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than you think! You are more powerful than you imagine! You are more successful than you can imagine! You are simply afraid to act! If you really bravely acted, and did not sit – you would have long been an outstanding man! Do not be satisfied with what has been achieved! Take Action! Grand Victory awaits you!

      Let go of the captivity of illusions

      Most people are subject to illusions. They live in a world they invented and do not even notice it. Successful people avoid illusions and try to perceive the real just as it is.

      The most partial illusions to which most people are exposed are the illusion “about tomorrow” and the illusion “about forever”. People always think that tomorrow will be better, so they leave important things for tomorrow. People always think that tomorrow there will be more opportunities, so today they do not make any attempts to change something. It always seems to people that tomorrow will be easier, so today they avoid difficulties and as a result they face even greater difficulties in the future. People always think that what interested them today is forever. In fact, it’s all an illusion.

      Tomorrow will not be better. Tomorrow will be the same as today (if not worse). Tomorrow there will be no more opportunities. Opportunities are only today. Tomorrow will not be easier. Tomorrow will be more difficult. And of course, what interests you today is not forever!

      Be attentive! Do not live in illusions! Everything is temporary. If you have the opportunity today to live the life that you want to live – use it. If not, do not wait for a more favorable time. Make an effort right now to change something that does not suit you. To make your “tomorrow” cloudless, change your life now. If something does not work out, then make an individual development plan and break out of the restrictions that you have. Let go of the captivity of illusions! Live your life, and do not sleep it!

      Write a story of your life

      Every day you make a choice: to continue to live exactly the same way you lived before or start a new life. If you are satisfied with everything, then you can not change anything. Live and rejoice. But you always have the opportunity to improve your health, achieve greater success, increase income, get more joy from life. If you decide to do this, you can right now start eating right, doing physical exercises, working more efficiently, reading more and experiencing less.

      Of course, this is difficult. Your past will not let you go. So make a “feint with ears” — write a story of your life. Divide your life into “before” and “after”. Describe your childhood, youth, your successes and failures, your achievements and victories, your principles and rules. Separately, shall describe their dreams, goals and plans for the future. Once you do this, you will see that your life will begin to change. All the past will immediately go to the past and will no longer interfere with the progress towards success.

      Regardless of what happened to you in the past, your future may be what you want. Write a story of your life. Draw conclusions. And starting from them, change your life.

      Expand opportunities, not reduce needs

      Everyone faces difficulties without exception. Whatever you do, difficulties will somehow persecute you all your life. There is no way to avoid difficulties. But you can learn to treat them correctly.

      How do ordinary people treat difficulties? People avoid them. Try to ignore them. If you can not ignore, they reduce the need or run away from difficulties, like a mouse from a furious cat. But this is an incorrect approach. You can not escape from difficulties. You can change the work of any number, spouses, friends. You can change cities for your residence or country. But until you change inside, you will attract the same events, the same people. You can go to an uninhabited island and still there will face the same difficulties as before. Because the source of the difficulties lies within yourself, and not somewhere outside.

      Perhaps you noticed that some people, not knowing how to realize themselves in the material world, go into the spiritual and begin to engage in spiritual practices. But what does it give to them? Nothing. If they could not realize themselves in the material world, they just can not be realized in the spiritual. Because both there and there you need to constantly work on yourself. Both there and there you need to strive for something and achieve something. Both there and there you need to be able to get along with people. And there, and there are the same difficulties! There is no point in running away from them. We need to learn how to overcome them!

      The way you perceive the outside world – as hell or heaven, as a place of permanent scarcity or a source of abundance – determines ultimately how you feel about difficulties. If you believe that our world is hell, it needs to work hard to survive and there will not be enough for everyone, so you need to try to snatch your piece right now, without thinking about what will happen next, then you will inevitably attract to my mind a lot of problems. And any, even the smallest, difficulties will constantly press on you, confirming your “correctness” regarding the world order. But if you believe that our world is a paradise, where it is not necessary to work hard to live worthily and any resources will suffice for everyone with an abundance, then no difficulties will break you.

      By and large, the world is an illusion formed by your own mind under the influence of surrounding circumstances. The world is just “that” just because you convinced yourself that he is like that. But you can choose in which world to live – in a world where everything is difficult or in a world where everything is easy. And you will certainly get evidence of what you believe. Because this is how the world works. Losers believe in failure, constantly looking for confirmation of their correctness and find what they are looking for. And successful people believe in success and that’s why they are successful!

      How do successful people relate to difficulties? They do not escape from difficulties. They do not ignore them. They take them and transform them. Yes, difficulties sometimes piss off, make you worry, limit opportunities. But they, at the same time, help to become stronger, wiser and richer. Faced with difficulties, successful people ask themselves:

      – Why did this happen?

      – How can I change this?

      – What can I do to prevent this from happening again?

      Every difficulty becomes a lesson for successful people. Due to overcoming difficulties they grow and become stronger. Successful people do not run away from problems, but solve them. Successful people do not ignore difficulties, but transform them into useful lessons. Successful people do not go with the flow, but achieve success!

      Learn to think like successful people! Believe in the best! Of course, you will not escape the difficulties. Objectively, they will remain and will remind you of yourself from time to time. But they will not bring you any problems! If you believe that the world is a source of problems, you will get them abundantly! But you can not do this! Believe that the world is the source of limitless possibilities! Believe that difficulties are useful lessons, thanks to which you can become stronger! Believe that you are born to win! Do not run away from problems – solve them. Do not reduce your needs, expand opportunities. Do not be content with the small, – dream about more! And most importantly, do not be afraid of anything, – act boldly and decisively!

      No borders! There are only frames that you install yourself!

      There are no clear limits and limitations in this world. You can do anything that is not prohibited by law and does not harm anyone. And you can at the same time achieve everything you want, if you do not dissuade yourself that this is possible!

      Do you want to become rich? You are welcome! Take any quality product that you would like to buy yourself and sell it! Do you want to become successful? On health! Take any problem that you would like to solve yourself and help people solve it.

      Do not think that something is

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