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Society 410 State Prison 410 Fires, Bonds, Indebtedness 412 Biographies. Isaac Staples 413 Samuel F. Hersey & Sons 415 Jacob Bean 416 Charles Bean 416 Rudolph Lehmicke 417 Hollis R. Murdock 417 George M. Seymour 417 Frank A. Seymour 418 Louis Hospes 418 David Tozer 419 David Bronson 420 John Maloy 420 Mrs. Susannah Tepass 420 William E. Thorne 420 Edmund J. Butts 420 A. B. Easton 421 Edwin A. Folsom 421 John B. H. Mitchell 421 Joseph Schupp 422 Clifford A. Bennett 422 Samuel Mathews 422 John and James Mathews 423 Peter Jourdain 423 James Rooney 423 James N. Castle 423 Abraham L. Gallespie 423 John C. Gardiner 423 V. C. Seward 424 Ralph Wheeler 424 Edward S. Brown 424 William Lowell 424 Albert Lowell 425 Nelson H. Van Voorhes 425 Andrew J. Van Voorhes 425 Henry C. Van Voorhes 425 C. A. Bromley 426 Charles J. Butler 426 Levi E. Thompson 427 George Davis 427 William M. McCluer 427 John N. Ahl 427 Samuel M. Register 428 J. A. Johnson 428 Gold T. Curtis 429 Harley D. Curtis 429 Francis R. Delano 429 Henry W. Cannon 430 Dwight M. Sabin 430 CHAPTER XVI. STEARNS, ANOKA AND SHERBURNE COUNTIES. Stearns County. Organization and History of 432 St. Cloud 434 Newspapers and Post Office 435 Village and City Organization 435 Land Office, Expenditures 435 The St. Cloud Dam, Improvements 436 Banks, Public Buildings 436 St. John's University 437 La Sauk, Town of 438 Peter Schaeler 438 John L. Wilson 438 Charles T. Stearns 438 Henry G. Fillmore 438 Nathaniel Getchell 438 James Keough 438 Loren W. Collins 438 Henry C. Waite 439 Gen. S. B. Lowry 439 A. and Joseph Edelbrock 439 John Rengel 440 Louis A. Evans 440 Ambrose Freeman 440 Nathan F. Barnes 440 Nehemiah P. Clark 441 Oscar E. Garrison 441 Charles A. Gilman 441 Other Citizens 442 Anoka County. Organization 442 First Settlers, Commissioners 443 Anoka, Town of 443 Anoka, City of 443 Incorporation 444 Fires, Public Buildings 445 Manufactures, Banks 445 Bethel, Town of 446 Blaine, Town of 446 Burns, Town of 446 Centreville, Town of 446 Centreville Village 446 Columbus, Town of 447 Fridley, Town of 447 John Banfil 448 Grow, Town of 448 Ham Lake, Town of 448 Linwood, Town of 448 L. S. Arnold 449 S. Ridge 449 J. G. Green 449 S. W. Haskell 449 M. M. Ryan 449 Hurley Family 449 Oak Grove, Town of 449 Ramsey, Town of 449 St. Francis, Town of 450 An Indian Riot 450 Jared Benson 451 James C. Frost 451 A. J. McKenney 451 John Henry Batzle 452 John R. Bean 452 A. McC. Fridley 452 William Staples 452 Capt. James Starkey 453 Sherburne County. Description 453 Organization 453 Towns of Sherburne County 454 Villages of Sherburne County 455 Orono, Elk River 455 East St. Cloud 456 Clear Lake 456 Becker 456 Big Lake 456 J. Q. A. Nickerson 456 Henry Bittner 456 Francis DeLille 457 Mrs. F. DeLille 457 Howard M. Atkins 457 B. F. Hildreth 458 Samuel Hayden 458 Joseph Jerome 458 Joshua O. Cater 458 J. F. Bean 458 J. H. Felch 458 James Brady 458 Joshua Briggs 458 Robert Orrock 458 John G. Jamieson 458 A. B. Heath 458 Dr. B. R. Palmer 459 Judge Moses Sherburne 459 Charles F. George 459 Royal George 459 W. L. Babcock 459 CHAPTER XVII. BENTON, MORRISON AND CROW WING COUNTIES. Benton County. Description 460 First Settlers, Organization 461 Towns of Benton County 461 Villages 461 Sauk Rapids, Incorporation 461 Dam and Public Buildings 462 The Cyclone of 1886 462 Watab Village 462 Philip Beaupre 462 David Gilman 463 James Beatty 463 Ellis Kling 463 George W. Benedict 464 J. Q. A. Wood 464 William H. Wood 464 Mrs. Wm. H. Wood 465 A. DeLacy Wood 465 P. H. Wood 465 Rev. Sherman Hall 465 Jeremiah Russell 466 Edgar O. Hamlin 467 Morrison County. Description 468 History 468 Indian Feuds 469 Organization 469 Winnebago Indiana 470 Towns of Morrison County 471 Little Falls Village 471 Little Falls Water Power 472 Incorporation 473 Schools and Churches 473 Royalton Village 473 Incorporation, First Officers 473 Peter Roy 473 William Sturgis 474 James Fergus 474 Nathan Richardson 475 Moses La Fond 475 O. A. Churchill 475 John M. Kidder 476 Warren Kobe 476 Ola K. Black 476 Ira W. Bouch 476 Robert Russell 476 Peter A. Green 476 Rodolphus D. Kinney 476 John D. Logan 476 Crow Wing County. Description 477 First Settlers 477 Organization 478 Reorganization 478 Murderers Lynched 478 Brainerd 478 