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the wrists and flex the hands and individual fingers to increase circulation in them.

      As you become increasingly confident and competent you will be able to start locating acupoints on others. You can help them improve their health, relieve common ailments and learn to use this self-health technique for themselves. You can also ask others to give acupressure to you. This is relaxing and enjoyable and helpful for acupoints that are difficult to reach, such as those on the back.


      Children have a natural talent for acupressure. They find it easy to locate the acupoints, enjoy receiving acupressure, are good at positive visualization and have no difficulty in accepting its effectiveness. Acupressure is also a powerful self-help tool for those with disabilities and can be an enjoyable and helpful form of interaction when applied by someone else. The elderly can also benefit considerably as acupressure can help to mobilize joints, relieve pains or discomfort and maintain good health and well-being.


      Acupressure should not be used when a person is under the influence of alcohol or non-medicinal drugs. Great care should also be taken if the person is extremely weak, sensitive or fatigued, in which case only light pressure should be used until strength and vitality have been built up.

      Strong pressure should also be avoided on all points during pregnancy especially Large Intestine 4, Spleen 6 and Urinary Bladder 60 (see notes in the text) as these points are used to facilitate labour and birth. For these points just lightly touch with the fingertips or thumb and focus on breathing and visualization.

      Acupressure should never be applied directly on cuts, wounds, scars, bruises or veins. Instead it should be applied around these sites of injury.

      Consulting a Specialist

      The acupressure techniques described in this book can be safely used by anyone to maintain and promote health as well as to relieve common ailments or for use in first-aid situations. However, acupressure does not replace conventional diagnosis and treatment in the case of serious health problems. If any health condition persists, or worries you unduly, you should consult a medical or complementary practitioner for professional advice. In addition, if you are using acupressure during pregnancy, labour or post-partum care it would be advisable to do so in conjunction with an experienced acupuncturist or acupressure practitioner who could help you monitor your progress.


      There is an increasing body of research underway which supports acupressure’s effectiveness. This research shows that stimulation of acupoints can lead to a wide range of physiological changes including: electrical changes in the skin at acupoint sites; changes in brain chemicals, such as increased release of endorphins (the body’s natural pain killers); and altered internal organ function such as changes in heart or respiration rates (see Further Reading). It is clear that this simple technique can indeed have a profound, wide-ranging effect on the body.

      How to Use this Book

      Begin by reading this introduction thoroughly as it contains important information on the technique and application of acupressure. Then start by familiarizing yourself with the Acupressure Workout, which can immediately be put to daily use to promote your general health. Once you are comfortable with the Acupressure Workout, you can add the Facial Workout if you wish and select acupoint combinations from the rest of the text according to the body part or system you wish to improve or the ailment you wish to prevent or relieve.

      Each part of the body is covered in order from the head to the toes. Ailments are listed alphabetically in the index at the back of the book. Keep a regular diary to note your progress with acupressure.

      Motivation and Confidence

      Start practising acupressure today! Don’t let doubt or lack of confidence distract you. As your desire to maintain regular practice and your confidence increase, so will the effectiveness of the technique. It is your participation, as much as the technique itself, that makes acupressure a success.

      Your efforts with acupressure can lead to substantial changes in your life, including increased vitality and confidence and improved health. By adding positive thoughts, the mind becomes comfortable and peaceful. Slowing and deepening the breath increases oxygenation of the tissues and a sense of well-being prevails. As well-being increases, so does the feeling of harmony with others and the desire to help others. According to traditional Chinese medical theory, as the mind is rested internally and the senses focused deeply, so too the vital energy of the body and one’s spirit are nourished. Acupressure can play a part in this process.

       part two

      Acupressure Health Workout


      Acupressure Health Workout

      To give your body an overall tone-up, and to promote general good health and vitality, this complete Acupressure Workout can be done morning and evening or whenever you have spare time.

      The routine consists of acupressure to one or more of the major acupoints on each meridian in the order of the flow of energy along the meridians. By stimulating these points, every part of the body, internal organ and major body system is energized.

      This routine can be easily learnt and safely practised by anyone, although there are certain points which should not be given strong acupressure during pregnancy. (These are generally points which are used to assist labour.) Such points are clearly marked with a caution in the text. Instead of using acupressure, pregnant women can just lightly touch the relevant points with the fingertips and, taking a couple of gentle, deep breaths at each point, visualize vital energy gently suffusing the meridians.

      As for all acupressure, your fingertip or thumb pressure should be firm and even. You should feel the sensation of pressure or tingling but not pain. Remember to apply pressure perpendicularly below the skin, or angled slightly in the direction of flow of the meridian, to breathe deeply and evenly and to visualize energy flowing into the meridian and appropriate body parts.

      Each time you practise this workout, focus awareness on the different sensations at your fingertips and in your body. Notice how sensations change each day and also any changes in your physical health. It is quite normal for sensations to vary according to the weather, diet, environment and menstrual cycle. For example, women tend to feel more skin sensitivity around the time of their periods, certain foods may increase skin sensitivity and skin sensations may be heightened during stormy weather because of the electrical charges built up in the atmosphere. By increasing your awareness of the body’s responses to different situations such as these you will develop a fine understanding of how your body works and how to take care of it.

      This workout can be performed standing or sitting on the floor, on a bed or in a chair. Follow the order given below. Take your time and stay relaxed, breathing freely throughout. The complete workout should take 15–20 minutes, but you can make it last longer if you wish by spending more time focusing on your breathing and visualization at every point.

      To Start

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