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was late morning before Sapphire found Madison and Simonetta sunbathing beside the pool. Each was in the smallest of bikinis, showcasing their perfect bodies. Simonetta was wearing huge gold hoop earrings, a selection of gold chains draped round her neck. The Italians sure go big on accessorising, Sapphire thought. Simonetta made even lying by the pool into a major fashion shoot. Sapphire dumped her bag and sat on the nearest sunlounger.

      ‘Hi, guys.’

      Madison lifted up her Gucci sunglasses and inspected Sapphire as though she was some kind of insect.

      ‘Oh, it’s you.’

      Simonetta didn’t move a muscle, as if she couldn’t even be bothered to say hello. Sapphire decided to persevere. After all, she was stuck with these two for the time being.

      ‘What have you two been up to?’

      ‘This,’ said Madison, lying back on her lounger. After a few seconds, though, her head lifted back up again. ‘Where’s your bedroom anyway? Simonetta and I were wondering where they’d put you. The servants quarters, maybe…’

      Sapphire gestured at her balcony. ‘Actually, I’m up there.’

      Madison sat up. ‘There? You’ve got your own balcony?’

      Sapphire nodded. ‘Where are you two then?’

      Madison looked at Simonetta, who had inclined her head slightly. Her jewellery glowed expensively in the sunlight. ‘We’re at the back of the house,’ she said, sounding annoyed.

      ‘Ah, no balcony?’ Sapphire asked, trying to stop herself smiling. She could imagine the dirty look she was getting from behind Madison’s mirrored sunglasses.

      Madison opened her mouth to say something, but just then Tito appeared with a tray of glasses and iced water. He set it down on a table between Simonetta and Madison’s sunbeds.

      ‘I thought you might like some refreshment, signorinas.

      ‘Grazie, Tito,’ Sapphire replied.

      He looked pleased and clapped his hands. ‘I see you learn the lingo already. Have you had the chance to have a look round?’

      Sapphire nodded. ‘It’s really lovely.’

      ‘It’s really lovely,’ Madison mimicked in a stupid English accent. She turned on her side with her back to them. Simonetta was completely motionless again, as if she had fallen asleep.

      Tito’s eyes twinkled at Sapphire.

      ‘And from your observations, Sapphire,’ he asked, ‘what sort of man do you think Signor Masters is?’

      Sapphire hesitated. ‘Well, he’s obviously into his art and music. Mr Masters clearly likes to be surrounded by beautiful things. But…’ She stopped, not wanting to seem rude.

      ‘Go on,’ Tito said, smiling.

      ‘Oh, I don’t know. It really is a beautiful place, but there’s just something a bit…’ Sapphire wrinkled her forehead, trying to think of the right words. ‘Empty about it, do you know what I mean? Like, it’s not very homely. I’m not slagging it off,’ she added hastily.

      Tito laughed. ‘I am sure you’re not! Casa Eleganza is a little like, how do you say it, a blank canvas?’

      ‘Yeah,’ agreed Sapphire. ‘Normally you can get a feeling for someone from their house, but I don’t feel I know anything about Brad Masters.’

      Tito’s eyes twinkled again. ‘Maybe Signor Masters likes it that way.’

      Sapphire hesitated, thinking of the boy she’d bumped into earlier – the one who’d been so horrible to her. ‘Tito, I ran into this guy earlier. Black hair and green eyes, what’s his—’

      ‘Heavens, boy! Are you bothering these girls, Tito?’ Maggie walked alongside the pool towards them, wearing what looked like a dark-green version of the navy dress she had been wearing yesterday. ‘Haven’t you got any jobs to do?’ she said to Tito, though her tone wasn’t cross. Tito bowed and, giving Sapphire a cheeky smile, waltzed off.

      ‘He’s a good lad, Tito, but Lord can he talk the hind legs off a donkey,’ Maggie chuckled. She stood over the girls, hands on sturdy hips. ‘How are you all doing today?’ she asked.

      Madison sat up, ignoring the question. ‘Are the other guests here yet? When’s Brad flying in?’

      ‘Hold your horses, young woman,’ Maggie told her. ‘I actually came to tell you that Mr Masters will be arriving by helicopter later on today. He’d like you to join him on the terrace at seven o’clock.’

      ‘Seven o’clock?’ said Madison. ‘You seriously expect me to be ready by then? It’s, like, the evening already.’

      ‘It’s not even lunchtime yet,’ said Sapphire. ‘You’ve got plenty of time.’

      ‘Maybe you do,’ said Madison, getting up from the sun lounger. ‘Some of us like to look good.’

      Lying on her sunbed, Simonetta’s lips twitched into a smile. ‘And some of us look good naturally,’ she said airily.

      Madison stared at her. ‘Bitch,’ she said, eventually. ‘You do not know who you’re messing with.’

      ‘I’m sorry, did I offend you?’ asked Simonetta. ‘I was just making an observation.’

      Maggie stepped between the two girls. ‘Madison, why don’t you go up to your room. I’ll help you get ready if you like.’ She ushered Madison towards the house. Before she left, she turned to Sapphire and smiled. ‘Brad does not know what he’s getting himself into,’ she said.

      No, thought Sapphire. I’m sure he doesn’t.

      But do we?

       Chapter seven

      The tension in the air was palpable. Madison sighed. ‘Where is he? We’ve been waiting for years.

      Sapphire checked her watch. It was quarter past seven.

      ‘He’s probably on the phone or something,’ she said. The three of them were on the terrace, waiting for the grand arrival of Brad Masters. They had all heard a helicopter whirring overhead a moment ago and now it sat on the helipad, like a giant insect resting. A man had got out and walked into the house through another door, ignoring them.

      Madison sighed. ‘I needn’t have rushed after all. Do you know I had to do my hair in two hours tonight?’

      She certainly looked the part in a shocking pink Versace dress and sparkly Dolce and Gabanna stilettos. Simonetta, who was standing in the shadows looking out to sea, was the epitome of Italian sexiness in a backless black dress, her sheet of dark hair cascading down her back. Sapphire, by contrast, had plumped for a smock dress over leggings and flat sandals. She wished she’d bought another pair of heels; she felt like a dwarf next to Simonetta and Madison.

      Simonetta turned back towards the other two. ‘Something’s going on,’ she announced dramatically. ‘Something weird.’

      Madison frowned. ‘What do you mean?’

      ‘Think about it,’ Simonetta said loftily. ‘We are here for a party, but where are the other guests? It has just been us three since we got here.’

      ‘You’re right, you know,’ Sapphire said. She had been thinking the same thing herself.

      Madison’s eyes widened. ‘But why would he invite just the three of us, all the way out here?’ Her eyes flickered over Sapphire. ‘After all, I can’t imagine what we’ve got in common.’

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