First Settlers 479 Northern Pacific Sanitarium 480 The Kindred Dam 480 L. P. White 480 Allen Morrison 480 Charles F. Kindred 481 CHAPTER XVIII. AITKIN, CARLTON, ST. LOUIS, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES. Aitkin County. Description 482 Organization, Officers 482 Aitkin Village 483 William A. Aitkin 483 Alfred Aitkin 483 Nathaniel Tibbett 484 Carlton County. History and Organization 484 Towns of Carlton County 485 Thomson Village 485 Cloquet Village 485 Moose Lake Station 485 Barnum Station 486 Mahtowa Station 486 North Pacific Junction 486 Francis A. Watkins 486 St. Louis County. Description 486 Picturesque Scenery 487 Commissioners' Meetings 487 List of Commissioners 488 Duluth, Early History 488 Growth, Population 489 Mills, Warehouses, Shipments 489 Duluth Harbor 490 Fish Commission 490 Fond du Lac Village 491 Oneota Village 492 Clifton Village 492 Portland Village 492 Endion Village 492 Middleton Village 492 Montezuma Village 492 Buchanan Village 492 St. Louis Falls Village 492 Fremont Island 493 Tower 493 George R. Stuntz 494 George E. Stone 494 Charles H. Graves 494 Ozro P. Stearns 494 Lake County. Description 495 Two Harbors 496 Cook County. History and Organization 496 CHAPTER XIX. HENNEPIN COUNTY. Organization and History, Towns 497 Fort Snelling 497 Treaty of 1837 499 First Land Claims, 1838 499 Cheever's Tower 500 St. Anthony Village Platted 500 First Marriage in the Territory 500 First Courts, School, Post Office 501 Church Organizations 501 The Suspension Bridge Built 502 St. Anthony Incorporated 1855 502 Annexation to Minneapolis, 1872 502 St. Anthony Falls 502 La Salle's Description 502 Minneapolis, Early Settlers 502 Early Land Claims 504 Business Enterprises 505 Mills Erected 505 St. Anthony Water Power Company 506 Minneapolis Named, Land Office 506 Incorporation as a City, 1867 506 Annexation of St. Anthony 506 List of Mayors 507 Water vs. Steam 507 Terrific Explosion at the Flour Mills 508 Suburban Resorts 508 List of Public Buildings 509 Post Office Statistics 510 Lumber Manufactured 511 Bonded Debt, Taxes, Expenses 511 West Minneapolis 511 Biographies. Calvin A. Tuttle 512 Cyrus Aldrich 512 Dr. Alfred E. Ames 514 Dr. Albert A. Ames 514 Jesse Ames 515 Cadwallader C. Washburn 515 William D. Washburn 517 Joseph C. Whitney 517 Charles Hoag 518

      Franklin Steele 518 Roswell P. Russell 519 Horatio P. Van Cleve 520 Charlotte O. Van Cleve 520 Ard Godfrey 520 Richard Chute 521 Lucius N. Parker 521 Captain John Rollins 521 John G. Lennon 521 John H. Stevens 522 Caleb D. Dorr 522 Rev. Edward D. Neill 522 John Wensignor 523 Robert H. Hasty 524 Stephen Pratt 524 Capt. John Tapper 524 R. W. Cummings 524 Elias H. Conner 524 C. F. Stimson 524 William Dugas 524 David Gorham 525 Edwin Hedderly 525 Louis Neudeck 525 Andrew J. Foster 525 A. D. Foster 525 Charles E. Vanderburgh 525 Dorillius Morrison 526 H. G. O. Morrison 526 F. R. E. Cornell 526 Gen. A. B. Nettleton 527 Isaac Atwater 527 Rev. David Brooks 527 Prof. Jabez Brooks 527 John S. Pillsbury 528 Henry T. Welles 528 David Blakely 528 William Lochren 528 Eugene M. Wilson 528 R. B. Langdon 529 William M. Bracket 529 Thos. B. and Platt B. Walker 529 Austin H. Young 530 Henry G. Hicks 530 John P. Rea 530 John Martin 520 John Dudley 531 CHAPTER XX. RAMSEY COUNTY. Organization, First Officers 532 St. Paul in 1840, Known as Pig's Eye 532 First Settlers 532 Father Ravoux, 1841 533 Henry Jackson Established a Trading Post 533 Accessions of 1843 533 Accessions of 1844 534 First Deed 534 Accessions of 1845 534 First School 535 Second Deed, Phalen's Tract 535 Accessions of 1846 535 Reminiscences 536 Accessions in 1847 536 St. Paul Platted 537 Miss Bishop's School 537 First Steamboat Line 537 Accessions of 1848 538 Progress in 1849 539 St. Paul Made the Capital of the State 539 The First Newspapers 539 Early Items and Advertisements 540 Pioneers of 1849 540 Some Comparisons 541 Statistics of Population, Schools, Buildings 542 List of Mayors 543 West St. Paul 544 Towns of Ramsey County 544 White Bear 545 First Settlers 545 Indian Battle Ground 546 Town Organization 547 White Bear Lake Village 548 Hotels and Cottages 548 Daniel Getty 549 South St. Paul 549 North St. Paul 550 Population of St Paul 550 Post

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