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looked at the photo of her dad that she’d brought, on the bedside table. Its presence comforted her. She still thought of her dad often, and loved to tell his photo what she’d been up to.

      ‘Wish me luck, Dad!’

      Pulling open the heavy door to her bedroom, Sapphire slipped out on to a wide, marble-floored corridor. She paused to listen. Considering that there was supposed to be such a huge party tomorrow, she was surprised not to hear the sound of any other guests. Then again, the place was so big Sapphire doubted she’d hear them anyway.

      The grandfather clock in the hall was chiming seven as Sapphire made her way down the sweeping staircase. The vast rooms yawning off the main hall were motionless and empty. Except for one. Sapphire strained her ears; a low murmur of voices was coming from somewhere. Following the voices, she set off down a corridor which seemed to lead into the heart of the house, pausing to admire the huge, blown-up photographs on the walls – most of them of the famous artists signed to Brad Masters’ record label, BMM. Oddly enough, there were no pictures of the man himself.

      Finally, she stopped at a dark, wooden studded door. She held her breath for a moment before going in. From behind the door, she could hear what sounded like a young female voice. At least there were going to be people there her own age. Encouraged, she pushed open the door.

      Inside, the drawing-room was just as opulent as every other in the house. The lights were turned down low, evening shadows starting to dance in every corner. Sitting in huge sofas opposite each other were two stunning girls – one dark-skinned and smouldering; the other blonde and icy-looking. While they were both slim, the dark-haired one had an angular look that made Sapphire think she might be a model. She was gazing round with a bored expression while the blonde talked in an affected American drawl. Both were wearing tight body-con dresses that definitely weren’t off the rack at Topshop.

      ‘So I said to Lauren Conrad, like get over yourself bitch, and she said—’

      The blonde American girl stopped, suddenly aware of Sapphire’s presence. ‘Oh. Who are you?’ She gave Sapphire a snotty once-over and raised an eyebrow. ‘I didn’t realise tramp chic was in.’

      The blonde looked to the brunette for a laugh, but the other girl yawned and went back to staring out the window. Feeling rather stupid, Sapphire introduced herself. The blonde looked disdainfully at her hair, which was still wet from the shower and curling round her shoulders. She sniffed.

      ‘I’m Madison Vanderbilt, and this is Simonetta…er…Mongolla, or something.’

      ‘I’ve told you, it’s Mastrangelo,’ Simonetta said, shooting Madison a death stare. Sapphire had already decided that she really didn’t want to get on the wrong side of these girls. Neither looked like they were about to get up, until Madison spoke.

      ‘You can come and say hello if you want to.’ She stuck out a hand as if she were royalty. Sapphire walked across and took it, before Madison snatched it back as if she’d just touched something unpleasant. She waved Sapphire away, and without thinking, Sapphire backed away respectfully. As she sat down on a hard little stool, Sapphire laughed at herself in disbelief – she couldn’t believe she’d just done that!

      Simonetta looked at Sapphire, a secret smile playing on the edge of her lips. ‘So, you got the black invitation too, little creature? We were just talking about it.’

      ‘Er, yes I did. It was sent to my home.’

      ‘You’re English?’ said Madison.

      ‘Yes, I’m from London.’

      ‘Have you met the queen?’ Madison asked, her blue eyes showing interest for the first time.

      ‘Funnily enough, no,’ Sapphire replied, thinking Madison was winding her up.

      Apparently, she wasn’t. Madison just sighed, as if Sapphire was just one big disappointment. ‘When’s everyone else getting here? I need some proper people to talk to,’ said the blonde, staring up at the ceiling. So far she hadn’t once made eye contact with Sapphire.

      ‘I think Brad is back tomorrow so maybe they’re coming then,’ Sapphire ventured.

      Simonetta turned sharply towards her, incredulous. ‘How do you know that? About Mr Brad?’ she said.

      ‘Er…the housekeeper told me. Maggie.’

      ‘Ah,’ said Madison. ‘Already friends with the domestics. Tragic.’ She turned a hand over and studied her nails.

      After an excruciating five minutes in which Madison talked about herself, Simonetta closed her eyes as if asleep and Sapphire perched awkwardly on the stool wondering what on earth they were all doing there, the door opened and Maggie came in. Sapphire smiled with relief.

      ‘There you are, girls,’ Maggie exclaimed cheerfully. ‘Madison, Simonetta, I haven’t had the pleasure yet, but welcome to Casa Eleganza. I’m Maggie. If you need anything, just let me know.’

      ‘I’ll be sure to do that,’ said Madison, coolly.

      Maggie smiled blandly, as if Madison had said something nice. She’s got the patience of a saint, thought Sapphire. The housekeeper clasped her hands together. ‘I’m thrilled to see you all getting to know each other,’ she said. ‘Now, dinner will be served in a few minutes. Can I get you anything to drink in the meanwhile?’

      ‘A cosmopolitan,’ said Madison. ‘Pomegranate. I literally won’t drink anything else right now.’

      Maggie gave her a steely look. ‘Isn’t the legal drinking age twenty-one in America?’

      ‘Yeah, if you’re a loser. Besides, we’re not in America,’ said Madison condescendingly.

      Maggie ignored her and turned to the other two. ‘I’ll get you all a fresh pineapple juice.’ Giving Sapphire a wink, she exited the room with the light movement of someone half her age.

      At dinner, which was served in a long, elegant room with chandeliers twinkling above, Sapphire got a better look at both girls. From their manicured nails to their perfect eyebrows and salon blow-dried hair, they had an expensive gloss to them. Sapphire felt a bit like a poor relation, something Madison wasted no time in pointing out.

      ‘So, why is it you say you’re here?’ she said, toying with the delicious lobster ravioli she had barely touched.

      ‘My mum knows Brad Masters,’ Sapphire said. ‘She kind of told him I was doing my own thing musically and apparently he wanted to meet me.’ Even to her ears, it sounded hollow. Why am I here? she wondered for the umpteenth time.

      She turned to the sultry girl on her left. ‘What’s your connection to Brad, Simonetta?’ They’d already heard at great length how well-known Madison was on the New York/LA party scene, and how Brad must have spotted her there.

      Simonetta shrugged her tanned shoulders nonchalantly. ‘I am a model. I am beautiful. People recognise me. Brad contacted my agency and invited me out here.’

      ‘Oh, right,’ said Sapphire. She looked at Simonetta to see if she was winding her up with the being beautiful bit, but quickly realised she wasn’t.

      ‘I haven’t seen any of your work, you can’t be that successful,’ Madison said.

      Across the table Simonetta’s eyes glittered dangerously, but she didn’t dignify Madison’s comment with a response.

      ‘And what is it you do?’ said Madison, turning to Sapphire. ‘Clearly nothing in the fashion industry.’

      Sapphire ignored the jibe. ‘Actually, I’m a student. I’m doing an art degree.’

      Madison looked as if Sapphire had just made her eat a tablespoon of dog shit.

      ‘And I work too,’ Sapphire continued, with a sudden urge to displease Madison even more. ‘I’ve got a part-time job in a record shop. To help put me through art

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