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let out a low whistle.

      ‘Brad Masters, eh?’

      Sapphire played with a piece of her hair, as she always did when she had something on her mind. ‘What do you think?’

      Jerry was silent for a moment, considering. ‘I think as long as your mum’s OK with it, you should go. Sapphire, Brad Masters wants to meet you and talk about music!’

      ‘But I’m crap at melodies!’ she half wailed. ‘What if he asks me to sing something?’

      Jerry laughed at her anguished expression. ‘Then Brad Masters is the man to talk to about it! He knows the best people in the business. They’ll help you get it right.’

      ‘You really don’t mind if I take time off work? It’ll only be a few days.’

      Jerry clutched his hand to his chest. ‘It’ll be hard, but I’ll try to survive.’

      His silly face made Sapphire laugh, showing off her cute little dimples. ‘You’re the best, Jerry, thank you!’

      ‘Go get ‘em, kid,’ he said fondly.


       Capri, two weeks later

      Simonetta stepped out of the private jet and looked round triumphantly. This was what it was all about! She’d told her modelling agency that she was burned out and needed a last-minute holiday, and begrudgingly, they’d agreed. Lexi, her agent, wouldn’t have been so snotty if she knew Simonetta was going to stay with Brad Masters! Even though Simonetta had remained her aloof, disdainful self, inside she was bubbling with excitement. This was going to be the start of the rest of her life – the life she, Simonetta Mastrangelo, had always known she was destined for.

      An immaculately suited chauffeur was waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs. Simonetta paused and looked over her sunglasses at him, adding to the effect of her tight black dress and towering heels.

      ‘Buongiorno, signorina,’ he murmured. ‘If you would be so kind, your transport awaits.’

      He gestured with a white-gloved hand to a sleek, black Ferrari at the edge of the airfield. A smile crept over Simonetta’s face. Oh, yes, this was what it was all about. Flinging her hair back, she sashayed off, the admiring chauffeur following in her wake.

      Sapphire’s journey had been just as mind-blowing. After travelling first class for the first time in her life, she had been greeted at Capri airport by another chauffeur, this time in a gleaming Mercedes. After a short journey which made Sapphire feel like she was gliding along silk, the car had made its way with some difficulty down to a little port where a sleek yacht called Melodia had been waiting for her. Sapphire knew enough Italian from her GCSEs to know it was Italian for melody.

      But I’m rubbish at melodies – is this a bad omen? she thought, worriedly. Despite the stunning scenery around her, tension had been building in her stomach since she landed. Was it really such a good idea coming here? She had never met Brad Masters in her life and she wouldn’t know a soul at the party. Sapphire could only imagine the sort of movers and shakers who would be there; what on earth was she going to say to them?

      But the handsome young crew waiting aboard the boat soon took Sapphire’s mind off such matters. With their deep tans, white teeth and sinewy bodies, they looked like a chartbusting boy band.

      ‘Signor Masters especially wanted you to come to his house this way,’ Alberto the skipper told her. ‘It’s the best way to see Casa Eleganza.’

      Sapphire sat at the front of the boat, enjoying the sea air and occasional sea spray against her face. After ten minutes, Alberto pointed ahead and shouted something. As the speedboat zoomed round a rocky outcrop, Sapphire gasped. There, nestling above its own private beach and jetty, was a stunning white building the size of a palace. It was early evening by now and the sun was setting, a golden glow reflecting back at them from the windows.

      ‘Beautiful, eh?’ Alberto called.

      Speechless, Sapphire could only nod in agreement. It looked like something out of a fairytale.

      Up close, Casa Eleganza was even prettier, with jewel-coloured flowers tumbling from window boxes and immaculate green lawns stretching out in front. Despite the scorching heat, the grass was a dark emerald. Sapphire could see several gardeners hard at work. She was so busy taking in every detail she didn’t realise for a moment that they’d docked. Sapphire felt a warm hand on her shoulder and looked up to see Alberto smiling down at her. She blushed, wondering if all Brad Masters’ staff were this good-looking.

      A plump, friendly-faced old woman with grey hair tied back in a bun was standing expectantly on the end of the jetty. ‘You be careful now, Alberto!’ she called. Sapphire noticed she had a strong Irish accent. As Alberto helped Sapphire off the boat, the old lady stepped forward and clasped both of Sapphire’s hands warmly.

      Sapphire started to feel more relaxed. The woman had a kind, motherly air about her that just made you know she’d look after you. Yet somehow she also fitted in with the opulent, luxurious backdrop of Casa Eleganza, as if she was part and parcel of the place.

      ‘I’m Maggie O’Sullivan, housekeeper,’ said the woman. ‘And you must be Sapphire.’

      ‘Hi, Maggie,’ said Sapphire, suddenly feeling rather shy again. Maggie noticed and put a comforting arm around one shoulder. ‘You must be awful tired after your journey, so why don’t you come along and see your bedroom. I’ve had it made up extra-nice for you.’

      ‘What about my rucksack?’ Sapphire asked, but Maggie was already guiding her towards the house.

      ‘Ach, that’ll be brought up to your room shortly. Come along now.’

      If Sapphire had thought the chauffeur-driven car and the yacht were mind-blowing, her bedroom was something else. In fact, the word ‘bedroom’ didn’t do it justice, as Sapphire found when she walked through her own private living-room on to a sweeping balcony overlooking the sea.

      ‘Maggie, this is amazing!’ she gasped.

      The housekeeper smiled proudly. ‘Mr Masters does like to keep a nice house.’

      ‘It’s more than nice,’ said Sapphire, flopping on to a huge L-shaped sofa. Vases of exotic lilies stood everywhere, while the walls were cramped with modern art and expensive-looking paintings.

      ‘I’ll leave you to it,’ Maggie said. ‘You probably want a nice, long shower or something.’

      Sapphire suddenly felt a bit awkward. ‘Er, when is the party? I mean, do I need to change now or anything?’

      ‘The party isn’t tonight, pet, don’t worry. Mr Masters is flying in tomorrow from a business trip. He sends his apologies and says he looks forward to meeting with you.’

      ‘Oh,’ Sapphire said, feeling somewhat at a loss. What was she supposed to do until then?

      Maggie seemed to read her mind. ‘Why don’t you unpack and get yourself straight and then I’ll introduce you to the other guests.’

      Sapphire felt a jolt of nervous excitement in her stomach. The other guests, she thought. I hope they’re nice.

       Chapter five

      It was 6:55pm and Sapphire was due in the drawing-room in five minutes. Unfortunately, she didn’t even know what the drawing-room looked like, let alone how to find it.

      She gave herself one final look in the mirror. The vintage flowery tea-dress she’d bought from a second-hand shop in Covent Garden now looked a bit old and frumpy. Still, she didn’t have much else to choose from. As usual, Sapphire had left her packing to the last minute and had ended up throwing a mish-mash of random clothes in her rucksack. At least her dress for the

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