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you notice anything unusual in his rooms?"

      "I didn't notice anything unusual in Mr. Mainwaring's rooms."

      "Did you in any room?"

      "Yes, sir."

      "In what one?"

      "In Mr. Scott's room, a little later."

      "State what you observed."

      "A few minutes after I left the library I saw Mr. Scott come out of his room and go away with Mr. Whitney, and I thought I would go in and do up the room. So I went in, but the bed was just as I had made it up the day before. It hadn't been slept in nor touched. Then things was strewn around considerable, and the top drawer of his dressing-case was kept locked all the forenoon until he went to the city."

      "When did he go to the city?"

      "About noon."

      "Did you see Mr. Scott the day or evening preceding Mr. Mainwaring's death?"

      "No, sir; but I know he was locked in Mr. Mainwaring's library all the afternoon, after the folks had gone out driving."

      "How do you know the library was locked?"

      "I was sweeping in the corridor, and I heard him unlock the door when the butler came up with some gentleman's card."

      "Did you see the gentleman who came up-stairs later?"

      "No, sir."

      "Did you see Walter LaGrange at any time during yesterday forenoon?"

      The witness colored slightly, but replied, "I think I met him once or twice; I don't remember just when."

      "He was away from home part of the time, was he not?"

      "I don't know where he was."

      Nothing further of importance could be learned from the witness, and, as it was then past twelve, a short recess was taken until after lunch.

      Scott took his place at the table with the guests, seemingly alike indifferent to cold aversion or angry frowns. He was conscious that Miss Carleton was watching him, her manner indicating the same frank friendliness she had shown him on the preceding day, and in response to a signal from her, as they rose from the table, he followed her into one of the drawing-rooms, joining her in a large alcove window, where she motioned him to a seat on a low divan by her side.

      "You have made a bitter enemy in Mrs. LaGrange," she said, archly; "and she has marshalled her forces against you."

      "Do you think so?" he asked, with an amused smile.

      "Certainly. She displayed her tactics this morning. I am positive that much of the testimony was given in accordance with her orders."

      "For the most part, however, the witnesses stated facts," Scott replied, watching her closely.

      "Yes; but facts may be so misrepresented as to give an impression quite the reverse of the truth."

      "That is so. And a misrepresentation having a foundation of truth is the hardest to fight. But," he added, in a lighter tone, "all this testimony against me does not seem to have produced the same impression upon you that it has upon the others. Your suspicions do not seem, as yet, to have been very thoroughly aroused."

      "Perhaps my suspicions are as dormant as your own apprehensions. I fail to detect the slightest anxiety on your part as to the outcome of this, one way or another."

      "No," he replied, after a pause; "I feel no anxiety, only resentment that circumstances have conspired against me just at this time, and contempt for people who will be led by appearances rather than their own judgment."

      "People sometimes use very little judgment where their own personal interests are concerned."

      "In that case," said Scott, as they rose to return to the library, where the others had already preceded them, "I suppose the word of one unprincipled woman and of three or four ignorant servants will be allowed to outweigh mine."

      They had reached the library and Miss Carleton made no reply, but Scott again saw the same inscrutable little smile play over her features, and wondered at its meaning.

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