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soft carpet and into the wide, open bath, her heart doing a strange little dance. “How’d you—”

      “Trade secret,” he said, pointing to the wide, square window over the garden tub. “I broke in.”

      “But the alarms didn’t go off.”

      “Of course not,” he said, adjusting his jacket. “I helped develop the security system in this place last time they updated it. Even Kissie herself said I did a good job.” He checked the window. “I simply went to the main frame and reset the timers back long enough to allow me to enter the building in an unconventional way.” He looked at his gold watch. “They’ll reset in about…three seconds.”

      Kit heard a soft beep, beep coming from the monitor on the wall. “And what if my father notices?”

      “He won’t. I only did it for this wing of the house. And I knew the exact time when the live feed to the security room switches cameras. Plus, your mother won’t allow any visual monitors in your bath. That would be an invasion of privacy.”

      He stopped talking and looked at her, his tone going soft as his crystal-shot gaze swept over her. “I had to see you.” He lifted a finger toward her face to push a strand of hair off her cheek. “I like your hair down.”

      Kit lowered her head, suddenly feeling the need to burst into tears. But she held herself in check, figuring all of these strange, electric emotions were due to the scare of almost being shot. She wouldn’t fall apart, not tonight. And not in front of him. “I’m okay. I just sent Mother to find you.”

      “I heard you from my spot in the shrubbery. And I’m here.”

      Before she could say anything, he took her hands in his. “Are you all right?”

      She nodded, the warmth and strength of his fingers bringing the life back to her limbs. She allowed her gaze to wander away from his eyes for just a minute. He’d lost the bowtie and now his shirt was opened at the throat. Even rumpled and fatigued, he was still a striking man. Katherine decided she’d better focus on his face. But that didn’t help matters. His expression held an edge of anticipation capped off with weariness. And guilt.

      “I’m okay, really, I am,” she said. “Is my friend Trudy Pearson okay? They wouldn’t let me check on her.”

      “I saw her, yes. She was a bit shaken but she’s fine. She went home, but only after I promised her you were safe. I’m pretty sure her new friend—the hotel employee she befriended while under fire—was going to escort her to be sure.”

      Katherine smiled at that. Leave it to Trudy to find a date even in the face of attempted murder. “Good. I’m glad.”

      “Katherine, why did you want to see me? Did you remember something or see something tonight that I need to know?”

      She stared up at him, seeing the solid concern in his eyes. “Oh, no. I mean, I can’t remember anything that would help. I…I just wanted to thank you, for saving my life.”

      He leaned close, his eyes flaring as his gaze held hers, the sincerity in his words endearing him to her. “It was my duty and my honor.”

      “It’s not over yet, is it?”

      “No, I’m afraid not.”

      “Where do we go from here?” she asked, gripping his hands to ward off the trembles moving through her body.

      “I’m working on that. The shooter is in the hospital and under police custody but he’s still unconscious. Our people and the police have gotten statements from all the eyewitnesses, but no one has come forward yet with any solid explanations or motives.” He leaned close then, his words a whisper in her ear. “And I’m not so sure you’re safe, even here.”

      Shocked, she pulled back. “You can’t be serious.”

      His touch moved up her arms, protective and intimate. “I think you’re still in danger.”

      “But this is Eagle Rock. I’ve always felt safe here.”

      “Things have changed,” he retorted, his eyes locking with hers, one hand going to his stomach as if he were in pain. “I’ve got a bad feeling.”

      “So what do you suggest?”

      “I have a plan, if you’re willing to trust me.” Holding her shoulders again, he leaned forward and asked, “How would you like to run away with me?”


      Katherine opened her mouth but her words only came out in a whisper. “What do you mean?”

      “As I said, I’m not so sure you’re safe in Austin, even here at Eagle Rock. Devon’s wife Lydia was attacked here a couple of years ago, before they were married. They were on the run and came here to hide.”

      “I remember. Mother told me their story. Devon had a target on his back and Lydia got caught in the cross-fire. And it involved Eli Trudeau’s grandfather Pierre Savoy.”

      “Yes, because his grandfather—the Peacemaker and one of the founding members of CHAIM—wanted them both dead so he planted someone on the inside to do the job, or at least to kill Lydia.”

      “You don’t think—?”

      “I’m not paid to just think. I’m paid to act. Someone smuggled a weapon into that room tonight in spite of our best security measures. It had to be someone above suspicion but with easy access to the event. And that means the same person could also reach you here. So as I said, I have a plan but your father and his cronies won’t like it. Are you interested?”

      Katherine looked around at the place where she’d always come for extended visits growing up. While the Andersons lived here year round and took care of the compound, Eagle Rock was like her second home. She’d spent so much time here and never once had she questioned her safety.

      Until now.

      Should she trust the CHAIM system or the man who’d broken into this room to make sure she was all right? The same man who’d saved her life tonight?

      “How can I be sure of anything?” she asked.

      “You can’t. Nor can I. I usually rely on my experience and my training, my instincts and…a lot of prayer.”

      “I’ve been praying since this happened. I’m hoping God will give me understanding until we can find out why this is happening to me.”

      “That’s my job,” he said, “if you’re willing to trust me and let me do that job.”

      She looked up at Shane, her hands trembling again. He took her hand in his, waiting for her answer.

      “What did you have in mind?” she finally asked.

      He leaned down to whisper in her ear. “Well, first, we have to break out of Eagle Rock. And after that, well, we’ll be on our own until I can do some digging and put all the pieces together. But Kit, I can’t do this if you don’t feel…if you aren’t sure.”

      She didn’t know if it was because she was in shock or just tired of fighting, but she shook her head, her blood pulsing back to life. “I’m not sure.”

      He looked disappointed, but he nodded understanding. “Then we’ll go to plan B.”

      “And what is that?”

      He gave her a soft grin. “I’ll just have to take you hostage.”

      “You’re not serious.”

      “No. But it’s tempting.”

      “But won’t we be in even more danger out there?”

      “Not where I’m going,” he said. He rubbed his stomach. “I can’t shake this feeling.”

      She faced him, her world tumbling and crashing much too fast. She wasn’t used

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