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as a dull aching or a slight ‘electrical’ sensation, that often peaks and then disappears. If you experience this, then the moment at which the sensation disappears is the time to stop applying acupressure, as this indicates that a balancing has already occurred. You should also stop or ease the pressure if at any time the acupressure becomes painful. Otherwise, continue applying the acupressure for 30 seconds to 2 minutes, or whatever feels comfortable for you.


      Acupressure can be used in different ways to balance the body. If there is little sensation and a feeling of ‘emptiness’ at an acupoint then slow, gentle pressure should be used at first and gradually built up over a minute or two while you breathe deeply, emphasizing the in-breath. If the sensation at an acupoint is strong and tender, then more vigorous, light but firm acupressure should be applied for a shorter period of time (around 30 seconds to 1 minute) and the focus is more on breathing out than in.

      Remember to locate and apply pressure to the acupoint on both sides of the body except for points on the Conception and Governor Vessel meridians, on the mid-line of the body and the spine, and on certain of the ‘extra’ points. Note the difference in sensation as you massage each side and alternate the side on which you start.


      The amount of sensation at an acupoint may vary. A strong sensation is usually a sign of excess or over-function while little, or no, sensation signifies deficiency and weakness. Excess conditions usually involve pain, swelling, inflammation or acute symptoms. Deficient conditions are characterized by fatigue, weakness, aching and long-standing illness. The causes of excess or deficient conditions may be poor diet, faulty posture, stress, mental anxiety or faulty life-style habits, including overwork and lack of exercise and sleep. Acupressure can help to restore balance by regulating the flow of vital energy in the body and improving internal organ function.

      If the sensation is different on either side of the body for a pair of bilateral points, then first apply acupressure to the side that feels more comfortable and less tender. As balance is restored, the sensation at the 2 bilateral acupoints will gradually become more similar.

      Sensitivity at acupoints also varies slightly according to other factors such as the menstrual cycle or weather conditions. Being alert and noting how these sensations change will teach you a lot about your state of health.


      Use light pressure when you feel weak or tired and, as already mentioned, on those who are frail, sensitive, elderly or infants. Also use light pressure when pregnant or on those suffering from high blood pressure. Otherwise, firm pressure can be used and should be applied by leaning in with body weight rather than forcing with the muscles. Fleshy parts of the body can take more pressure than bony parts or the face.


      The direction for the application of acupressure is very important. Generally, you are advised to work in the direction of flow of the acupuncture meridian on which the point is located, as this helps to improve the vital energy flow within the meridian and enhance the function of the corresponding internal organ. Occasionally, pressure is applied perpendicularly or even in the opposite direction to the flow in order to have a sedative and calming effect. However, if in doubt, go with the flow, as traditional theory maintains that this enhances the natural homoeostatic function of the body and promotes health in whatever way the body requires. This process is further helped by correct breathing and visualization.


      It is important to be in a relaxed and comfortable position during acupressure and to maintain relaxed, full, breathing throughout. Generally, acupressure is applied during exhalation as this helps to tonify and activate the acupoint. In cases of severe pain, swelling or inflammation, however, you may get better results if the acupressure is applied on inhalation as this helps to sedate the point and can lead to a reduction in symptoms.


      Acupressure can be even more effective when it is accompanied by clear, positive visualization. If you know the location of the meridian channels, then visualize vital energy flowing along them as you stimulate the acupoint. Also visualize the organ you are connecting with as healthy and functioning well and, if you are using acupressure to relieve a particular ailment, visualize the condition as improving and cured. For example, if you are using acupoints to enhance respiratory function, visualize the lungs as strong and healthy and all respiratory functions working well while you apply the acupressure. If using the acupoints to relieve, say, a cold or cough, then clearly visualize normal function being restored to the lungs and nasal passages and the condition having cleared. Deep, full breathing accompanying the visualization enhances both clarity and concentration and seems to increase effectiveness.


      Combinations of acupoints are given here that promote health in each body part and system. Additional acupoints are suggested for the prevention and relief of particular ailments. You do not always have to use all the points. Use your own sensitivity and awareness to determine which points are the most effective for you and concentrate on them. Some people get better results with more points and some with fewer, so you are your own best guide. Apply acupressure to the acupoints in the order given, which corresponds to the order of acupoints in a given meridian, the traditional order of flow between meridians, or sequencing according to the part of the body where the point is located and its effects. Generally, acupressure is applied from the top of the body to the bottom and from the front to the back, as this has a relaxing and balancing effect.



      Acupressure is safe, effective and suitable for anyone; all you need is the willingness to learn and practice. It can be effectively used by both lay people and health professionals as an adjunct to therapy and can be applied at any age or stage of life from babies to the elderly. However, remember always to start with light pressure in order to gauge sensitivity and body reactions to the acupoint. Also remember to take careful note of the cautions and contraindications in the text.


      Acupressure can be practised anytime, anywhere, but it is advisable not to do it directly after eating or when very hungry or tired. Allow at least an hour after eating a meal or take a light snack or rest first. It is best if you are comfortable and relaxed and, if possible, in a quiet, warm and well-ventilated room. In good weather acupressure can also be practised out of doors.


      The length of the time that acupressure is applied will depend on individual sensitivity and the degree of health or imbalance. Generally, application for 1–3 minutes is sufficient, and little and often is more effective than a longer period at irregular intervals. In the case of an acute condition, or profound discomfort or pain, acupressure should be repeated regularly throughout the day at hourly or 2–hourly intervals, then gradually decreased to 3 times a day as the condition improves and finally 2–3 times a week to maintain improvement and prevent recurrence. For long-standing conditions, regular acupressure 2–3 times a week over several weeks or months should lead to improvement. The Acupressure Health Workout and the Facial Workout are effective when used 2–3 times a week.


      Before you begin acupressure, take a few minutes to stretch and relax the body, breathe deeply and release any mental tension or worry. Loosen any tight clothing, get in a comfortable position and rub the hands together to warm

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