric to the Sajo Veranus .

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