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except yourself can not limit you in anything! Even regulatory rules and laws, in fact, do not limit you if you are willing to pay a certain price for following your own principles.

      In this world there are no boundaries and unshakable rules. There are only limits and standards that you set for yourself! If your standards are higher, and the frames are wider than those of other people, you will get more than others! Increase standards – do more than people around you. Expand the scope – try what others are afraid to try. You benefit people by respecting someone else’s freedom – and you will have everything that you dream about.

      Chapter 2. Think Positively

      You see the world as you create it in your imagination

      The world around you is not good or bad. He is the way you imagine him in your imagination. What you expect from the world determines what reality you live in. If you draw in your imagination gloomy pictures, then the surrounding reality becomes grim. If you paint bright pictures yourself, then the world around becomes bright. Because the world is an illusion in which your expectations are reflected, and not an objective reality, as it seems to you.

      Your reality is your choice. What you choose will be your reality. If you choose to be afraid, the whole world will scare you. If you choose to be offended, the whole world will offend you. If you choose to worry, the whole world will bother you. If you choose to rejoice – the whole world will please you.

      If you choose to believe that there is a deficit in this world (love, happiness, time, money, etc.), then you will live in a world of scarcity. If you choose to believe that the world is full of abundance (ideas, opportunities, options, money, etc.), then you will live in a world of abundance. Your reality will always adjust to your expectations and paint the world in the colors that you paint in your imagination. So do not worry! Believe in the best! Believe that you can achieve everything and achieve everything! Draw the world with a beautiful, joyful, fair and abundant space! And not just space, but a blooming paradise garden with unlimited possibilities! And then your life will change after your picture of the world. For the better, of course.

      Look at all the pluses

      In all there are minuses and pluses. But from what you pay attention to, your overall perception of reality depends. If you notice mainly shortcomings, you all life will seem dark, negative, not ideal. If you consciously focus your attention on the merits – life will seem bright, bright and joyful.

      Ask yourself often:

      – If something happened, then what can be found in this positive?

      – If this happened, can this be changed?

      – If it can be changed, then what can you do right now?

      – If this can not be changed, then what benefit can be derived from this?

      Whatever you do, whatever you do, look for something positive in everything. Negative in life and so enough. The minuses are waiting for you literally at every step, disturbing the mind. Strip the negative cover from everything that surrounds you. Look for the pluses. They are in everything.

      Who is looking for, he finds

      What is needed is not always on the surface. Sometimes you have to search for what you need for a long time! It’s not always easy. Sometimes it starts to seem useless. In fact, any search ends with success, if not throw it ahead of time.

      If you are looking for something (for example, a source of passive income, a suitable methodology for self-development, a mentor, a life partner or a gold mine), do not stop until you find it. Even if you have to spend more time on it than you planned. Sometimes, to find a treasure buried near your own house, you need to pass half the world. But still, do not stop. Search. It would be insulting if it later turns out that you stopped a step away from success and agreed to accept defeat.

      Never give up! Who seeks, he finds! Squeeze yourself. Take an extra step. Overcome the Internet. Communicate with authoritative people. But find exactly what you need. Do not settle for less!

      What you are looking for may be closer than you think

      Perhaps you now think that what you want is too ambitious. Inaccessible. Hardly reachable. You will continue to appear until you take yourself in hand, determine the direction of your movement and take the first step towards the goal. Once you start moving towards the goal – it will cease to seem unattainable.

      Take a step – and what you are looking for will become a step closer.

      Take another step – and what you are looking for will come one step closer to you.

      Constantly ask yourself the question: “What can be done right now?”.

      Search and find. Act – and find. Define your goal and go to it purposefully. Look for new ways to do what you do more effectively. Look closely at the sides, look back – and you will find what you are looking for much faster. Remember that what you are looking for – can be much closer to you than you think.

      What you are looking for is also looking for you

      Your consciousness is arranged in such a way that you tend to notice around only what you are tuned to at the moment. Your thoughts, emotions, beliefs and expectations form in your mind just such a picture of the world that meets your expectations and is confirmed by your beliefs. And whatever your picture of the world is, you will certainly find confirmation of your beliefs in the real world. Because you will only notice around what you are set up and ignore what does not fit your picture of the world.

      For example, if you are convinced that all people around are scammers and expect them to deceive you, you will necessarily ignore the facts of their honesty, and the slightest mistake of any casual person will be interpreted as deliberate deception, reinforcing your conviction. And your disbelief you will repel from yourself normal people, even more convincing yourself that people around can not be trusted. But if you believe that people around are honest and expect honesty and integrity from them (without pretending that all people are such, without exception), then you will have a completely different picture of the world.

      What do you think about – and set up. What are you tuning for – then look. What you are looking for is what you notice. What you notice is what happens in your life. Everything is very simple.

      Ask yourself:

      – What do I think now?

      – What am I on right now?

      – What am I looking for right now?

      – What result do I expect now?

      You can tune in to the positive, and you can tune in to the negative. You can tune in to win, or you can tune into defeat. You can tune in to wealth, and you can tune in to poverty. And then, what you are tuning, be sure to begin to notice in the reality surrounding you. Because what you are looking for is also looking for you. And, as a rule, he finds.

      Each problem has a solution – you just need to find it

      There are no unsolvable problems. Any problem can be solved. Therefore, strictly speaking, there are no problems at all. There are only temporary difficulties that need to be overcome and the costs that must be incurred.

      If the problem can be solved with the help of some effort, then this is not a problem, but a difficulty, when you overcome it, you will become stronger.

      If the problem can be solved for money, then this is not a problem, but a cost.

      If some problem is not solved for a long

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