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Table of Contents

       Identification.—Ken. Amer. Or. 41. Hort. Soc. Cat. ed. 3, n. 22. Down. Fr. Amer. 98.

       Synonymes.—Red Baldwin, Acc. Hort. Soc. Cat. ed. 2. Butter’s, Ibid. Woodpecker, Ibid.

      Fruit, large, three inches and a half wide, and about three inches high; ovato-conical. Skin, smooth, yellow on the shaded side; and on the side next the sun, deep orange, covered with stripes of bright red, which sometimes extend over the whole surface to the shaded side, and marked with large russety dots. Eye, closed, set in a deep, narrow, and plaited basin. Stalk, about an inch long, slender, and inserted in a deep cavity, from which issue ramifying patches of russet. Flesh, yellowish, crisp, juicy, and pleasantly acid, with a rich and agreeable flavor.

      A culinary apple, in season from November to March. The tree is vigorous, and an abundant bearer; but like the generality of the American sorts, it does not attain the size, or flavor in this country, which it does in its native soil.

      This is considered one of the finest apples in the Northern States of America, and is extensively grown in Massachussets, for the supply of the Boston Market.

      16. BANK APPLE.—H.

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      Fruit, medium sized, two inches and three quarters wide, and about two inches and a half high; roundish-ovate, regularly and handsomely formed. Skin, greenish yellow, with a blush and faint streaks of red next the sun, dotted all over with minute dots, and marked with several large spots of rough russet; the base is covered with a coating of russet, strewed with silvery scales. Eye, large and open, set in a shallow and plaited basin. Stalk, half an inch long, obliquely inserted by the side of a fleshy prominence. Flesh, firm, crisp, brisk, juicy, and pleasantly acid, resembling the Winter Greening in flavor.

      It is an excellent culinary apple, in use from November to February; but as it has nothing to recommend it, in preference to other varieties already in cultivation, it need only be grown in large collections.

      The original tree was produced from a pip, accidentally sown in the home nursery of Messrs. Ronalds, of Brentford, and from growing on a bank by the side of a ditch, it was called the Bank Apple.


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       Identification.—Hort. Soc. Cat. ed. 3, n. 532. Lind. Guide, 62. Rog. Fr. Cult. 74.

       Synonymes.—Speckled Golden Reinette, Hort. Soc. Cat. ed. 1, n. 933. Speckled Pearmain, Ibid. ed. 2. Polinia Pearmain, Acc. Rog. Fr. Cult. Reinette Rousse, Duh. Arb. Fr. I. 302. Reinette des Carmes, Acc. Chart. Cat. 51. Glace Rouge, Hort. Soc. Cat. ed. 1, n. 365. Kleine Casseler Reinette, Diel Kernobst. I. 182. Cassel Reinette, Christ. Handb. No. 58.

       Figures.—Pom. Mag. t. 85, Ron. Pyr. Mal. pl. xxi., f. 4.

      Fruit, of medium size; oval. Skin, clear pale yellow, mottled with red in the shade; but dark red next the sun, the whole covered with numerous star-like russety specks, those on the shaded side being brownish, and those next the sun yellow. Eye, small and open, with erect acuminate segments, and set in a round, even, and pretty deep basin. Stalk, about an inch long, slender, inserted in a rather shallow cavity, which is lined with russet. Flesh, yellowish white, firm, crisp, very juicy, and with a rich, vinous, and highly aromatic flavor.

      One of the best dessert apples, and equally valuable for culinary purposes. It comes to perfection about the end of November, and continues in use till March.

      The tree is a free grower, but does not attain the largest size. It is very hardy, an abundant bearer, and succeeds well either as a standard or an espalier.

      In the third edition of the Horticultural Society’s Catalogue, this is said to be the same as Reinette Rouge. I do not think that it is the Reinette Rouge of the French, which Duhamel describes as being white, or clear yellow in the shade, having often prominent ribs round the eye, which extend down the sides, so as to render the shape angular; a character at variance with that of the Barcelona Pearmain. But I have no doubt of it being the Reinette Rousse of the same author, which is described at page 302, vol. 1, as a variety of Reinette Franche, and which he says is of an elongated shape, skin marked with a great number of russety spots, the most part of which are of a longish figure, so much so, when it is ripe, it appears as if variegated with yellow and red; a character in every way applicable to the Barcelona Pearmain.


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       Identification.—Hort. Soc. Cat. ed. 3, n. 352?

      Fruit, below medium size; in shape somewhat like a Golden Knob, ovate or conical, with prominent ribs on the sides, which terminate in five ridges round the eye. Skin, yellowish green, covered with patches of pale brown russet, thickly strewed with large russety freckles, like the Barcelona Pearmain, and tinged with orange next the sun. Eye, small, partially open, with reflexed segments, set in a narrow and angular basin. Stalk, nearly three quarters of an inch long, inserted in a narrow and round cavity. Flesh, yellowish white, tender, crisp, brittle, very juicy, and when eaten is quite a mouthful of lively, vinous juice.

      A dessert apple of the highest excellence, in use from October to February.

      The tree is a good and healthy grower, attains a considerable size, and is an excellent bearer.

      This variety seems to be but little known, and considering its excellence rarely cultivated. I am not aware that it exists in any of the nurseries, or that it was at any period extensively propagated. The only place where I ever met with it was, in the private garden of the late Mr. Lee, of Hammersmith, whence I procured grafts from a tree in the last stage of decay.

      19. BAXTER’S PEARMAIN.—Lind.

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