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her. The silence didn’t seem to faze him. She supposed he was used to silence.

      Finally, she swallowed, pushing away the solid wall of fear. “I didn’t say I wouldn’t do it. I don’t think I have any choice. I didn’t take these threats seriously before, but if that man was after me then my presence at that gala put others in danger. Maybe it would be best if you and I did leave.”

      He lowered his head. “Is that a yes?”

      Her prayers lifted with each heartbeat. “Yes.”

      He gave her a quick peck on the cheek. “Okay, we’re going to have to act very quickly and I need you to do exactly as I say. Are you up to it?”

      “I want my life back,” she said. “And Shane, I think my father hired the right man to make that happen, regardless of how you make it happen.”

      He took her hand in his and kissed it, then bowed deep. “At your service, Madame. Now let’s get you into some decent traveling clothes. And pack a bag. We’ll be gone for a while.”

      Katherine hurried to change, her mind whirling with a renewed awareness. Her trembling had shifted to nervous energy, but she couldn’t decide if she was running away from danger or using that as an excuse to run right into Shane Warwick’s waiting arms.

      Kit’s mind raced with worry and anticipation, her prayers scattered. Worry that she was making a drastic mistake and anticipation that she would finally be free of the yoke of propriety that had held her since she was presented as Cotillion Queen back during her college years.

      “How are you coming in there?” Shane asked from the sitting room, his pacing making her even more nervous.

      Kit put on her watch and her pearls—silly but necessary for her sanity. “I’m almost ready.”

      Was she? Kit knew how to pack a light travel bag. She usually kept things packed and ready to go at home, since she sometimes had to travel at a moment’s notice. But here at Eagle Rock, things were different. Her mother and Lulu Anderson kept clothes here in various sizes for all the wives of the CHAIM agents—maybe because Sally Mae instinctively knew her friends might have to leave quickly? But Kit was so confused, she could only stare at the huge walk-in closet full of feminine things. What to take?

      Black, she decided. A lady could never go wrong with black, even when she was on the run from someone who obviously wanted her dead. Trying to keep her head with a little bit of humor, she grabbed a slinky black travel set—pants and a matching lightweight duster. That would work on the run, wouldn’t it? After adding a few other things, she grabbed an overnight bag from a shelf then stood still, the enormity of her situation making her numb.

      She whirled to find Shane staring at her from the doorway. “Don’t analyze your wardrobe, Katherine. We have no time for that.”

      She lifted her chin. “What do you suggest then for someone who’s got a target on her back?”

      With a grunt and just a bit of sympathy in his eyes, he gently pushed her aside and started grabbing at garments. “Jeans—they’re sturdy and fit in anywhere. Some T-shirts and jackets and good walking shoes.”

      She watched as he selected various items and tossed them in the open bag she’d found in the closet. But he held her cell phone out then dropped it in his pocket. “There. You’ll make a statement, I’m sure. And you’ll live to buy more clothes.”

      “Can you guarantee that?” she asked, smarting from his obvious impatience and his misunderstanding of her hesitation. “Can you promise me that my presence won’t get someone else killed?”

      He zipped the bag. “I can assure you that while you’re in my care, you won’t get killed.”

      While you’re in my care.

      His words, spoken in a low, gravelly voice, flowed through her like a gentle rain. Not “While I’m trying to protect you.” Not “While I’m trying to keep you alive.” But “While you’re in my care.” And not a promise, but an assurance. Was there a difference?

      The man had a way of saying things.

      “I’m ready,” she said, sending up one last prayer for hope and guidance.

      They made it to the door just before it burst open.

      Sally Mae Barton saw the overnight bag, and shook her head. “Oh, no. You are not taking my daughter out of here.”


      Sally Mae pointed at Kit. “You can’t leave. Your daddy will blow his top. He wants you here where he can keep an eye on you.”

      Shane stepped forward, his stance at once protective and formidable. “I want to get her out of here because I don’t believe she’s safe here, Mrs. Barton.”

      Sally Mae looked affronted, her tiny fist clenched at her side, her head held high. “This is Eagle Rock, Mr. Warwick. It’s a fortress.”

      “It’s designed to be such,” Shane said, nodding his head. “But I have reason to believe your daughter might not be completely protected.”

      “And I won’t put all of you in danger,” Kit added, hoping her mother would listen to reason. “If Shane isolates me, then I won’t have to worry about everyone else.”

      Sally Mae shut the door then put her hands on her hips. “Are you telling me you think someone on the inside is behind this? We’ve been through that already with Devon and Lydia, remember? And with Eli and Gena. That was definitely an inside job from one of our top operatives. But he’s dead and gone and I thought it was over. Mercy, when will it end?”

      Shane touched a hand to her arm. “I’m not saying that. I don’t believe this threat is coming from within CHAIM ranks. We’ve pretty much wiped that problem clean. But I do worry that someone from the outside knows Katherine is here. And that’s why I think it best to take her to an undisclosed location where few people are—the fewer people involved the better.”

      Sally Mae’s shrewd gaze passed over his face. “You’re one of the best, I’ll give you that. But you can’t take her out of here without discussing this with my husband.”

      Shane let out a breath. “You know that will only delay things. I don’t have time to listen to a lecture or to go over strategy by committee. My gut is telling me to get your daughter to safety immediately and worry about the details later.”


      “Mother, I’m not a prisoner here,” Kit said, using her best assertive voice. “I can leave on my own or you can let the man you hired to protect me do his job. And you can try trusting me. I won’t be responsible for someone doing harm to anyone inside Eagle Rock or out.”

      Sally Mae clutched at her gold rope necklace. “I declare, I don’t know about you young folks. We had a way of doing things back in the day, but now…”

      “Now threats can come from many sources,” Shane said, glancing over at Katherine. “If I can get her to a safe location, I can do some digging and get to the bottom of this. Starting with Jacob’s death and working from there.”

      Sally Mae gasped. “Are you saying there was more to that? I knew it. I tried to tell your daddy—” She stopped, her expression thoughtful. Finally she said, “Okay, what’s the plan?”

      Kit heard Shane’s exhaled breath. Had he been planning to take her hostage as he’d suggested earlier if her mother refused to cooperate?

      “The first order of business is a means of getting us out of here,” Shane said. “We need a car.”

      Sally Mae nodded. “I can help with that. We’ve got plenty of vehicles around here. Meet me in the garage in about five minutes.” She turned to Kit. “Are you sure, honey?”

      Kit didn’t want to lie to her mother. She wasn’t sure but she couldn’t risk getting all of them killed. “I don’t have

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