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or two new, more convenient tools will come.

      Most recently, the standard in the automotive industry was cars with gasoline engines. But on the market came the company Tesla and created a fashion for electric cars. As a result, Toyota launched a hybrid car (petrol + electric motor) into production, and Volvo announced plans to fully switch to the production of electric vehicles in 2019.

      And the financial market? More recently, it seemed stable (it’s not about exchange rates that jump like mountain goats, but about the fundamental principles of building a market). Lived themselves quietly dollars, euros, yuan and rubles. But there were crypto-currencies led by bitcoin and began to crowd traditional national currencies, threatening to completely change the world financial system.

      Everything changes very quickly. Some technologies are replaced by others and if you do not track them, you can miss out on the good tools to promote your products, continuing to invest time and money in something that does not work anymore.

      Watch the trends! Do not chase after fashion, but just keep track of all the changes in the industry and from time to time adjust your actions. Use the best achievements that give scientific and technological progress to be one step ahead of the rest. Do not hold on to the old, obsolete century! Go with the times!

      Model MY: Make Yourself

      The truth of life lies in the fact that no one will come from outside and make you a winner, champion, millionaire. Nobody in this, except you, is not interested. You need to do everything yourself, not trusting anyone. Neither friends, nor like-minded people, nor the state, nor colleagues at work, nor parents. The only thing you can count on is yourself.

      Of course, parents, friends, like-minded people and colleagues at work will not leave you in trouble and will help if something happens. But they will never knowingly help you grow, build a business, make an Out of you! They will never take responsibility for your life and lead you by the hand to the heights of success! With all desire, they will never be able to reveal for you all the potential inherent in you! It can only be done by you. And you have two ways: grow until you become an Oblivion or remain a lifetime with No one. Giant or Nobody is the choice that you need to make. And if you choose to become Giant, you will have to constantly work on yourself. Every day, without breaks and weekends. Without complaints and excuses.

      To be No one is easy. To remain a Nuke, you do not need to exert any effort. The whole society, including your friends, parents and like-minded people, will help you to remain by Nothing. But if you choose to become Giant – it will be difficult. We will have to constantly overcome ourselves, our weaknesses, break stereotypes, lose “friends”, etc.

      If, in spite of everything, you want to become a Giant – start working on yourself! Expand your potential, uproot persistent negative beliefs, train your body and mind.

      Start a special diary or notebook (success diary) and record all your achievements there: in business, in creativity, in working with the body and mind (records, read books, written articles, changed fates, lives saved, etc.). If you did today what did not work yesterday – write it down. If you did today for one push-up more than yesterday – write it down. If you did what you could be proud of – write it down.

      Even working on hired work, develop your own business and grow with him as a professional. Build capacity! As the state increases its armament and gold-currency reserves, increase its internal strength and stock up with assets. Increase the possibilities! Be ready at any time to make a leap and reach a new level, not available before!

      You are a sculptor of your body! You can mold out a real work of art from the nature of the harvest. You are the programmer of your mind! You can so train your own will and program your intellect that you will become the champion in any field of activity! You are the artist of your destiny! You can draw any picture of the world and determine for yourself the place that you want to occupy! You are the architect of your life! You can build a life you dream about!

      Do you want to become a famous musician? World Chess Champion? Leader in the MLM industry? A successful writer? A millionaire? Do you want to learn how to cook well? Invent? Make outstanding discoveries? Do the splits? Learn Chinese? All in your hands! Every day, work on yourself – and you will get everything you want! Nothing is impossible! Make efforts – and everything will turn out.

      You are the result of what you invest in time and money

      Perhaps you have noticed that successful people dispose of time and money quite differently than other people do. If ordinary people tend to invest time and money in entertainment (that is, irrevocably lose), then successful people tend to invest time and money in what will allow them to achieve their goals in the future.

      Since you are the result of what you are investing time and money in, it’s in your best interest to do it carefully and consciously. Do not lose them, and competently investing in your own future. You can now invest time and money in the acquisition and study of some useful course on sales or negotiations. You can right now invest time in the invention of some useful gadget and invest in its promotion. You can invest time and money in education, self-development, rejuvenation, family strengthening, creativity, etc. But do you do it?

      Right now, think about what is preventing you from investing time and money in what is most important to you. In that way, your life will not go to waste! In fact, thanks to which you can go down in history! In what will remain after you!

      Most people spend time and money very poorly, leaving behind only the mountains of garbage. All their time and all their money they spend on stupidity and do not bring any benefit to society. But if you understand why you live, you can start living differently. Consciously! Wisely managing your time and money.


      How much time did you spend on important things today?

      How much money did you spend today to become smarter and stronger?

      How much time and money have you invested today in getting closer to your dream?

      Think about whether you are busy. Think about what you would like to achieve. Whatever your dream – you can do it if you consciously invest time and money in what will bring you closer to your dream. Drop the nonsense! Do Great Deeds!

      Only you decide who to be – a chess player or a chess piece

      It happens that life in the person of the surrounding people tries to subordinate you; force you to do what you do not want. Since no one but you is interested in the success of your affairs, you will have to dance all your life to someone else’s pipe or learn to defend your opinion and not let other people steal from you the time of your life. If, of course, it has some value for you.

      How to do it? First of all, believe in yourself! Trite, but no one except you knows what you are capable of. Therefore, by default, you will be treated the way you will treat yourself. Do not think about yourself in a pejorative tone. You deserve the best! You are the Winner, whatever happens to you in the past. Your potential is unlimited! Do not convince yourself otherwise! You are a Giant! You can get everything you want! The main thing – believe in yourself!

      Only you can decide who you are. Master or servant. Chess player or chess player. It is you who determine the rules by which you live, and not the surrounding people. You can agree to be a servant, no one will object. But you can not agree with this. And to become the Boss of his time. The master of his fate. Life can only urge you until you allow it to do so. But as soon as you make a decision to live the life you dream about, everything will change. The main thing is to make the right decision and not to step back from it.

      Do not listen to anyone who will tell you that your dreams are naive. If you listen to anyone

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