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of an Extraordinary ExecutiveThe Five Dysfunctions of a TeamDeath by MeetingSilos, Politics, and Turf WarsThe Three Signs of a Miserable JobField GuideOvercoming the Five Dysfunctions of a Team

      Copyright © 1998 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.

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      Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

      Lencioni, Patrick M., 1965-

      The five temptations of a CEO: a leadership fable / Patrick M.

      p. cm.

      ISBN 0-7879-4433-5 (acid-free paper)

      I. Title.

      PS3562.E479 F5 1998

      813’.54 – ddc21 98-9097

      Commemorative edition: 978-0-470-26758-5


      It’s hard to believe that it has been ten years since Patrick Lencioni burst onto the national scene with his best-selling book, The Five Temptations of a CEO. I never will forget reading that book for the first time and learning about the five temptations:

      • Temptation #1: Choosing status over results

      • Temptation #2: Choosing popularity over accountability

      • Temptation #3: Choosing certainty over clarity

      • Temptation #4: Choosing harmony over conflict

      • Temptation #5: Choosing invulnerability over trust

      Since this book came out in 1998, Patrick has had even greater success with The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, The Three Signs of a Miserable Job, Death by Meeting, Silos Politics and Turf Wars, and The Four Obsessions of an Extraordinary Executive. These books have become business classics – and required reading for Orlando Magic employees – and have lifted Patrick to a highly treasured slot as one of America’s business gurus. You will not want to miss absorbing the many truths and life lessons that he offers.

      I have shared the speaking podium with Patrick on a number of occasions. He’s an even better speak than writer, if that is possible. His ability to mesmerize an audience with humor, brutal frankness, and wise counsel makes him a highly sought-after lecturer. I am most impressed, however, with Patrick’s people skills. Despite his awesome success and fame, he remains approachable as he is never too busy or distracted to spend time talking with his fans.

      I predict that The Five Temptations of a CEO will have greater success on the second go-round than on the first. If you missed it before be sure to read it thoroughly and then start applying the valuable lessons to your life immediately. Your success as a CEO is guaranteed to reach the highest levels.

      Pat Williams

      April 2008


      I must admit that I find it surprisingly difficult to reflect on the last ten years since the publishing of my first book, The Five Temptations of a CEO. Some of that is just my personality, but most of it is due to the fact that the last decade for me has been a blur.

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