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ie Warrell

      Make Your Mark

      ‘Margie Warrell has done it again! Just when we might be feeling in need of encouraging words and advice, she's back with a book that challenges each of us to draw from within, to lend a hand to others and to reach higher without fear. Do yourself a favour and read it soon.'

– Kathy Calvin, President & CEO, United Nations Foundation

      ‘Make Your Mark provides a roadmap to move past the fears and over the hurdles holding you back so you can create a life that lights you up. Read. Now.'

– Estelle, Grammy award winning singer-songwriter

      ‘Written by a true master, Make Your Mark is your step-by-step guide to a life filled with passion and purpose. Highly practical, filled with wisdom and inspiration, this is a must read for anyone who wants to live a bigger life.'

– Louisa Jewell, President, Canadian Positive Psychology Association

      ‘If you've got big dreams but self-doubt keeps you from going after them, then this book has found its way to your hands for a reason. It's pointing you toward your biggest life. Read. Dare. Do.'

– Jacqui Cooper, Olympic Aerial Skier

      ‘I'm a big fan of Margie Warrell for both her practical uplifting work and what it draws out in me and all her readers. As with her other books, Make Your Mark provides clear guidance, practical tools, and deep wisdom, all focused on one aim: inspiring a better you. Read this book and you'll truly Make Your Mark!”

– Bill Treasurer, Author of Courage Goes to Work and Leaders Open Doors

      ‘Make Your Mark will show you how to develop the habits and mindset to take control of your destiny and create a life of impact and purpose.'

– Richard Reirson, Leadership Consultant

      ‘If you've ever asked yourself “What if?” or “What more?” this is the book for you. Make Your Mark is the ultimate guide to fearlessly creating the life of your dreams.'

– Janine Garner, Author of From Me To We

      ‘Never doubt the mark you can make when you commit to a purpose bigger than yourself. This book will show you how.'

– Jacinta McDonell, Co-founder, Anytime Fitness Australia & Founder, Human Kind Project and Urban Yoga

      ‘Margie Warrell has done it again … this book shows what's holding you back while igniting the spark of courage to light your path forward. Part wisdom guide, part workbook, Make Your Mark is the best gift you can give yourself or someone you love.'

– Suzi Pomerantz, CEO, Innovative Leadership International

      ‘Make Your Mark is a must read for anyone who isn't ready to settle for less than the biggest life they are capable of living. Buy it. Read it. Live it.'

– Michelle McQuaid, Author of Lead Like A Woman MARGIE WARRELL

      First published in 2017 by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd

      42 McDougall St, Milton Qld 4064

      Office also in Melbourne

      © Margie Warrell Global Pty Ltd 2017

      The moral rights of the author have been asserted

      National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication data:

      All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the Australian Copyright Act 1968 (for example, a fair dealing for the purposes of study, research, criticism or review), no part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, communicated or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written permission. All inquiries should be made to the publisher at the address above.

      Cover design: Delia Sala / Wiley

      Cover images: © Undrey/Shutterstock; © solarbird/Shutterstock; © Angie Makes/Shutterstock; © TabitaZn/Shutterstock

      Author photo: Alise Black


      The material in this publication is of the nature of general comment only, and does not represent professional advice. It is not intended to provide specific guidance for particular circumstances and it should not be relied on as the basis for any decision to take action or not take action on any matter which it covers. Readers should obtain professional advice where appropriate, before making any such decision. To the maximum extent permitted by law, the author and publisher disclaim all responsibility and liability to any person, arising directly or indirectly from any person taking or not taking action based on the information in this publication.

      About the author

      Find Your Courage, Stop Playing Safe, Brave.

      The titles of Margie's three previous bestselling books reflect her passion for helping people make braver decisions and lead bigger lives.

      Margie's had to find her courage many times since growing up as the big sister of seven on a dairy farm in rural Australia. Personal struggles, family tragedies, an armed robbery, having four children in five years: all have taught her valuable lessons about embracing change, building resilience and the power of purpose.

      Today Margie draws on her background in Fortune 500 business, coaching and psychology to equip people with the mindset and strategies needed to achieve stronger outcomes for themselves and others. Her clients include NASA, Accenture, Johnson & Johnson, Facebook, Mars, Australian Federal Police, Microsoft, Oracle, and the United Nations Foundation.

      Host of RawCourage.TV, Margie's insights have also been shaped by her work and interviews with leaders and luminaries such as Sir Richard Branson, Bill Marriott and Marianne Williamson. Margie has also co-authored two other books with world leadership experts Stephen Covey, Jack Canfield, Ken Blanchard and John Gray.

      An acclaimed keynote speaker and guest lecturer at Columbia and Georgetown universities, Margie is a sought-after commentator with leading media including The Wall Street Journal, Fox News, the Today show, Al Jazeera, Women's Health and Inc. Magazine. Her Forbes ‘Courage Works' column has been read by millions.

      A passionate advocate for gender equality, in 2010 Margie founded Global Courage to help women be stronger leaders across all sectors of society. She has since been appointed Australia's first Ambassador for Women in Global Business and has been made a Women's Economic Forum honouree. Margie is also an ambassador for Beyond Blue, and is committed to helping remove the stigma around mental illness and reducing the suffering of all those affected by it.

      An adventurer at heart, Margie has travelled off the beaten track in 70-plus countries. She's crossed the Sahara desert, stayed in Palestinian refugee camps, swum with piranhas in the Amazon, cycled the streets of Beijing, hiked the Inca trail, coached women in Africa's infamous Kibera slum and spent three years living in Papua New Guinea.

      When she's not juggling (and occasionally dropping) the many balls of making her own mark upon the world while raising her four teenage children (her proudest achievement), she enjoys planning adventures with them and her husband Andrew – most recently, summiting Mt Kilimanjaro.

      For inspiration and information please visit www.margiewarrell.com.


      An agent recently asked me if I had a five-year strategic plan for writing books. I told her it sounded like a great idea but, no, I didn't. This book, like all my others, evolved very organically from a casual conversation with my publisher, Lucy Raymond,

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